7 research outputs found

    Use of social networking in the Middle East: student perspectives in higher education

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    This study aims to determine the benefits, risks, awareness, cultural factors, and sustainability, allied to social networking (SN) use in the higher education (HE) sector in Middle Eastern countries, namely Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Using an online survey, 1180 complete responses were collected and analyzed using the statistical confirmatory factor analysis method. The use of SN in the Middle Eastern HE sector has the capacity to promote and motivate students to acquire professional and personal skills for their studies and future workplace; however, the use of SN by tertiary students is also associated with several risks: isolation, depression, privacy, and security. Furthermore, culture is influenced by using SN use, since some countries shifted from one dimension to another based on Hofstede's cultural framework. The study new findings are based on a sample at a specific point in time within a culture. The study findings encourage academics to include SN in unit activities and assessments to reap the benefits of SN, while taking steps to mitigate any risks that SN poses to students. Although other studies in the Middle East examined the use of Learning Management System and Facebook in, HE as a means of engaging students in discussions and communications, however, this study contributes a better understanding of the benefits and risks, awareness, culture, and sustainability, associated with the use of SN in the HE sector in the Middle East. Finally, the paper concludes with an acknowledgment of the study limitations and suggestions for future research

    Análisis comparativo entre dos herramientas de evaluación de software basadas en modelos.

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    La evaluación de software es uno de los puntos críticos durante el ciclo de vida del software así como en la mejora continua de dichos productos, durante un proyecto de software el tiempo es un factor de suma importancia y reducir el tiempo en dicha fase es un gran aporte para dichos proyectos, la técnica de testeo basadas en modelos (MBT), tiene como objetivo el reducir el tiempo de pruebas funcionales y ayudar a los expertos a tener una visión más amplia de los macro y micro procesos que se llevan a cabo en el producto de software, para así tener un entendimiento más amplio sobre las características y posibles falencias en la funcionalidad del producto de software. En la presente investigación se propuso realizar una comparación de dos herramientas de dicha técnica de testeo de software y difundir sus capacidades en los dos escenarios en los cuales fueron puestas a prueba, el objetivo de esta investigación no es definir cuál herramienta es superior a la otra, más bien tiene como propósito destacar las fortalezas de dichas herramientas en las diferentes configuraciones y entornos de desarrollo.Software evaluation is one of the critical points during the software life cycle as well as in the continuous improvement of said products, during a software project time is a very important factor and reducing the time in said phase is a great Contribution to these projects, the model-based testing technique (MBT), aims to reduce the time of functional tests and help experts to have a broader vision of the macro and micro processes that are carried out in the system. software product, in order to have a broader understanding of the characteristics and possible shortcomings in the functionality of the software product. In the present investigation it was proposed to make a comparison of two tools of said software testing technique and to disseminate their capabilities in the two scenarios in which they were tested, the objective of this investigation is not to define which tool is superior to the other, rather it is intended to highlight the strengths of such tools in different configurations and development environments

    Jogo Multijogador como fator de integração

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    Atualmente a informação é um dado adquirido para a população residente nos países ditos desenvolvidos. Facilmente através de uma pesquisa na internet encontramos informação que outrora seria necessário deslocarmo-nos a uma biblioteca. Conhecimento abre um mundo de oportunidades, mas infelizmente existem grupos como os cegos e os surdos que não tem os mesmos acessos a informação de modo a permitir uma melhoria na sua educação. A educação é uma área critica e um problema mais sério porque o impacto que tem na vida de um cidadão vai desde literacia à autoestima. Em particular, os jogos sérios, têm como objetivo proporcionar uma componente educacional dado que podem ser utilizados nas mais diversas áreas como educação, saúde ou empresarial. Esta dissertação como objetivo melhorar a inclusão social e a aprendizagem nas pessoas cegas e nas pessoas surdas com recurso ao tema código Morse. Para isso será desenvolvido e testado um jogo sério multijogador que promova a aprendizagem de um tema que apesar de grande das pessoas terem conhecimento, desconhecem o seu funcionamento na prática. Com recurso à voz sintética incorporado nos dispositivos como o PC ou dispositivo Android e com recurso a um avatar de língua gestual Portuguesa será possível facilitar a comunicação entre e com estas comunidades em especial. Para responder a este problema foram estudadas formas de comunicação apropriadas que foram implementadas neste projeto não só durante jogos em equipa, mas também no âmbito de uma sala de conversa que se encontra disponível qualquer utilizador no jogo.Nowadays information is easily acquired for the resident population in the so-called developed countries. Easily through an internet search we find information that would be necessary to go to a library. Knowledge opens a world of opportunities, but unfortunately there are groups such as the blind and deaf who do not have the same access to information in order to allow an improvement in their education. Education is a critical area and a more serious problem because the impact it has on a citizen's life ranges from literacy to self-esteem. Serious games aim to provide a learning component as they can be used in many different areas such as education, health or business. This thesis aims to improve social inclusion and learning in blind people and deaf people using Morse code as a theme. With this in mind, a serious game will be developed and tested while promoting a known theme by the general population despite most of them not knowing how it works in practice. With the help of synthetic speech incorporated in devices such as a PC or an Android device and a Portuguese sign language avatar it will be possible to facilitate communication between and with these particular communities. To address this problem, appropriate forms of communication have been studied and implemented in this thesis project within team game mode and a chat room which is available for any user in the game

    ATHENA Research Book

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    The ATHENA European University is an alliance of nine Higher Education Institutions with the mission of fostering excellence in research and innovation by facilitating international cooperation. The ATHENA acronym stands for Advanced Technologies in Higher Education Alliance. The partner institutions are from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovenia: the University of Orléans, the University of Siegen, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the Niccolò Cusano University, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and the University of Maribor. In 2022 institutions from Poland and Spain joined the alliance: the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and the University of Vigo. This research book presents a selection of the ATHENA university partners' research activities. It incorporates peer-reviewed original articles, reprints and student contributions. The ATHENA Research Book provides a platform that promotes joint and interdisciplinary research projects of both advanced and early-career researchers

    Peran Guru Dalam Penulisan Kalimat Sederhana Pembelajaran Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the role of teachers in the development of primary school pupils' ability to compose basic phrases. The descriptive qualitative research approach was adopted in this study. The information was gathered through observation, interviews, and the review of records. Participants in the study were first-grade instructors at SDN 151 Pekanbaru, in the province of Riau. Data triangulation is used in the data credibility test because it allows researchers to double-check their findings by comparing them to other sources. According to the Miles and Huberman data analysis model, there are three steps: (1) data collection (data collection), (2) data presentation (data presentation), and (3) conclusion formulation and verification (conclusion drawing). The findings of the study indicate that the teacher's role in helping grade I students at SDN 151 Pekanbaru learn to write basic sentences has been going fairly well, with numerous stages, such as being a teacher, mentor, trainer, and learning manager, all of which have been quite successful. In addition to improving the quality of the teaching and learning process by providing adequate learning facilities, the findings of this study have broader ramifications

    ATHENA Research Book, Volume 1

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    The ATHENA European University is an alliance of nine Higher Education Institutions with the mission of fostering excellence in research and innovation by facilitating international cooperation. The ATHENA acronym stands for Advanced Technologies in Higher Education Alliance. The partner institutions are from France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, and Slovenia: the University of Orléans, the University of Siegen, the Hellenic Mediterranean University, the Niccolò Cusano University, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, and the University of Maribor. In 2022 institutions from Poland and Spain joined the alliance: the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University and the University of Vigo. This research book presents a selection of the ATHENA university partners' research activities. It incorporates peer-reviewed original articles, reprints and student contributions. The ATHENA Research Book provides a platform that promotes joint and interdisciplinary research projects of both advanced and early-career researchers