16 research outputs found

    AHP based contractor selection procedure for highway infrastructure projects in Serbia

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    Primena AHP metode višekriterijumske optimizacije za izbor krana na velikim investicionim projektima

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    Izbor krana na velikim investicionim projektima predstavlja rizičnu aktivnost za postizanje osnovnih ciljeva projeka. Kao posledica lošeg izbora krana mogu se javiti kašnjenja zbog loše organizacije, kao i prekoračenje budžeta. Ustaljena peraksa je da se izbor krana vrši na osnovu najvećeg tereta koji se podiže i najvećeg radijusa dejstva krana, iako je to često predmet kritike istraživača, kao i lica koja se time bave u praksi. Problem izbora krana treba posmatrati kao problem višekriterijumske optimizacije. U ovom radu za izbor krana na velikim građevinskim projektima korišćena je AHP metoda. Predloženi model primenjen je na studiji slučaja izgradnje industrijskog objekta i dati su rezultati sa diskusijom

    Perbandingan Metodologi Reduksi Variabel Antara Axiomatic Design Dengan Analytical Hierarchy Process Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan, Tinjauan Dari Sudut Pandang Pengendalian Kualitas Berkelanjutan

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    Reduction of variables required for selecting and specifying some of the most important variables without losing the overall information is needed in decision making. There are several methods of reduction of variables in statistical data processing for quality control improvement program. This paper examines the comparison between the methods of Axiomatic Design with Analytic Hierarchy Process as a tool for selecting, classifying and reducing the data variables in the decision making process. Both methods give different steps to determine variable value, each of the steps is reviewed for its advantage or disadvantage over the other. No significant advantage of using one method than the other, the selection of method for reducing the use of variables is based on the needs of researchers

    AHP based contractor selection procedure for highway infrastructure projects in Serbia

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    Synthesis of main criteria, methods and issues of multicriteria supplier selection

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    O objetivo do presente artigo é identificar na literatura quais são os principais critérios considerados no processo de decisão, os principais métodos individuais e combinados e os subproblemas da seleção de fornecedores no contexto multicritério. Cabe ressaltar que as tarefas de avaliar e identificar os melhores fornecedores para um novo produto ou serviço são essenciais ao gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos (GCS). Para executá-las apropriadamente, considerando-se a natureza multicritério da seleção de fornecedores, torna-se necessária a inclusão de uma abordagem de agregação dos critérios, cuja escolha depende basicamente dos objetivos da decisão, tipos de critérios a serem utilizados e racionalidade do decisor. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, optou-se por utilizar o procedimento da revisão sistemática da literatura que segue o protocolo proposto por Cronin, Ryan e Coughlan (2008), abrangendo artigos publicados nas bases ISI Web of Knowledge e Scopus, no período de 2001 a 2012. Além de sintetizar o conhecimento acerca do tema, o artigo ressalta os principais critérios, métodos e subproblemas da seleção de fornecedores, com isso, contribui ao identificar os aspectos que devem ser desenvolvidos em estudos futuros e ao apresentar aos gestores abordagens existentes para a tomada de decisões relativa à seleção de fornecedores de forma sistematizada.The purpose of this paper is to identify the main criteria considered in supplier selection, the main methods used and sub-problems in a multicriteria context. The tasks of identifying the best suppliers of new products or services or even for evaluating the performance of an existing supplier is essential to supply chain management (SCM). In order to perform these tasks properly, and considering the multicriteria nature of supplier selection, it is necessary to include an approach using aggregation of criteria, primarily chosen depending on the objectives of the decision, types of criteria to be used and the rationality of the decision maker. In order to achieve this objective this research used a systematic literature review of articles published in ISI Web of Knowledge and Scopus for the period 2001-2012 following the protocol proposed by Cronin, Ryan and Coughlan (2008). In addition to synthesizing knowledge about the subject, the article highlights the key criteria, methods and sub-problems of selection of suppliers, contributing by identifying the aspects that should be developed in future studies. It also provides managers with existing approaches to making decisions about supplier selection in a systematic way

    Systemic decision making in AHP: a Bayesian approach

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    Systemic decision making is a new approach for dealing with complex multiactor decision making problems in which the actors’ individual preferences on a fixed set of alternatives are incorporated in a holistic view in accordance with the “principle of tolerance”. The new approach integrates all the preferences, even if they are encapsulated in different individual theoretical models or approaches; the only requirement is that they must be expressed as some kind of probability distribution. In this paper, assuming the analytic hier archy process (AHP) is the multicriteria technique employed to rank alternatives, the authors present a new methodology based on a Bayesian analysis for dealing with AHP systemic decision making in a local context (a single criterion). The approach integrates the individual visions of reality into a collective one by means of a tolerance distribution, which is defined as the weighted geometric mean of the individual preferences expressed as probability distributions. A mathematical justification of this distribution, a study of its statistical properties and aMonte Carlo method for drawing samples are also provided. The paper further presents a number of decisional tools for the evaluation of the acceptance of the tolerance distribution, the construction of tolerance paths that increase representativeness and the extraction of the relevant knowledge of the subjacent multiactor decisional process from a cognitive perspective. Finally, the proposed methodology is applied to the AHP-multiplicative model with lognormal errors and a case study related to a real-life experience in local participatory budgets for the Zaragoza City Council (Spain)