540 research outputs found

    A linear lower bound for incrementing a space-optimal integer representation in the bit-probe model

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    We present the first linear lower bound for the number of bits required to be accessed in the worst case to increment an integer in an arbitrary space- optimal binary representation. The best previously known lower bound was logarithmic. It is known that a logarithmic number of read bits in the worst case is enough to increment some of the integer representations that use one bit of redundancy, therefore we show an exponential gap between space-optimal and redundant counters. Our proof is based on considering the increment procedure for a space optimal counter as a permutation and calculating its parity. For every space optimal counter, the permutation must be odd, and implementing an odd permutation requires reading at least half the bits in the worst case. The combination of these two observations explains why the worst-case space-optimal problem is substantially different from both average-case approach with constant expected number of reads and almost space optimal representations with logarithmic number of reads in the worst case.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic Ordered Sets with Exponential Search Trees

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    We introduce exponential search trees as a novel technique for converting static polynomial space search structures for ordered sets into fully-dynamic linear space data structures. This leads to an optimal bound of O(sqrt(log n/loglog n)) for searching and updating a dynamic set of n integer keys in linear space. Here searching an integer y means finding the maximum key in the set which is smaller than or equal to y. This problem is equivalent to the standard text book problem of maintaining an ordered set (see, e.g., Cormen, Leiserson, Rivest, and Stein: Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd ed., MIT Press, 2001). The best previous deterministic linear space bound was O(log n/loglog n) due Fredman and Willard from STOC 1990. No better deterministic search bound was known using polynomial space. We also get the following worst-case linear space trade-offs between the number n, the word length w, and the maximal key U < 2^w: O(min{loglog n+log n/log w, (loglog n)(loglog U)/(logloglog U)}). These trade-offs are, however, not likely to be optimal. Our results are generalized to finger searching and string searching, providing optimal results for both in terms of n.Comment: Revision corrects some typoes and state things better for applications in subsequent paper

    Space-Optimal Quasi-Gray Codes with Logarithmic Read Complexity

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    A quasi-Gray code of dimension n and length l over an alphabet Sigma is a sequence of distinct words w_1,w_2,...,w_l from Sigma^n such that any two consecutive words differ in at most c coordinates, for some fixed constant c>0. In this paper we are interested in the read and write complexity of quasi-Gray codes in the bit-probe model, where we measure the number of symbols read and written in order to transform any word w_i into its successor w_{i+1}. We present construction of quasi-Gray codes of dimension n and length 3^n over the ternary alphabet {0,1,2} with worst-case read complexity O(log n) and write complexity 2. This generalizes to arbitrary odd-size alphabets. For the binary alphabet, we present quasi-Gray codes of dimension n and length at least 2^n - 20n with worst-case read complexity 6+log n and write complexity 2. This complements a recent result by Raskin [Raskin \u2717] who shows that any quasi-Gray code over binary alphabet of length 2^n has read complexity Omega(n). Our results significantly improve on previously known constructions and for the odd-size alphabets we break the Omega(n) worst-case barrier for space-optimal (non-redundant) quasi-Gray codes with constant number of writes. We obtain our results via a novel application of algebraic tools together with the principles of catalytic computation [Buhrman et al. \u2714, Ben-Or and Cleve \u2792, Barrington \u2789, Coppersmith and Grossman \u2775]

    Faster Worst Case Deterministic Dynamic Connectivity

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    We present a deterministic dynamic connectivity data structure for undirected graphs with worst case update time O(n(loglogn)2logn)O\left(\sqrt{\frac{n(\log\log n)^2}{\log n}}\right) and constant query time. This improves on the previous best deterministic worst case algorithm of Frederickson (STOC 1983) and Eppstein Galil, Italiano, and Nissenzweig (J. ACM 1997), which had update time O(n)O(\sqrt{n}). All other algorithms for dynamic connectivity are either randomized (Monte Carlo) or have only amortized performance guarantees

    Succinct Representations of Dynamic Strings

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    The rank and select operations over a string of length n from an alphabet of size σ\sigma have been used widely in the design of succinct data structures. In many applications, the string itself need be maintained dynamically, allowing characters of the string to be inserted and deleted. Under the word RAM model with word size w=Ω(lgn)w=\Omega(\lg n), we design a succinct representation of dynamic strings using nH0+o(n)lgσ+O(w)nH_0 + o(n)\lg\sigma + O(w) bits to support rank, select, insert and delete in O(lgnlglgn(lgσlglgn+1))O(\frac{\lg n}{\lg\lg n}(\frac{\lg \sigma}{\lg\lg n}+1)) time. When the alphabet size is small, i.e. when \sigma = O(\polylog (n)), including the case in which the string is a bit vector, these operations are supported in O(lgnlglgn)O(\frac{\lg n}{\lg\lg n}) time. Our data structures are more efficient than previous results on the same problem, and we have applied them to improve results on the design and construction of space-efficient text indexes

    Optimal Hashing-based Time-Space Trade-offs for Approximate Near Neighbors

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    [See the paper for the full abstract.] We show tight upper and lower bounds for time-space trade-offs for the cc-Approximate Near Neighbor Search problem. For the dd-dimensional Euclidean space and nn-point datasets, we develop a data structure with space n1+ρu+o(1)+O(dn)n^{1 + \rho_u + o(1)} + O(dn) and query time nρq+o(1)+dno(1)n^{\rho_q + o(1)} + d n^{o(1)} for every ρu,ρq0\rho_u, \rho_q \geq 0 such that: \begin{equation} c^2 \sqrt{\rho_q} + (c^2 - 1) \sqrt{\rho_u} = \sqrt{2c^2 - 1}. \end{equation} This is the first data structure that achieves sublinear query time and near-linear space for every approximation factor c>1c > 1, improving upon [Kapralov, PODS 2015]. The data structure is a culmination of a long line of work on the problem for all space regimes; it builds on Spherical Locality-Sensitive Filtering [Becker, Ducas, Gama, Laarhoven, SODA 2016] and data-dependent hashing [Andoni, Indyk, Nguyen, Razenshteyn, SODA 2014] [Andoni, Razenshteyn, STOC 2015]. Our matching lower bounds are of two types: conditional and unconditional. First, we prove tightness of the whole above trade-off in a restricted model of computation, which captures all known hashing-based approaches. We then show unconditional cell-probe lower bounds for one and two probes that match the above trade-off for ρq=0\rho_q = 0, improving upon the best known lower bounds from [Panigrahy, Talwar, Wieder, FOCS 2010]. In particular, this is the first space lower bound (for any static data structure) for two probes which is not polynomially smaller than the one-probe bound. To show the result for two probes, we establish and exploit a connection to locally-decodable codes.Comment: 62 pages, 5 figures; a merger of arXiv:1511.07527 [cs.DS] and arXiv:1605.02701 [cs.DS], which subsumes both of the preprints. New version contains more elaborated proofs and fixed some typo