8 research outputs found

    Integrated Stochastic and Literate Based Driven Approaches in Learning Style Identification for Personalized E-Learning Purpose

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    This paper presents integrated stochastic and literate based driven approaches in learning style identification for personalized e-learning purpose. Shifting a paradigm in education from teacher learning to student learning center has encouraged that learning should follow and tailor learners’ characteristics in the form of personalized e-learning. There are several aspects to describe a condition of learners such as prior knowledge, learning goals, learning styles, cognitive ability, learning interest, and motivation. Even though, in many studies of the personalized e-learning, the learning style plays a significant role. In terms of e-learning, implementing several methods for identifying learner style becomes more challenging. Artificial intelligence and machine learning method give good accuracy, but they still have some issues in computation. Additionally, the stationary method is very hard to represent non-deterministic and dynamic data. Therefore, this research proposes the learning style identification by integrating stochastic and literate based driven approaches. Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and the Naïve Bayes as the Stochastic Approach have been implemented. Subsequently, learner behavior as the literate based data is used to get hints during accessing the learning objects. The proposed model has been implemented to VARK learning style. The accuracy is calculated by comparing the model results with the questionnaire results. When Using the HMM, the proposed model gives accuracy in the range of 95% up to 96.67%. Additionally, when using the Naïve Bayes; the accuracy is 93.33%. The results give better accuracy compared to previous studies. In conclusion, the proposed model is promising for modeling learner style in personalized e-learning


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      In this paper, we present an innovative solution to improve adaptivity in an e-learning system using Brain Computer Interface (BCI) measures (Attention/Meditation) in order to detect changes in students’ preferred perceptual modes for learning information (VARK model). Our solution is also able to report course units and learning resources that could be difficult for the students

    Um estudo sobre a associa??o entre os Estilos de Aprendizagem e Objetos de Aprendizagem no processo de personaliza??o do ensino

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    A recomenda??o de Objetos de Aprendizagem e detec??o de Estilos de Aprendizagem tem atra?do interesse de muitos pesquisadores. Este trabalho descreve os resultados alcan?ados com a execu??o da Revis?o Sistem?tica da Literatura, cujo objetivo foi mapear os Estilos de Aprendizagem e Objetos de Aprendizagem. A motiva??o em realizar esta pesquisa se deve ao crescimento expressivo e em curto prazo do n?mero de trabalhos que abordam ambos os conceitos: Estilo de Aprendizagem (EA) e Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA). o Estilo de Aprendizagem s?o as prefer?ncias individuais de aprendizado do aluno, definidas conforme o modo de percep??o, processamento da informa??o e solu??o de problemas de cada indiv?duo. J? o Objeto de Aprendizagem refere-se ?s a??es instrucionais indicadas aos alunos, assim, s?o exemplos de OA, os recursos educativos: v?deos, imagens, palestras, jogos, dentre outros. O conceito de Estilo de Aprendizagem e Objeto de Aprendizagem est?o relacionados em abordagens diferentes. A primeira delas ? a detec??o do Estilo de Aprendizagem do aluno e posterior recomenda??o dos Objetos de Aprendizagem. A outra abordagem ? a detec??o do EA do aluno a partir da verifica??o dos OA acessados durante o seu itiner?rio pedag?gico. Assim, o intuito ? saber como emerge, nestes contextos, a rela??o entre o EA e o OA. Al?m disso, encontrar pressupostos que indiquem o motivo pelo qual esta tem?tica ? explorada com dinamismo pela comunidade acad?mica, a ponto de contemplar em um per?odo temporal curto, diversos trabalhos com esta abordagem. Os resultados apontaram in?meras inconsist?ncias na forma como os recursos educativos s?o indicados a determinados perfis de alunos, suscitando questionamentos acerca da efetividade dos Estilos de Aprendizagem no processo de recomenda??o de Objetos de Aprendizagem. A revis?o permitiu ir al?m da apresenta??o dos Objetos de Aprendizagem relacionados aos respectivos Estilos de Aprendizagem, assim propomos a utiliza??o de pesos representativos do grau da import?ncia do recurso educativo para um determinado perfil de aluno. Foi poss?vel concluir que a investiga??o excessiva pelo tema em um per?odo temporal curto demonstrou que ? necess?rio reavaliar a verdadeira ess?ncia em oferecer um ensino de qualidade. Al?m disso, ponderar a efici?ncia dos Estilos de Aprendizagem em representar as caracter?sticas de aprendizado dos alunos, bem como repensar e reavaliar a rela??o entre OA e EA.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2019.The Recommendation of Learning Objects and Learning Styles detection has attracted interest from many researchers. This paper describes the results achieved with the implementation of the Systematic Review of Literature, whose objective was to map the Learning Styles and Learning Objects. The motivation to carry out this research is due to the expressive and short-term growth of the number of papers that deal with both concepts: Learning Style (EA) and Learning Objects (OA). Learning Style are individual learner learning preferences, defined according to each individual?s mode of perception, information processing, and problem solving. Already the Learning Object refers to the instructional actions indicated to the students, so, are examples of OA, the educational resources: videos, images, lectures, games, among others. The concept of Learning Style and Learning Object are related in different approaches. The first one is the detection of the student?s Learning Style and subsequent recommendation of the Learning Objects. The other approach is the detection of the student?s AE from the verification of the OA?s accessed during his / her teaching path. Thus, the intention is to know how the relationship between EA and OA emerges in these contexts. In addition, to find assumptions that indicate the reason why this theme is explored with dynamism by the academic community, to the point of contemplating in a short period, several works with this approach. The results pointed out numerous inconsistencies in the way in which the educational resources are indicated to certain profiles of students, raising questions about the effectiveness of the Learning Styles in the process of recommendation of Learning Objects. The review allowed us to go beyond the presentation of Learning Objects related to the respective Learning Styles, so we propose the use of weights representative of the degree of importance of the educational resource for a given student profile. It was possible to conclude that excessive research on the subject over a short period of time has shown that it is necessary to reassess the true essence of quality education. In addition, we consider the efficacy of Learning Styles in representing the learning characteristics of the students, as well as rethinking and re-evaluating the relationship between OA and EA

    Kesan penyesuaian pembelajaran berdasarkan gaya pembelajaran atas talian terhadap pembentukan pengetahuan pelajar

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    Learning style is personal parameter which could increase students’ achievement. Recent studies have shown that Adaptive Learning Based on Learning Style (PPGP) increased students’ achievement. However, information on achievement does not explain the process of knowledge construction during learning process. Thus, this study aims to investigate the effect of PPGP on the students’ achievement and knowledge constructions. A sampel for this research consists of Diploma students in Electrical Engineering (Computer) who take Multimedia Interactive Application subject at a polytechnic. This research has two samples: set I (130 students) was involved to survey pre-learning style using Felder and Solomon’s questionnaire and set II (35 students) was involved in learning through Learning Management Sytem (LMS). This research has used pre-experimental design with one-group pretest-posttest. Before the treatment, students were given a pre test and LMS without PPGP treatment for 8 weeks to determine online learning style by using automatic approach. Then, for another 6 weeks, the same sample was given LMS with PPGP with active students were given Group-Problem Solving (PPGPPM) and reflective students were given Introspective-Guided Inquiry (PPGP-IT). At the end of the treatment, students were given post achievement tests. Paired-Samples T test was used to investigate the effect of LMS with PPGP on students’ achievement and whereas, its effect on students' knowledge construction was analysed by using content analysis. Next, sequential analysis was used to obtain model of knowledge construction process based on navigational behaviour sequence during learning process. The result shows LMS with PPGP has increased students’ achievement (p=0.000, a=0.05) with the effect size (Cohen d = 2.869) shows LMS with PPGP has given a large effect size on sudents’ achievement in the test. Although the test was repeated several times, the power value is 1.00 showing the same result will be obtained. The result also indicates, the highest level of knowledge construction is 34.49%, which is at integration level. This research also produced a process model of knowledge construction based on potential navigation behaviour that can assist students to achieve high level of knowledge construction based on learning style. In conclusion, LMS with PPGP increases achievement and helps students to achieve higher level of knowledge construction

    A literature-based method to automatically detect learning styles in learning management systems

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    The relationship between learning styles, modes of content presentation and visuo-semiotic reasoning in Biology

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    In the 21st century, acquiring knowledge of the life sciences, particularly in the discipline of biology, requires attaining a set of visualisation skills among students. These skills include the ability to interpret, reason and understand the discipline by processing visual stimuli to comprehend spatial relationships between objects, and to visualize images. Since the start of the 4th industrial revolution, the use of visuo-semiotic models in teaching and learning have increased. The integration of visuo-semiotic models, such as images and visual presentations in textbooks and computer interfaces, have promoted more effective learning of visually and spatially complex topics in biology and molecular biology. The integration and interpretation of visuo-semiotic models is a complex process and depends on prior knowledge of the domain of biology, as well as familiarity with visualisations and complexities of the visuo-semiotic model. Consequently, the present study aimed to investigate the relationship between learning styles, modes of content presentation and visuo-semiotic reasoning in biology. This will aid in understanding how both teaching and learning can be enhanced through visuo-semiotic models, in a preliminary manner. The present study adopted a quantitative, quasi-experimental research approach. A non-probability, purposive sampling method was used to select participants from a public school located in Gauteng, West of Johannesburg. Data was obtained from selfadministered questionnaires which were completed by Grade 10 biology students (n=76). The findings of this study suggests that a relationship exists between learning styles, modes of content presentation and visuo-semiotic reasoning associated with learning difficulties related to conceptual understanding of the cell cycle. Furthermore, the results also showed that content knowledge, which was presented using simulations, performed by using bead-work, animation and paper-based worksheets did not improve student performance.Science and Technology EducationM. Ed. (Natural Science Education

    Adaptação de apresentação de conteúdos de objeto de aprendizagem considerando estilos de aprendizagem

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    Orientador : Andrey Ricardo PimentelTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 01/09/2017Inclui referências : p. 167-175Resumo: Os estilos de aprendizagem (EA) referem-se a preferências individualizadas de uma pessoa, em relação aos modos e formas que ela prefere aprender no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. O conhecimento dos estilos de aprendizagem permite fazer proposições para o ensino rearranjando os métodos instrucionais e as estratégias de aprendizagem. Uma das possibilidades de realizar isso é através da apresentação do conteúdo do objeto de aprendizagem (OA) usando o conhecimento sobre o estilo de aprendizagem do aluno. Isso permite oferecer aos alunos recursos educacionais digitais adaptados as suas preferências individuais de aprendizagem. Pois acreditamos que a criação de novas formas/formatos de apresentação dos conteúdos dos objetos de aprendizagem levando em consideração o EA do aluno, pode gerar uma motivação maior por parte do aluno no uso desse tipo de recurso educacional, no caso o OA, pois os alunos receberiam esse recurso adaptado de acordo com as suas preferências individuais de aprendizagem. Neste contexto, foram investigados e estudados a teoria dos EA e os seus modelos, além dos princípios da Teoria Cognitiva da Aprendizagem Multimídia (TCAM), pois eles ajudam a evitar o uso inadequado de recursos nos mais variados formatos, que podem acarretar na distração e desmotivação do aluno no uso desse tipo de recurso, podendo causar insucesso no processo de aprendizagem, e foram usados para melhorar a adaptação da apresentação dos conteúdos do OA. Foram mapeadas e associadas as características mais relevantes dos EA, com as formas mais adequadas de apresentação do conteúdo do OA para cada EA, para definir a composição do modelo de adaptação da apresentação de conteúdos do OA considerando os estilos de aprendizagem (AdaptCOAEA). Foi criado um protótipo do OA com a interface adaptada com base no EA, a partir do modelo criado para avaliação das abordagens usadas através de experimentos com alunos. Os resultados obtidos das medidas subjetivas de satisfação e de respostas emocionais do aluno, e de aspectos da usabilidade em relação a interface do OA, demonstraram que o AdaptCOAEA atingiu os resultados almejados, em relação a adequação da interface do OA de acordo com os estilos do modelo de Felder-Silverman. Portanto os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa também espera trazer contribuições futuras no sentido de possibilitar o aumento da motivação e satisfação no uso de OA adaptados, como recurso educacional no processo de aprendizagem, tanto pelo professor como para o aluno, através do fornecimento e recebimento desses recursos educacionais, adequados as preferências individuais de aprendizagem do aluno. Palavras-chave: Estilo de Aprendizagem, Adaptação, Objeto de Aprendizagem.Abstract: Learning styles (LS) refer to a person's individual preferences in respect to the ways and forms they prefer to learn in the teaching and learning process. Knowledge of learning styles allows to make propositions for teaching by rearranging instructional methods and learning strategies. One of the possibilities to accomplish this is through the presentation of the object learning (LO) content using knowledge about the learner's learning style. This allows students to offer digital educational resources tailored to their individual learning preferences. Because we believe that the creation of new forms / formats of presentation of the contents of the learning objects taking into account the student's learning, can generate a greater motivation on the part of the student in the use of this type of educational resource, in this case the LO, since the Students would receive this resource tailored to their individual learning preferences. In this context, the LS theory and its models, as well as the principles of the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (CTML), were investigated and studied, since they help to avoid the inappropriate use of resources in the most varied formats, which can lead to distraction and demotivation of the student in the use of this type of resource, what could cause failure in the learning process, and were used to improve the adaptation of the presentation of LO contents. The most relevant characteristics of the LS were mapped and associated with the most appropriate forms of presentations of the content of the LO for each LS, to define the composition of the adaptation model of LO content presentation considering the learning styles (AdaptCOAEA). A prototype of the LO with the interface adapted based on the LS was created, from the proposed model for evaluation of the approaches used through experiments with students. The results obtained from the subjective measures of satisfaction and emotional responses of the student, and aspects of usability in relation to the LO interface, demonstrated that AdaptCOAEA achieved the desired results, in relation to the adequacy of the LO interface according to the styles of the Felder-Silverman Model. Therefore, the results obtained with this research also hope to bring future contributions in order to increase motivation and satisfaction in the use of adapted LO as an educational resource in the learning process, both by the teacher and the student, through the provision and reception of these educational resources appropriate to individual student learning preferences. Keywords: Learning Style, Adaptation, Learning Object