14,740 research outputs found

    Quickest Paths: Faster Algorithms and Dynamization

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    Given a network N=(V,E,c,l)N=(V,E,{c},{l}), where G=(V,E)G=(V,E), V=n|V|=n and E=m|E|=m, is a directed graph, c(e)3˘e0{c}(e) \u3e 0 is the capacity and l(e)0{l}(e) \ge 0 is the lead time (or delay) for each edge eEe\in E, the quickest path problem is to find a path for a given source--destination pair such that the total lead time plus the inverse of the minimum edge capacity of the path is minimal. The problem has applications to fast data transmissions in communication networks. The best previous algorithm for the single--pair quickest path problem runs in time O(rm+rnlogn)O(r m+r n \log n), where rr is the number of distinct capacities of NN \cite{ROS}. In this paper, we present algorithms for general, sparse and planar networks that have significantly lower running times. For general networks, we show that the time complexity can be reduced to O(rm+rnlogn)O(r^{\ast} m+r^{\ast} n \log n), where rr^{\ast} is at most the number of capacities greater than the capacity of the shortest (with respect to lead time) path in NN. For sparse networks, we present an algorithm with time complexity O(nlogn+rn+rγ~logγ~)O(n \log n + r^{\ast} n + r^{\ast} \tilde{\gamma} \log \tilde{\gamma}), where γ~\tilde{\gamma} is a topological measure of NN. Since for sparse networks γ~\tilde{\gamma} ranges from 11 up to Θ(n)\Theta(n), this constitutes an improvement over the previously known bound of O(rnlogn)O(r n \log n) in all cases that γ~=o(n)\tilde{\gamma}=o(n). For planar networks, the complexity becomes O(nlogn+nlog3γ~+rγ~)O(n \log n + n\log^3 \tilde{\gamma}+ r^{\ast} \tilde{\gamma}). Similar improvements are obtained for the all--pairs quickest path problem. We also give the first algorithm for solving the dynamic quickest path problem

    Quickest paths: faster algorithms and dynamization

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    Given a network N=(V,E,c,l)N=(V,E,{c},{l}), where G=(V,E)G=(V,E), V=n|V|=n and E=m|E|=m, is a directed graph, c(e)>0{c}(e) > 0 is the capacity and l(e)0{l}(e) \ge 0 is the lead time (or delay) for each edge eEe\in E, the quickest path problem is to find a path for a given source--destination pair such that the total lead time plus the inverse of the minimum edge capacity of the path is minimal. The problem has applications to fast data transmissions in communication networks. The best previous algorithm for the single pair quickest path problem runs in time O(rm+rnlogn)O(r m+r n \log n), where rr is the number of distinct capacities of NN. In this paper, we present algorithms for general, sparse and planar networks that have significantly lower running times. For general networks, we show that the time complexity can be reduced to O(rm+rnlogn)O(r^{\ast} m+r^{\ast} n \log n), where rr^{\ast} is at most the number of capacities greater than the capacity of the shortest (with respect to lead time) path in NN. For sparse networks, we present an algorithm with time complexity O(nlogn+rn+rγ~logγ~)O(n \log n + r^{\ast} n + r^{\ast} \tilde{\gamma} \log \tilde{\gamma}), where γ~\tilde{\gamma} is a topological measure of NN. Since for sparse networks γ~\tilde{\gamma} ranges from 11 up to Θ(n)\Theta(n), this constitutes an improvement over the previously known bound of O(rnlogn)O(r n \log n) in all cases that γ~=o(n)\tilde{\gamma}=o(n). For planar networks, the complexity becomes O(nlogn+nlog3γ~+rγ~)O(n \log n + n\log^3 \tilde{\gamma}+ r^{\ast} \tilde{\gamma}). Similar improvements are obtained for the all--pairs quickest path problem. We also give the first algorithm for solving the dynamic quickest path problem

    Optimizing Emergency Transportation through Multicommodity Quickest Paths

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    In transportation networks with limited capacities and travel times on the arcs, a class of problems attracting a growing scientific interest is represented by the optimal routing and scheduling of given amounts of flow to be transshipped from the origin points to the specific destinations in minimum time. Such problems are of particular concern to emergency transportation where evacuation plans seek to minimize the time evacuees need to clear the affected area and reach the safe zones. Flows over time approaches are among the most suitable mathematical tools to provide a modelling representation of these problems from a macroscopic point of view. Among them, the Quickest Path Problem (QPP), requires an origin-destination flow to be routed on a single path while taking into account inflow limits on the arcs and minimizing the makespan, namely, the time instant when the last unit of flow reaches its destination. In the context of emergency transport, the QPP represents a relevant modelling tool, since its solutions are based on unsplittable dynamic flows that can support the development of evacuation plans which are very easy to be correctly implemented, assigning one single evacuation path to a whole population. This way it is possible to prevent interferences, turbulence, and congestions that may affect the transportation process, worsening the overall clearing time. Nevertheless, the current state-of-the-art presents a lack of studies on multicommodity generalizations of the QPP, where network flows refer to various populations, possibly with different origins and destinations. In this paper we provide a contribution to fill this gap, by considering the Multicommodity Quickest Path Problem (MCQPP), where multiple commodities, each with its own origin, destination and demand, must be routed on a capacitated network with travel times on the arcs, while minimizing the overall makespan and allowing the flow associated to each commodity to be routed on a single path. For this optimization problem, we provide the first mathematical formulation in the scientific literature, based on mixed integer programming and encompassing specific features aimed at empowering the suitability of the arising solutions in real emergency transportation plans. A computational experience performed on a set of benchmark instances is then presented to provide a proof-of-concept for our original model and to evaluate the quality and suitability of the provided solutions together with the required computational effort. Most of the instances are solved at the optimum by a commercial MIP solver, fed with a lower bound deriving from the optimal makespan of a splittable-flow relaxation of the MCQPP

    A Stackelberg Strategy for Routing Flow over Time

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    Routing games are used to to understand the impact of individual users' decisions on network efficiency. Most prior work on routing games uses a simplified model of network flow where all flow exists simultaneously, and users care about either their maximum delay or their total delay. Both of these measures are surrogates for measuring how long it takes to get all of a user's traffic through the network. We attempt a more direct study of how competition affects network efficiency by examining routing games in a flow over time model. We give an efficiently computable Stackelberg strategy for this model and show that the competitive equilibrium under this strategy is no worse than a small constant times the optimal, for two natural measures of optimality

    Graph Orientation and Flows Over Time

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    Flows over time are used to model many real-world logistic and routing problems. The networks underlying such problems -- streets, tracks, etc. -- are inherently undirected and directions are only imposed on them to reduce the danger of colliding vehicles and similar problems. Thus the question arises, what influence the orientation of the network has on the network flow over time problem that is being solved on the oriented network. In the literature, this is also referred to as the contraflow or lane reversal problem. We introduce and analyze the price of orientation: How much flow is lost in any orientation of the network if the time horizon remains fixed? We prove that there is always an orientation where we can still send 13\frac{1}{3} of the flow and this bound is tight. For the special case of networks with a single source or sink, this fraction is 12\frac12 which is again tight. We present more results of similar flavor and also show non-approximability results for finding the best orientation for single and multicommodity maximum flows over time