43 research outputs found

    Prediction, Recommendation and Group Analytics Models in the domain of Mashup Services and Cyber-Argumentation Platform

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    Mashup application development is becoming a widespread software development practice due to its appeal for a shorter application development period. Application developers usually use web APIs from different sources to create a new streamlined service and provide various features to end-users. This kind of practice saves time, ensures reliability, accuracy, and security in the developed applications. Mashup application developers integrate these available APIs into their applications. Still, they have to go through thousands of available web APIs and chose only a few appropriate ones for their application. Recommending relevant web APIs might help application developers in this situation. However, very low API invocation from mashup applications creates a sparse mashup-web API dataset for the recommendation models to learn about the mashups and their web API invocation pattern. One research aims to analyze these mashup-specific critical issues, look for supplemental information in the mashup domain, and develop web API recommendation models for mashup applications. The developed recommendation model generates useful and accurate web APIs to reduce the impact of low API invocations in mashup application development. Cyber-Argumentation platform also faces a similarly challenging issue. In large-scale cyber argumentation platforms, participants express their opinions, engage with one another, and respond to feedback and criticism from others in discussing important issues online. Argumentation analysis tools capture the collective intelligence of the participants and reveal hidden insights from the underlying discussions. However, such analysis requires that the issues have been thoroughly discussed and participant’s opinions are clearly expressed and understood. Participants typically focus only on a few ideas and leave others unacknowledged and underdiscussed. This generates a limited dataset to work with, resulting in an incomplete analysis of issues in the discussion. One solution to this problem would be to develop an opinion prediction model for cyber-argumentation. This model would predict participant’s opinions on different ideas that they have not explicitly engaged. In cyber-argumentation, individuals interact with each other without any group coordination. However, the implicit group interaction can impact the participating user\u27s opinion, attitude, and discussion outcome. One of the objectives of this research work is to analyze different group analytics in the cyber-argumentation environment. The objective is to design an experiment to inspect whether the critical concepts of the Social Identity Model of Deindividuation Effects (SIDE) are valid in our argumentation platform. This experiment can help us understand whether anonymity and group sense impact user\u27s behavior in our platform. Another section is about developing group interaction models to help us understand different aspects of group interactions in the cyber-argumentation platform. These research works can help develop web API recommendation models tailored for mashup-specific domains and opinion prediction models for the cyber-argumentation specific area. Primarily these models utilize domain-specific knowledge and integrate them with traditional prediction and recommendation approaches. Our work on group analytic can be seen as the initial steps to understand these group interactions

    Trust aware system for social networks: A comprehensive survey

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    Social networks are the platform for the users to get connected with other social network users based on their interest and life styles. Existing social networks have millions of users and the data generated by them are huge and it is difficult to differentiate the real users and the fake users. Hence a trust worthy system is recommended for differentiating the real and fake users. Social networking enables users to send friend requests, upload photos and tag their friends and even suggest them the web links based on the interest of the users. The friends recommended, the photos tagged and web links suggested may be a malware or an untrusted activity. Users on social networks are authorised by providing the personal data. This personal raw data is available to all other users online and there is no protection or methods to secure this data from unknown users. Hence to provide a trustworthy system and to enable real users activities a review on different methods to achieve trustworthy social networking systems are examined in this paper

    Investigations into Elasticity in Cloud Computing

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    The pay-as-you-go model supported by existing cloud infrastructure providers is appealing to most application service providers to deliver their applications in the cloud. Within this context, elasticity of applications has become one of the most important features in cloud computing. This elasticity enables real-time acquisition/release of compute resources to meet application performance demands. In this thesis we investigate the problem of delivering cost-effective elasticity services for cloud applications. Traditionally, the application level elasticity addresses the question of how to scale applications up and down to meet their performance requirements, but does not adequately address issues relating to minimising the costs of using the service. With this current limitation in mind, we propose a scaling approach that makes use of cost-aware criteria to detect the bottlenecks within multi-tier cloud applications, and scale these applications only at bottleneck tiers to reduce the costs incurred by consuming cloud infrastructure resources. Our approach is generic for a wide class of multi-tier applications, and we demonstrate its effectiveness by studying the behaviour of an example electronic commerce site application. Furthermore, we consider the characteristics of the algorithm for implementing the business logic of cloud applications, and investigate the elasticity at the algorithm level: when dealing with large-scale data under resource and time constraints, the algorithm's output should be elastic with respect to the resource consumed. We propose a novel framework to guide the development of elastic algorithms that adapt to the available budget while guaranteeing the quality of output result, e.g. prediction accuracy for classification tasks, improves monotonically with the used budget.Comment: 211 pages, 27 tables, 75 figure

    Probabilistic analysis of QoS-aware service composition with Explicit Environment Models

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    Service composition is one of the primary ways to provide value-added services on the Internet. Quality-of-Service (QoS) represents a crucial indicator for the underlying composition policy adoption, but it is highly influenced by various environmental factors. Existing composition strategies rarely take the influence of environment into consideration explicitly, which may lead to sub-optimal composition policies in a dynamic environment. In this paper, a model-based service composition approach is proposed. Given the user request, it is possible to first find a set of matching abstract web services (AWSs), and then pull relevant concrete web services (CWSs) based on the AWSs. The set of CWSs can be modelled as a Markov decision process (MDP). In addition, we model the environment as a fully probabilistic system, capturing changes of environment probabilistically. The environment model can be further composed with the MDP from the service models, obtaining a monolithic MDP. The policy of which corresponds the selection of concrete services. We demonstrate how probabilistic verification techniques can be used to find the optimal service selection strategy against their QoS and the environment change. A distinguished feature of our approach is that the QoS of services, as well as the dynamic of environment change, are made parametric, so that the formal analysis is adaptive to the environment which is of paramount importance for autonomous and self-adaptive systems. Examples and experiments confirm the feasibility of our approach

    Improved online services by personalized recommendations and optimal quality of experience parameters

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    Improving reliability of service oriented systems with consideration of cost and time constraints in clouds

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    Web service technology is more and more popular for the implementation of service oriented systems. Additionally, cloud computing platforms, as an efficient and available environment, can provide the computing, networking and storage resources in order to decrease the budget of companies to deploy and manage their systems. Therefore, more service oriented systems are migrated and deployed in clouds. However, these applications need to be improved in terms of reliability, for certain components have low reliability. Fault tolerance approaches can improve software reliability. However, more redundant units are required, which increases the cost and the execution time of the entire system. Therefore, a migration and deployment framework with fault tolerance approaches with the consideration of global constraints in terms of cost and execution time may be needed. This work proposes a migration and deployment framework to guide the designers of service oriented systems in order to improve the reliability under global constraints in clouds. A multilevel redundancy allocation model is adopted for the framework to assign redundant units to the structure of systems with fault tolerance approaches. An improved genetic algorithm is utilised for the generation of the migration plan that takes the execution time of systems and the cost constraints into consideration. Fault tolerant approaches (such as NVP, RB and Parallel) can be integrated into the framework so as to improve the reliability of the components at the bottom level. Additionally, a new encoding mechanism based on linked lists is proposed to improve the performance of the genetic algorithm in order to reduce the movement of redundant units in the model. The experiments compare the performance of encoding mechanisms and the model integrated with different fault tolerance approaches. The empirical studies show that the proposed framework, with a multilevel redundancy allocation model integrated with the fault tolerance approaches, can generate migration plans for service oriented systems in clouds with the consideration of cost and execution time

    n-Dimensional Prediction of RT-SOA QoS

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    Service-Orientation has long provided an effective mechanism to integrate heterogeneous systems in a loosely coupled fashion as services. However, with the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT) there is a growing need to facilitate the integration of real-time services executing in non-controlled, non-real-time, environments such as the Cloud. As such there has been a drive in recent years to develop mechanisms for deriving reliable Quality of Service (QoS) definitions based on the observed performance of services, specifically in order to facilitate a Real-Time Quality of Service (RT-QoS) definition. Due to the overriding challenge in achieving this is the lack of control over the hosting Cloud system many approaches either look at alternative methods that ignore the underlying infrastructure or assume some level of control over interference such as the provision of a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). There is therefore a major research challenge to find methods that facilitate RT-QoS in environments that do not provide the level of control over interference that is traditionally required for real-time systems. This thesis presents a comprehensive review and analysis of existing QoS and RT-QoS techniques. The techniques are classified into seven categories and the most significant approaches are tested for their ability to provide QoS definitions that are not susceptible to dynamic changing levels of interference. This work then proposes a new n-dimensional framework that models the relationship between resource utilisation, resource availability on host servers, and the response-times of services. The framework is combined with real-time schedulability tests to dynamically provide guarantees on response-times for ranges of resource availabilities and identifies when those conditions are no longer suitable. The proposed framework is compared against the existing techniques using simulation and then evaluated in the domain of Cloud computing where the approach demonstrates an average overallocation of 12%, and provides alerts across 94% of QoS violations within the first 14% of execution progress