10,418 research outputs found

    System Level Synthesis

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    This article surveys the System Level Synthesis framework, which presents a novel perspective on constrained robust and optimal controller synthesis for linear systems. We show how SLS shifts the controller synthesis task from the design of a controller to the design of the entire closed loop system, and highlight the benefits of this approach in terms of scalability and transparency. We emphasize two particular applications of SLS, namely large-scale distributed optimal control and robust control. In the case of distributed control, we show how SLS allows for localized controllers to be computed, extending robust and optimal control methods to large-scale systems under practical and realistic assumptions. In the case of robust control, we show how SLS allows for novel design methodologies that, for the first time, quantify the degradation in performance of a robust controller due to model uncertainty -- such transparency is key in allowing robust control methods to interact, in a principled way, with modern techniques from machine learning and statistical inference. Throughout, we emphasize practical and efficient computational solutions, and demonstrate our methods on easy to understand case studies.Comment: To appear in Annual Reviews in Contro

    Quantum and classical resources for unitary design of open-system evolutions

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    A variety of tasks in quantum control, ranging from purification and cooling to quantum stabilisation and open-system simulation, rely on the ability to implement a target quantum channel over a specified time interval within prescribed accuracy. This can be achieved by engineering a suitable unitary dynamics of the system of interest along with its environment, which, depending on the available level of control, is fully or partly exploited as a coherent quantum controller. After formalising a controllability framework for completely positive trace-preserving quantum dynamics, we provide sufficient conditions on the environment state and dimension that allow for the realisation of relevant classes of quantum channels, including extreme channels, stochastic unitaries or simply any channel. The results hinge on generalisations of Stinespring's dilation via a subsystem principle. In the process, we show that a conjecture by Lloyd on the minimal dimension of the environment required for arbitrary open-system simulation, albeit formally disproved, can in fact be salvaged, provided that classical randomisation is included among the available resources. Existing measurement-based feedback protocols for universal simulation, dynamical decoupling and dissipative state preparation are recast within the proposed coherent framework as concrete applications, and the resources they employ discussed in the light of the general results

    Optimal Control of Two-Player Systems with Output Feedback

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    In this article, we consider a fundamental decentralized optimal control problem, which we call the two-player problem. Two subsystems are interconnected in a nested information pattern, and output feedback controllers must be designed for each subsystem. Several special cases of this architecture have previously been solved, such as the state-feedback case or the case where the dynamics of both systems are decoupled. In this paper, we present a detailed solution to the general case. The structure of the optimal decentralized controller is reminiscent of that of the optimal centralized controller; each player must estimate the state of the system given their available information and apply static control policies to these estimates to compute the optimal controller. The previously solved cases benefit from a separation between estimation and control which allows one to compute the control and estimation gains separately. This feature is not present in general, and some of the gains must be solved for simultaneously. We show that computing the required coupled estimation and control gains amounts to solving a small system of linear equations

    Quantum control theory and applications: A survey

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    This paper presents a survey on quantum control theory and applications from a control systems perspective. Some of the basic concepts and main developments (including open-loop control and closed-loop control) in quantum control theory are reviewed. In the area of open-loop quantum control, the paper surveys the notion of controllability for quantum systems and presents several control design strategies including optimal control, Lyapunov-based methodologies, variable structure control and quantum incoherent control. In the area of closed-loop quantum control, the paper reviews closed-loop learning control and several important issues related to quantum feedback control including quantum filtering, feedback stabilization, LQG control and robust quantum control.Comment: 38 pages, invited survey paper from a control systems perspective, some references are added, published versio

    Galerkin approximations for the optimal control of nonlinear delay differential equations

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    Optimal control problems of nonlinear delay differential equations (DDEs) are considered for which we propose a general Galerkin approximation scheme built from Koornwinder polynomials. Error estimates for the resulting Galerkin-Koornwinder approximations to the optimal control and the value function, are derived for a broad class of cost functionals and nonlinear DDEs. The approach is illustrated on a delayed logistic equation set not far away from its Hopf bifurcation point in the parameter space. In this case, we show that low-dimensional controls for a standard quadratic cost functional can be efficiently computed from Galerkin-Koornwinder approximations to reduce at a nearly optimal cost the oscillation amplitude displayed by the DDE's solution. Optimal controls computed from the Pontryagin's maximum principle (PMP) and the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation (HJB) associated with the corresponding ODE systems, are shown to provide numerical solutions in good agreement. It is finally argued that the value function computed from the corresponding reduced HJB equation provides a good approximation of that obtained from the full HJB equation.Comment: 29 pages. This is a sequel of the arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.0042
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