1,047 research outputs found

    Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Nonergodic Block-Fading Channels

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    We solve the problem of designing powerful low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with iterative decoding for the block-fading channel. We first study the case of maximum-likelihood decoding, and show that the design criterion is rather straightforward. Unfortunately, optimal constructions for maximum-likelihood decoding do not perform well under iterative decoding. To overcome this limitation, we then introduce a new family of full-diversity LDPC codes that exhibit near-outage-limit performance under iterative decoding for all block-lengths. This family competes with multiplexed parallel turbo codes suitable for nonergodic channels and recently reported in the literature.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Iterative Decoding and Turbo Equalization: The Z-Crease Phenomenon

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    Iterative probabilistic inference, popularly dubbed the soft-iterative paradigm, has found great use in a wide range of communication applications, including turbo decoding and turbo equalization. The classic approach of analyzing the iterative approach inevitably use the statistical and information-theoretical tools that bear ensemble-average flavors. This paper consider the per-block error rate performance, and analyzes it using nonlinear dynamical theory. By modeling the iterative processor as a nonlinear dynamical system, we report a universal "Z-crease phenomenon:" the zig-zag or up-and-down fluctuation -- rather than the monotonic decrease -- of the per-block errors, as the number of iteration increases. Using the turbo decoder as an example, we also report several interesting motion phenomenons which were not previously reported, and which appear to correspond well with the notion of "pseudo codewords" and "stopping/trapping sets." We further propose a heuristic stopping criterion to control Z-crease and identify the best iteration. Our stopping criterion is most useful for controlling the worst-case per-block errors, and helps to significantly reduce the average-iteration numbers.Comment: 6 page

    Decoder-in-the-Loop: Genetic Optimization-based LDPC Code Design

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    LDPC code design tools typically rely on asymptotic code behavior and are affected by an unavoidable performance degradation due to model imperfections in the short length regime. We propose an LDPC code design scheme based on an evolutionary algorithm, the Genetic Algorithm (GenAlg), implementing a "decoder-in-the-loop" concept. It inherently takes into consideration the channel, code length and the number of iterations while optimizing the error-rate of the actual decoder hardware architecture. We construct short length LDPC codes (i.e., the parity-check matrix) with error-rate performance comparable to, or even outperforming that of well-designed standardized short length LDPC codes over both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels. Our proposed algorithm can be used to design LDPC codes with special graph structures (e.g., accumulator-based codes) to facilitate the encoding step, or to satisfy any other practical requirement. Moreover, GenAlg can be used to design LDPC codes with the aim of reducing decoding latency and complexity, leading to coding gains of up to 0.3250.325 dB and 0.80.8 dB at BLER of 10−510^{-5} for both AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels, respectively, when compared to state-of-the-art short LDPC codes. Also, we analyze what can be learned from the resulting codes and, as such, the GenAlg particularly highlights design paradigms of short length LDPC codes (e.g., codes with degree-1 variable nodes obtain very good results).Comment: in IEEE Access, 201

    Minimum-Variance Importance-Sampling Bernoulli Estimator for Fast Simulation of Linear Block Codes over Binary Symmetric Channels

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    In this paper the choice of the Bernoulli distribution as biased distribution for importance sampling (IS) Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation of linear block codes over binary symmetric channels (BSCs) is studied. Based on the analytical derivation of the optimal IS Bernoulli distribution, with explicit calculation of the variance of the corresponding IS estimator, two novel algorithms for fast-simulation of linear block codes are proposed. For sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) one of the proposed algorithm is SNR-invariant, i.e. the IS estimator does not depend on the cross-over probability of the channel. Also, the proposed algorithms are shown to be suitable for the estimation of the error-correcting capability of the code and the decoder. Finally, the effectiveness of the algorithms is confirmed through simulation results in comparison to standard Monte Carlo method

    An Iteratively Decodable Tensor Product Code with Application to Data Storage

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    The error pattern correcting code (EPCC) can be constructed to provide a syndrome decoding table targeting the dominant error events of an inter-symbol interference channel at the output of the Viterbi detector. For the size of the syndrome table to be manageable and the list of possible error events to be reasonable in size, the codeword length of EPCC needs to be short enough. However, the rate of such a short length code will be too low for hard drive applications. To accommodate the required large redundancy, it is possible to record only a highly compressed function of the parity bits of EPCC's tensor product with a symbol correcting code. In this paper, we show that the proposed tensor error-pattern correcting code (T-EPCC) is linear time encodable and also devise a low-complexity soft iterative decoding algorithm for EPCC's tensor product with q-ary LDPC (T-EPCC-qLDPC). Simulation results show that T-EPCC-qLDPC achieves almost similar performance to single-level qLDPC with a 1/2 KB sector at 50% reduction in decoding complexity. Moreover, 1 KB T-EPCC-qLDPC surpasses the performance of 1/2 KB single-level qLDPC at the same decoder complexity.Comment: Hakim Alhussien, Jaekyun Moon, "An Iteratively Decodable Tensor Product Code with Application to Data Storage
