28,125 research outputs found

    Precise Proximal Femur Fracture Classification for Interactive Training and Surgical Planning

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    We demonstrate the feasibility of a fully automatic computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) tool, based on deep learning, that localizes and classifies proximal femur fractures on X-ray images according to the AO classification. The proposed framework aims to improve patient treatment planning and provide support for the training of trauma surgeon residents. A database of 1347 clinical radiographic studies was collected. Radiologists and trauma surgeons annotated all fractures with bounding boxes, and provided a classification according to the AO standard. The proposed CAD tool for the classification of radiographs into types "A", "B" and "not-fractured", reaches a F1-score of 87% and AUC of 0.95, when classifying fractures versus not-fractured cases it improves up to 94% and 0.98. Prior localization of the fracture results in an improvement with respect to full image classification. 100% of the predicted centers of the region of interest are contained in the manually provided bounding boxes. The system retrieves on average 9 relevant images (from the same class) out of 10 cases. Our CAD scheme localizes, detects and further classifies proximal femur fractures achieving results comparable to expert-level and state-of-the-art performance. Our auxiliary localization model was highly accurate predicting the region of interest in the radiograph. We further investigated several strategies of verification for its adoption into the daily clinical routine. A sensitivity analysis of the size of the ROI and image retrieval as a clinical use case were presented.Comment: Accepted at IPCAI 2020 and IJCAR

    Ontology-driven and weakly supervised rare disease identification from clinical notes

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    BACKGROUND: Computational text phenotyping is the practice of identifying patients with certain disorders and traits from clinical notes. Rare diseases are challenging to be identified due to few cases available for machine learning and the need for data annotation from domain experts. METHODS: We propose a method using ontologies and weak supervision, with recent pre-trained contextual representations from Bi-directional Transformers (e.g. BERT). The ontology-driven framework includes two steps: (i) Text-to-UMLS, extracting phenotypes by contextually linking mentions to concepts in Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), with a Named Entity Recognition and Linking (NER+L) tool, SemEHR, and weak supervision with customised rules and contextual mention representation; (ii) UMLS-to-ORDO, matching UMLS concepts to rare diseases in Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology (ORDO). The weakly supervised approach is proposed to learn a phenotype confirmation model to improve Text-to-UMLS linking, without annotated data from domain experts. We evaluated the approach on three clinical datasets, MIMIC-III discharge summaries, MIMIC-III radiology reports, and NHS Tayside brain imaging reports from two institutions in the US and the UK, with annotations. RESULTS: The improvements in the precision were pronounced (by over 30% to 50% absolute score for Text-to-UMLS linking), with almost no loss of recall compared to the existing NER+L tool, SemEHR. Results on radiology reports from MIMIC-III and NHS Tayside were consistent with the discharge summaries. The overall pipeline processing clinical notes can extract rare disease cases, mostly uncaptured in structured data (manually assigned ICD codes). CONCLUSION: The study provides empirical evidence for the task by applying a weakly supervised NLP pipeline on clinical notes. The proposed weak supervised deep learning approach requires no human annotation except for validation and testing, by leveraging ontologies, NER+L tools, and contextual representations. The study also demonstrates that Natural Language Processing (NLP) can complement traditional ICD-based approaches to better estimate rare diseases in clinical notes. We discuss the usefulness and limitations of the weak supervision approach and propose directions for future studies

    Enhanced Neurologic Concept Recognition using a Named Entity Recognition Model based on Transformers

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    Although Deep Learning Has Been Applied to the Recognition of Diseases and Drugs in Electronic Health Records and the Biomedical Literature, Relatively Little Study Has Been Devoted to the Utility of Deep Learning for the Recognition of Signs and Symptoms. the Recognition of Signs and Symptoms is Critical to the Success of Deep Phenotyping and Precision Medicine. We Have Developed a Named Entity Recognition Model that Uses Deep Learning to Identify Text Spans Containing Neurological Signs and Symptoms and Then Maps These Text Spans to the Clinical Concepts of a Neuro-Ontology. We Compared a Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks to One based on Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers. Models Were Evaluated for Accuracy of Text Span Identification on Three Text Corpora: Physician Notes from an Electronic Health Record, Case Histories from Neurologic Textbooks, and Clinical Synopses from an Online Database of Genetic Diseases. Both Models Performed Best on the Professionally-Written Clinical Synopses and Worst on the Physician-Written Clinical Notes. Both Models Performed Better When Signs and Symptoms Were Represented as Shorter Text Spans. Consistent with Prior Studies that Examined the Recognition of Diseases and Drugs, the Model based on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers Outperformed the Model based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Recognizing Signs and Symptoms. Recall for Signs and Symptoms Ranged from 59.5% to 82.0% and Precision Ranged from 61.7% to 80.4%. with Further Advances in NLP, Fully Automated Recognition of Signs and Symptoms in Electronic Health Records and the Medical Literature Should Be Feasible

    Integrating speculation detection and deep learning to extract lung cancer diagnosis from clinical notes

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    Despite efforts to develop models for extracting medical concepts from clinical notes, there are still some challenges in particular to be able to relate concepts to dates. The high number of clinical notes written for each single patient, the use of negation, speculation, and different date formats cause ambiguity that has to be solved to reconstruct the patient’s natural history. In this paper, we concentrate on extracting from clinical narratives the cancer diagnosis and relating it to the diagnosis date. To address this challenge, a hybrid approach that combines deep learning-based and rule-based methods is proposed. The approach integrates three steps: (i) lung cancer named entity recognition, (ii) negation and speculation detection, and (iii) relating the cancer diagnosis to a valid date. In particular, we apply the proposed approach to extract the lung cancer diagnosis and its diagnosis date from clinical narratives written in Spanish. Results obtained show an F-score of 90% in the named entity recognition task, and a 89% F-score in the task of relating the cancer diagnosis to the diagnosis date. Our findings suggest that speculation detection is together with negation detection a key component to properly extract cancer diagnosis from clinical notesThis work is supported by the EU Horizon 2020 innovation program under grant agreement No. 780495, project BigMedilytics (Big Data for Medical Analytics). It has been also supported by Fundación AECC and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant AC19/00034), under the frame of ERA-NET PerMe

    Unsupervised Biomedical Named Entity Recognition

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    Named entity recognition (NER) from text is an important task for several applications, including in the biomedical domain. Supervised machine learning based systems have been the most successful on NER task, however, they require correct annotations in large quantities for training. Annotating text manually is very labor intensive and also needs domain expertise. The purpose of this research is to reduce human annotation effort and to decrease cost of annotation for building NER systems in the biomedical domain. The method developed in this work is based on leveraging the availability of resources like UMLS (Unified Medical Language System), that contain a list of biomedical entities and a large unannotated corpus to build an unsupervised NER system that does not require any manual annotations. The method that we developed in this research has two phases. In the first phase, a biomedical corpus is automatically annotated with some named entities using UMLS through unambiguous exact matching which we call weakly-labeled data. In this data, positive examples are the entities in the text that exactly match in UMLS and have only one semantic type which belongs to the desired entity class to be extracted (for example, diseases and disorders). Negative examples are the entities in the text that exactly match in UMLS but are of semantic types other than those that belong to the desired entity class. These examples are then used to train a machine learning classifier using features that represent the contexts in which they appeared in the text. The trained classifier is applied back to the text to gather more examples iteratively through the process of self-training. The trained classifier is then capable of classifying mentions in an unseen text as of the desired entity class or not from the contexts in which they appear. Although the trained named entity detector is good at detecting the presence of entities of the desired class in text, it cannot determine their correct boundaries. In the second phase of our method, called “Boundary Expansion”, the correct boundaries of the entities are determined. This method is based on a novel idea that utilizes machine learning and UMLS. Training examples for boundary expansion are gathered directly from UMLS and do not require any manual annotations. We also developed a new WordNet based approach for boundary expansion. Our developed method was evaluated on three datasets - SemEval 2014 Task 7 dataset that has diseases and disorders as the desired entity class, GENIA dataset that has proteins, DNAs, RNAs, cell types, and cell lines as the desired entity classes, and i2b2 dataset that has problems, tests, and treatments as the desired entity classes. Our method performed well and obtained performance close to supervised methods on the SemEval dataset. On the other datasets, it outperformed an existing unsupervised method on most entity classes. Availability of a list of entity names with their semantic types and a large unannotated corpus are the only requirements of our method to work well. Given these, our method generalizes across different types of entities and different types of biomedical text. Being unsupervised, the method can be easily applied to new NER tasks without needing costly annotations
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