21 research outputs found


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    It seems that getting graduate education has become more important compared to the past. This is the case for teachers and prospective teachers. In order to be admitted for graduate education in Turkey, one must have ALES (Academic personnel and graduate education entrance exam), College GPA (graduation grade point average) and a foreign language score. The road to success is a difficult process for many students to complete when represented by classification of traditional graduation grade point average. Development approaches of student achievement need to have a framework consisting of more in number and a complex success criteria in order to be more effective. Apart from the aforementioned grade data that was mainly determined in the classification that classify whether prospective teachers were suitable for graduate education or not, some other components such as; their emotional data, their level of knowledge on graduate education and how much priority they give to teaching department while doing their university preferences have also become important. The study was shaped in this context and by assessing various components related to the students with fuzzy logic, a more effective prediction and classification was tried to be presented. In the study, considering attitudes of prospective teachers towards graduate education, their genders, their levels of knowledge on graduate education, their university entrance scores, their order of preference, and their levels in undergraduate education, their suitabilities of admission to graduate education was aimed to be determined by fuzzy logic. In our study in which relationships of all above mentioned components with each other were analyzed, survey (scanning) method, of quantitative research methods, was used and the relational scanning model was preferred. In the study, the information of 390 prospective teachers who were studying at the department of primary school mathematics teaching in three different state universities and attending at formation programs but graduated from faculty of arts and sciences mathematics teaching department was used. MATLAB software was used for fuzzy logic analysis. In the research, a fuzzy logic rule base was created and 98 (25.1%) of the analyzed data were decided to be suitable for graduate education program. 29 (7.4%) of these prospective teachers were from the first year, 48 (12.3%) of them were from the fourth year, and 21 (5.3%) of them were from the formation group. The group with the highest percentage of prospective teachers considered to be suitable for graduate education is fourth year undergraduate students with 12.3%. The group with the lowest percentage is formation students with 5.3%. As a result of the analyses conducted by fuzzy logic providing a valid prediction and classification, the reason of fourth year prospective teachers have the highest percentage in the research can be explained as their having higher attitude scores and being more knowledge about graduate education and having higher scores on the university entrance exams than the other participants. In order to ensure prospective teachers to have a higher attitude towards the graduate education, their gaining awareness of research and being informed about graduate education from the first years of college can provide significant benefits. Prospective teachers in different departments may be included in the study. Considering different components related to the prospective teachers and conducting researches using other methods of artificial intelligence such as fuzzy logic, students and educators can be provided an effective prediction and classification opportunities.  Article visualizations

    The investigation into the influence of the features of furniture product design on consumers’ perceived value by fuzzy semantics

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    This study employed fuzzy theory to investigate the influence of the features of furniture product design on the fuzzy semantics of Taiwanese consumers’ perceived value in new product design and development in hopes of providing product designers or developers with a reference to new product design and development. Furniture designers or  manufacturers can use u(x), the fuzzy membership function value of the model for investigating the fuzzy semantic relation between the features of furniture product design and consumers’ perceived value, to evaluate the fuzzy semantics  of consumers’ perceived value, and they can also employ the fuzzy semantic mean equation, namely to transform the research data into fuzzy semantics. In this study, all the consumers agreed that the features of furniture product design were significantly correlated to the fuzzy semantics of consumers’ perceived value. In terms of the fuzzy semantics of the perceived value, the consumers with different genders, ages, education backgrounds, and incomes had different opinions about the features of furniture product design, and there were significant differences between the variables. In short, this study is helpful to understand consumers’ demand for products as well as the development of consumer-oriented products, enhance their purchase intention, and improve corporate performance and market competitiveness

    AIRO 2016. 46th Annual Conference of the Italian Operational Research Society. Emerging Advances in Logistics Systems Trieste, September 6-9, 2016 - Abstracts Book

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    The AIRO 2016 book of abstract collects the contributions from the conference participants. The AIRO 2016 Conference is a special occasion for the Italian Operations Research community, as AIRO annual conferences turn 46th edition in 2016. To reflect this special occasion, the Programme and Organizing Committee, chaired by Walter Ukovich, prepared a high quality Scientific Programme including the first initiative of AIRO Young, the new AIRO poster section that aims to promote the work of students, PhD students, and Postdocs with an interest in Operations Research. The Scientific Programme of the Conference offers a broad spectrum of contributions covering the variety of OR topics and research areas with an emphasis on “Emerging Advances in Logistics Systems”. The event aims at stimulating integration of existing methods and systems, fostering communication amongst different research groups, and laying the foundations for OR integrated research projects in the next decade. Distinct thematic sections follow the AIRO 2016 days starting by initial presentation of the objectives and features of the Conference. In addition three invited internationally known speakers will present Plenary Lectures, by Gianni Di Pillo, Frédéric Semet e Stefan Nickel, gathering AIRO 2016 participants together to offer key presentations on the latest advances and developments in OR’s research

    Automation and Control

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    Advances in automation and control today cover many areas of technology where human input is minimized. This book discusses numerous types and applications of automation and control. Chapters address topics such as building information modeling (BIM)–based automated code compliance checking (ACCC), control algorithms useful for military operations and video games, rescue competitions using unmanned aerial-ground robots, and stochastic control systems

    Optimization for Decision Making II

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    In the current context of the electronic governance of society, both administrations and citizens are demanding the greater participation of all the actors involved in the decision-making process relative to the governance of society. This book presents collective works published in the recent Special Issue (SI) entitled “Optimization for Decision Making II”. These works give an appropriate response to the new challenges raised, the decision-making process can be done by applying different methods and tools, as well as using different objectives. In real-life problems, the formulation of decision-making problems and the application of optimization techniques to support decisions are particularly complex and a wide range of optimization techniques and methodologies are used to minimize risks, improve quality in making decisions or, in general, to solve problems. In addition, a sensitivity or robustness analysis should be done to validate/analyze the influence of uncertainty regarding decision-making. This book brings together a collection of inter-/multi-disciplinary works applied to the optimization of decision making in a coherent manner

    Public Health

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    Public health can be thought of as a series of complex systems. Many things that individual living in high income countries take for granted like the control of infectious disease, clean, potable water, low infant mortality rates require a high functioning systems comprised of numerous actors, locations and interactions to work. Many people only notice public health when that system fails. This book explores several systems in public health including aspects of the food system, health care system and emerging issues including waste minimization in nanosilver. Several chapters address global health concerns including non-communicable disease prevention, poverty and health-longevity medicine. The book also presents several novel methodologies for better modeling and assessment of essential public health issues

    Applied (Meta)-Heuristic in Intelligent Systems

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    Engineering and business problems are becoming increasingly difficult to solve due to the new economics triggered by big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Exact algorithms and heuristics are insufficient for solving such large and unstructured problems; instead, metaheuristic algorithms have emerged as the prevailing methods. A generic metaheuristic framework guides the course of search trajectories beyond local optimality, thus overcoming the limitations of traditional computation methods. The application of modern metaheuristics ranges from unmanned aerial and ground surface vehicles, unmanned factories, resource-constrained production, and humanoids to green logistics, renewable energy, circular economy, agricultural technology, environmental protection, finance technology, and the entertainment industry. This Special Issue presents high-quality papers proposing modern metaheuristics in intelligent systems

    De la Divina Proporción a las Heurísticas bio-inspiradas: Integración de Soft-Computing en la Contabilidad Directiva como propuesta de innovación para la investigación y la enseñanza

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    [ES] La Contabilidad Directiva (CD) puede desempeñar un papel importante en un entorno económico cambiante y global de las organizaciones o unidades económicas (UEs), facilitando la información contable necesaria para alcanzar ventajas competitivas, a través de la aplicación de todo tipo de modelos matemáticos que permitan tanto la anticipación al futuro y evaluación de cursos alternativos de acción como la medición de las actuaciones realizadas y la propuesta de posibles acciones correctoras