10 research outputs found

    Evaluation Model of Virtual Learning Environments: A Pilot Study

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    Virtual learning environments (VLE) have frequently been used in educational practices, and the evaluation of their effectiveness as instruments to support learning gains must consider several dimensions. This paper presents an evaluation model for VLE, called MA-AVA (Model for the Evaluation of VLE), built after a review of the literature and focused on verifying students\u27 learning gains. The MA-AVA evaluation model was applied in a pilot study to an undergraduate engineering class, using a VLE, Educ-MAS-GA, in the discipline of Analytical Geometry. The results indicate that, although students\u27 perception of learning in VLE is relevant, the knowledge acquired is more subtle and difficult to assess. Therefore, a VLE learning evaluation model should include different dimensions of learning, such as the students’ perceptions and their measures of learning gain

    Evaluation of technology-enhanced learning programs for health care professionals: systematic review

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    Background: Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) programs are increasingly seen as the way in which education for health care professionals can be transformed, giving access to effective ongoing learning and training even where time or geographical barriers exist. Given the increasing emphasis on this mode of educational support for health care practitioners, it is vital that we can effectively evaluate and measure impact to ensure that TEL programs are effective and fit for purpose. This paper examines the current evidence base for the first time, in relation to the evaluation of TEL programs for health care professionals. Objective: We conducted a systematic review of the current literature relating to the evaluation of TEL programs for health care professionals and critically appraised the quality of the studies. Methods: This review employed specific search criteria to identify research studies that included evaluation of TEL for health care professionals. The databases searched included Medline Ovid, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature Plus Advanced, Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts, ZETOC, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Explore Digital Library, Allied and Complementary Medicine, and Education Resources Information Center between January 2006 and January 2017. An additional hand search for relevant articles from reference lists was undertaken. Each of the studies identified was critically appraised for quality using the Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool. This approach produced a percentage total score for each study across specified categories. A proportion of the studies were independently assessed by an additional two reviewers. Results: The review identified 21 studies that met the inclusion criteria. The studies included scored totals across eight categories within a range of 37%-95% and an average score of 68%. Studies that measured TEL using learner satisfaction surveys, or combined pretest and posttest knowledge score testing with learner satisfaction surveys, were found to be the most common types of TEL evaluations evident in the literature. The studies reviewed had low scores across reporting on ethical matters, design, and data collection categories. Conclusions: There continues to be a need to develop effective and standard TEL evaluation tools, and good quality studies that describe effective evaluation of TEL education for health care professionals. Studies often fail to provide sufficient detail to support transferability or direct future TEL health care education programs

    A systematic review and trend analysis of personal learning environments research

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    The concept of personal learning environments (PLEs) is relatively new and is continuously developing. Over the past decade, there has been a significant upsurge in the number of PLEs-related research. Nevertheless, there is a lack of recent systematic reviews and trend analysis covering many PLEs studies; to the best of our knowledge. Therefore, the current systematic review is significant and indispensable in reviewing journal articles that discussed PLEs between 2000 and 2020. We searched Web of Science, Scopus, Sciences Direct, JSTOR, Springer, Google Scholar, and IEEE Xplore for studies published in English without limit in location or time to retrieve accurate results. Trend graphics for the extracted themes were also analyzed using descriptive statistics in Excel. According to the defined inclusion criteria, one hundred forty-eight articles were selected for the analysis. This study reveals that literature on PLEs has progressed from 2000 to 2020; the majority of PLEs-related articles were published between 2011 and 2020, with the year 2013 having the highest number of published articles (17 articles), followed by 16 papers published in both years 2014 and 2017. We found that the published PLEs research originated from 46 countries; 26 (17.6%) were from Spain. The majority of the authors had education, computer science, information technology and engineering backgrounds. This review also showed that numerous platforms had been used in PLEs research, with Web 2.0 the most commonly used platform. We noted that the most common objectives of the included articles were PLEs custom system development, analysis of the PLEs, description of experiments, investigations, development of factor models, framework development, and examination. The most common theoretical perspectives in the published articles were self-regulated learning, self-directed learning, and constructivism. The current systematic review and trend analysis can become a guidance platform for researchers, educators, policymakers or even journal publishers for future research in PLEs research

    An Examination of Personality Traits as a Predictor of the Use of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies

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    Each learner brings a unique mix of personality traits, preferences, and talents to the educational setting. These factors can influence the extent to which learners are able to effectively deploy skills and strategies to achieve their academic goals. Gaining a deeper awareness of how specific personality traits play a role in the choice and deployment of SRL strategies provides opportunities to anticipate which learners might be ineffective self-regulators. Doing so would enable instructional designers, educators, or higher education administrators to better plan and deliver effective educational experiences for a wide range of learners. The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent to which the use of SRL strategies was impacted by learner differences in Big Five personality traits. This mixed methods study examined the potential of utilizing the Big Five Inventory classification as a predictor of self-regulated strategy use. Specifically, the study investigated the relationship between the existence of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism traits as possible predictors of learner use of SRL strategies. From a pool of approximately 4,200 graduate students, nearly 360 surveys were completed. Survey participants were asked to respond to five demographic items, 44 Big Five Inventory items, and 24 OSLQ items. The study indicated that personality trait classification does have an impact on the overall use of SRL strategies, as well as on the deployment of specific subscales within the OSLQ. Conscientiousness was the strongest predictor of overall OSLQ score, and agreeableness was shown as a significant predictor of each of the six OSLQ subscales. Contrary to the researcher’s initial hypothesis, exhibiting high neuroticism was not shown to have a significant negative impact on overall OSLQ scores. Results also indicated slight differences in overall OSLQ score based on personality trait and number of online courses taken. Finally, comments received during follow-up interviews lent support to statistical findings related to SRL strategy use across personality trait categories

    Perceptions and Experiences of Teachers and Literacy Coaches\u27 Literacy Instruction

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    The literacy rate in Louisiana remains lower than the national average. This is especially true at Rosewood Elementary School (pseudonym), a D-rated school on a scale of A-F. The problem is that teachers are unsuccessful in trying to improve students\u27 literacy test scores, despite several targeted efforts to give them tools to make these improvements. The purpose of this study is to explore the literacy practices, beliefs, and professional development of teachers at Rosewood Elementary. The conceptual framework of this study included Clark and Peterson\u27s cognitive process teacher model, which focuses on teachers\u27 thought processes and their behaviors in the classroom and guides the questions about these processes. The key research questions involve 3rd-5th grade teachers\u27 and literacy coaches\u27 perceptions of their current professional learning on and support for effective literacy instruction, as well as the literacy coaches\u27 perceptions of teachers\u27 needs and struggles with teaching literacy. This case study includes sequential data collection including a survey, interviews, and classroom observations from 9 purposefully selected literacy teachers in Grades 3-5 and 2 literacy coaches, all from Rosewood Elementary School. Constant comparative data analysis was used for interview and observational data, and descriptive analysis was used for the survey. Findings include both teacher and coach perspectives. Training on classroom management and differentiated instruction was needed. A 4-day professional development was developed to address these needs. Implications for social change with improved literacy instruction include an increase in student literacy rates as well as teachers\u27 self-efficacy in literacy instruction

    Henkilökohtaisen oppimisympäristön (PLE) pedagogiset ja teknologiset kriteerit ammatillisessa koulutuksessa ja ammatillisessa korkeakoulutuksessa

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida, millaisia pedagogisia ja teknologisia lähtökohtia ja kriteerejä liittyy henkilökohtaiseen oppimisympäristöön, Personal Learning Environment (PLE). Mitä ovat henkilökohtaisen oppimisympäristön hyödyt ja haasteet? Miten henkilökohtaista oppimisympäristöä voidaan hyödyntää ammatillisessa koulutuksessa ja ammatillisessa korkeakoulutuksessa? Tarkoitus oli luoda kokonaiskuva henkilökohtaisesta oppimisympäristöstä. Se voi auttaa opiskelijoita ja opettajia PLE:n suunnittelussa. Keskeisinä pedagogisina taustateorioina olivat sosiaalikonstruktivismi, itseohjautuva oppiminen, käytäntöyhteisöjen -teoria ja konnektivismi. Teknologiset taustateoriat käsittelivät avoimia oppimisympäristöjä, sosiaalisen median Web 2.0-4.0 -palveluja, oppimisanalytiikkaa ja lisättyä todellisuutta. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat 1) millaisia pedagogisia ja teknologisia kriteerejä tutkimuskirjallisuudessa asetetaan henkilökohtaiselle oppimisympäristölle? 2) miten ammatillisten opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä voidaan ymmärtää ja tulkita PLE:n pedagogisten ja teknologisten kriteerien avulla? Ensimmäiseen kysymykseen vastattiin integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta. Sen tutkimusaineistona oli 61 akateemista PLE tutkimusta ja -artikkelia. Toisen kysymyksen aineisto kerättiin lomakekyselyllä (N 36) PLE:tä ja e-portfoliota opinnoissaan hyödyntäneiltä ammatillisilta opettajaopiskelijoilta. Integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto luokiteltiin pedagogisesti (P) ja teknologisesti (T) suuntautuneisiin tutkimuksiin. Pedagoginen aineisto sisälsi kaksi painotusta. Henkilökohtainen oppimisympäristö elinikäisen oppimisen ja ammatillisen kasvun edistäjänä (P1) ja henkilökohtainen oppimisympäristö oppimisprosessin ohjauksessa (P2). Teknologinen aineisto sisälsi kolme painotusta. PLE sosiaalisen median Web 2.0 -työvälineillä ja -palveluilla toteutettuna (T1), sosiaalisen median Web 2.0 -työvälineillä ja -palveluilla toteutetun PLE:n suhde oppilaitoksen tai organisaation verkko-oppimisympäristöihin ja -muihin digitaalisiin palveluihin (T2), PLE koulutusinstituution tarjoamilla digitaalisilla työvälineillä ja -palveluilla toteutettuna (iPLE) (T3). Luokittelun pohjalta analysoitiin myös ammatillisten opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä. Integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen luokassa P1 havaittiin, että henkilökohtainen oppimisympäristö sisältää henkilökohtaisen oppimisverkoston, Personal Learning Network (PLN) ja e-portfolion. Niihin voi sisältyä oppimispäiväkirjoja. PLE:n keskeisiä ominaisuuksia olivat itseohjautuvuuden-, itsesäätelytaitojen- ja osaamisen kehittäminen, riippumattomuus, personointi, omistajuus, autonomia, voimaantuminen, adaptiivisyys, yhteisöllinen oppiminen, verkostoituminen ja motivointi. Toiminnallisesti PLE:n tulee mahdollistaa oppimisympäristön hallinta ja personointi, oman verkkoprofiilin ja verkkoidentiteetin kehittäminen, oman osaamisen osoittaminen ja -kehittäminen, oman oppimisprosessin suunnittelu ja -hallinta, oppimisen monitorointi, -reflektointi ja -arviointi, sekä sisältöjen-, informaation- ja resurssien hallinta, yhteisöllinen ja yhteistoiminnallinen oppiminen ja verkostoituminen. Ammatilliset opettajaopiskelijat korostivat tässä luokassa yksilöllisen oppimispolun suunnittelua ja -ohjausta, henkilökohtaistamista, oman osaamisen kehittämistä ja työelämäyhteistyötä PLE:n avulla. E-portfoliossa korostui oman osaamisen näkyväksi tekeminen, -urasuunnittelu ja -työnhaku. Yksityisen- ja työverkkoprofiilin suunnittelu nähtiin tärkeäksi. Luokassa P2 PLE:n kriteerit muodostuivat henkilökohtaista oppimisympäristöä edistävän oppimisprosessin suunnittelun lähtökohdista, sekä opettajien ja opiskelijoiden rooleista. Opettajien havaittiin olevan yhteisöllisen oppimisprosessin suunnittelijoita, oppimisen ohjaajia, arvioijia ja kehittäjiä. Heidän tulisi kyetä ohjaamaan opiskelijoitaan siinä, miten opiskelija voi kehittää itsesäätelytaitojaan ja osaamistaan PLE:n avulla. PLE:n merkitys vaihtelee formaalin koulutuksen oppimisprosessin suunnittelu- ja aloitusvaiheessa, toteutusvaiheessa, sekä päätös- ja kehittämisvaiheessa. Keskeisenä johtopäätöksenä oli, että PLE:tä tulisi voida hyödyntää koko opintojen ajan omien tavoitteiden asettelussa, reflektoinnissa, osaamisen arvioinnissa ja -kehittämisessä. Se tekee PLE:n oppijalle merkitykselliseksi ja tukee ammatillista kasvua. Ammatilliset opettajaopiskelijat painottivat, että PLE:n pedagogisen merkityksen kirkastaminen opiskelijoille on tärkeää heti opintojen alussa. He korostivat yhteisten tavoitteiden-, toimintamallien-, ohjauksen- ja arvioinnin sopimista. He näkivät, että työpaikkaohjaajien ja -arvioijien osallistuminen opiskelijan henkilökohtaiseen oppimisympäristöön voi helpottaa työpaikalla tapahtuvaa ohjausta ja osaamisen arviointia. Ammatillisessa koulutuksessa ja ammatillisessa korkeakoulutuksessa työelämäyhteistyö ja työssä tapahtuva oppiminen on tärkeää ottaa huomioon PLE:tä tukevan oppimisprosessin suunnittelussa. Integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen pohjalta PLE:n teknologisia vaatimuksia ja kriteerejä olivat seuraavat. PLE on personoitava, kollaboratiivinen ja yhteisöllinen, mobiili, ubiikki, saavutettava, helppokäyttöinen, dynaaminen, adaptiivinen ja kehittyvä, monipuolinen, joustava erilaisiin käyttötarpeisiin ja avoin, mutta tietoturvallinen. Luokan T1 tutkimuksissa korostui, että jos opiskelijat voivat vapaasti hyödyntää sosiaalisen median Web 2.0 -sovelluksia PLE:n toteuttamiseen, se parantaa heidän oppimismotivaatiotaan ja digitaalisten välineiden käyttötaitoja. Luokassa T2 havaittiin, että kyseiseillä web-sovelluksilla toteutettu PLE on usein hankalasti yhteensovitettavissa oppilaitosten verkko-oppimisympäristöjen kanssa. Se näkyy heikkona käytettävyytenä ja hajanaisena oppimisprosessina. Luokan T3 tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että oppilaitosten iPLE tai e-portfoliopalvelut voivat helpottaa käytettävyyttä ja oppilaitosten opetusjärjestelyjä. Niiden haasteena on PLE:n omistajuus ja käytön jatkuvuus opintojen jälkeen. Ammatilliset opettajaopiskelijat pitivät sosiaalisen median web-pohjaisia sovelluksia käyttökelpoisimpina henkilökohtaisen oppimisympäristön rakentamiseen. Myös oppilaitoksen e-portfolio (iPLE) sai kannatusta. Eniten Web 2.0 -työvälineitä tai -palveluja löytyi oman osaamisen-, omien sisältöjen- ja aineistojen hallintaan, sekä verkostoitumiseen ja työelämäyhteistyöhön. Varsinkin blogit, aineistojen hallinnan pilvipalvelut ja verkkoyhteisöt nähtiin PLE:n suhteen tärkeiksi. Esille nousi, että opiskelijoille tulisi tarjota opintojen alussa verkkotyövälineiden ”työkalupakki”. Se helpottaa PLE:n ja e-portfolion käytön aloittamista. Ammatillisen koulutuksen ja ammatillisen korkeakoulutuksen näkökulmasta PLE:n toteuttamisessa painottuivat työelämän vaatimukset, teknologian helppokäyttöisyys, tietojärjestelmien keskinäiset yhteensopivuudet, sekä tietoturva ja -suojakysymykset. Tulevassa PLE tutkimuksessa korostuvat luultavasti oppimisanalytiikka, tekoäly ja laajennettu todellisuus (Web 3.0 - 4.0). Miten ne edistävät oppijan itseohjautuvuutta, -itsesäätelytaitoja ja PLE:n personointia? Miten niitä hyödynnetään PLE:tä tukevan oppimisprosessin suunnittelussa? Henkilökohtaisen oppimisympäristön suhde koulutusorganisaatioiden tietojärjestelmiin säilyy tutkimuskohteena. Miten PLE:n adaptiivisuus, omistajuus ja prosessimaisuus voidaan toteuttaa, kun yksilö on monen erilaisen tietojärjestelmän vanki kotona, koulussa, työssä ja harrastuksissa? Eri tietojärjestelmien yhteensopivuutta kehitetään tosin jatkuvasti. Se helpottaa oppijan omista lähtökohdista rakennetun PLE:n toteuttamista formaalin koulutuksen verkko-oppimisympäristöistä riippumatta

    Students’ Engagement in Independent Learning and Personal Development: Issues, Attitudes and Difficulties from the Female Learners’ Lived Experiences of Using Social Media in the Context of Saudi Higher Education

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    Personal access to digital information affects all situations in life, from lifelong learning and careers to teaching and learning practices. Recently, there has been interest in individuals’ uses of social media, its association with personal and academic development, and its extensive use in both formal and informal educational contexts. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), particular research attention has been given to females’ use of social media due to the significance of such easy access to their learning and development in the broader cultural context. However, little is known about the educational implications of such extended personal learning practices. For instance, the issues, attitudes and difficulties of students’ engagement, and the students’ changing needs and expectations under current social media influence, are still not fully understood. This research employs an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to investigate the lived learning experiences of female university students, focusing on their personal use of social media to examine current issues in students’ experiences in Saudi higher education. A group of female undergraduate learners in a Saudi higher education context were selected to offer the learners’ voice and perspective on educational issues related to their own engagement. Students’ personal accounts and different stories of engagement in independent learning and personal development from their use of social media have been collected through two phases. In the first phase, 20 female students participated in in-depth individual interviews and reflective diary reports. In the second phase, 12 female students participated in two focus group discussions to elicit their attitudes and opinions. The (IPA) analysis of the data drawing from different educational theories in the literature was used to understand factors related to students’ engagement and non-engagement from their different attitudes and stories of success and failure when using social media independently. Themes that emerged as drivers and motivations leading to students’ engagement in learning and personal development included self-efficacy and reflection, personal values and beliefs, awareness of opportunity, challenges and transitions, social inclusion and empowerment with learning choice. Several themes were also revealed from the personal accounts as barriers and difficulties for students’ engagement, including personal negative attitudes and experiences, understanding of social media risk, information overload and distraction, organisational, pedagogical and curriculum barriers, lack of social inclusion, technical problems, and time and cost issues. The research concludes with several recommendations for improving all students’ engagement under the current themes of personal and self-directed lifelong learning with matching curriculum and pedagogies adopted in this context to meet current student learning needs

    Multiple intelligences and network affordances: can videos enhance students' perceptions of their learning experience, learning outcomes and subject engagement?

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    In conjunction with the arrival of emerging technologies, many universities are encouraging their educators to rethink and reframe their teaching approaches and delivery methods. Integrating different types of media to enhance delivery of subject materials to higher education students is growing in national and international importance. As a response to the technology-enhanced approach, a more student-centered experience that actively engages students is promoted. This mixed-methods research focuses on students' and lecturers' perceptions of the value of online videos in relation to student's learning experiences and engagement with respect to the effect of multiple intelligences. This helps to clarify whether there is a relationship between students' multiple intelligences scores and their age, gender, learning experience and motivation. This study also reports on interviews conducted with both lecturers and students. It seeks to answer how and why students use online videos, and how this might influence engagement in their subjects. It provides a clear voice on their views concerning the benefits, and challenges of online video use, along with any positive or negative suggestions regarding their experience of the technology. It also reports whether employing various types of videos within a subject could increase and support learning needs and intelligences of students. Furthermore, lecturers' perceptions of different modes and purposes for online videos and their views, understanding, and challenges of the learning and teaching environment in a flipped classroom approach are investigated. Analysing the quantitative data, a number of important insights were obtained. For example, it was revealed that students are higher on Intrapersonal intelligence and lower in Existential intelligence. Bodily-Kinesthetic and Musical-Rhythmic intelligences were other highly developed intelligences of students. Based on the lecturers' responses, there seems to be distinctive similarities and differences between two disciplines in the extent of video integration and types of videos that they use. The most visible similarity between these participants is in terms of incorporating different kinds of short YouTube videos. As for Tech-literacy, unlike participants from Behavioural Sciences who relied on videos from YouTube and other online resources, all Educational Science participants could create their own videos by using Camtasia, and not having a reliance on the available online sources. Moreover, there seems to be certain tech-literacy differences between baby boomers and Generation Xers. Considering lecturers' perception on the flipped classroom approach, the study revealed some challenges in their teaching. According to the data gathered from interviews, it seems that the challenges are around the use of Camtasia, rigidity (clunky platforms), technology access and funding, technology mastery, upskilling in latest technological change and innovation, the structure and the pedagogy and the types of activities that they implement. The findings also revealed many advantages in successfully implementing the flipped model. For instance, the participants claimed that offering subjects in this approach provides students the opportunity to view lectures at home; thus freeing class time for demonstrating problem solving and deeper discussion-based face-to-face learning and understanding of the material. Students' interview findings revealed that the videos were perceived to be beneficial for students' engagement and motivation. The results also revealed that interest plays a major role for students who are keen to watch the topics that intrigue them. Based on their responses, it seems that they were dissatisfied with monotonous video lectures that failed to make their learning interesting. It seems that students are no longer interested in too much reading, and prefer easier and less demanding modes of learning, i.e. watching videos which denote a change in their desired mode of internalizing knowledge to an easier one. Desire for brevity, conciseness, and to the point videos with no additional materials were also found more attractive and engaging for them. They enjoy the flexibility to be able to watch videos with no time and place restrictions. Variety is perceived to be important to Net-Geners in particular, and music and visual aids seem to be their preference and a significant motivational stimulus. Animation and simulation make their learning easier. They like cognition forming and cognition sharing as a team work strategy and have the higher stimulus of interactive communication. Lastly, it seems that videos could be used as new modalities for changing the life for people with various learning disabilities. Based on students' responses, it seems that they were mostly satisfied with the video integration as they reported positive experiences from the videos uploaded and shared by lecturers. The results revealed the interactivity of videos and students' preference toward games and pleasure and interest sparked by video integration. The results indicated that visually attentive students would be more intrigued and motivated if the lecturer had incorporated a visual modality. Video integration has made them free from the burden of note taking and paying attention to the lecture at the same time. Videos have provided them the opportunity and flexibility to refer back to what is being said by the lecturer with no time and place restriction and with the benefit of documentation once it is downloaded. The findings also revealed that videos cannot stand entirely by themselves and need supplementary material or tutoring on the part of the teacher. The students addressed the necessity of their lecturers' need for familiarity with the latest Apps, as well as the lecturers' need to overcome a lack of technology literacy, in particular, in the psychology discipline. In conclusion, this study found that, with regard to online video materials, students also reported that videos could address their various intelligence types and abilities. Because students have different combinations of abilities and intelligences, they are attracted to various video activities based on different reasons, such as note taking, auditory and music, visuals, playing games, interactive discussions and questions, entertainment, and practical examples of real life experiences. Therefore, the existing video materials are sufficient to supplement the lesson curriculum and to address their intelligences

    The investigation of using wiki technology to support self-regulated learning in the academic context at Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University, Saudi Arabia

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    Technology has become a major focal point in the modern learning environment. Web 2.0 is being increasingly widely employed in university education and has the potential to improve the quality of education. For optimum benefit to students’ learning practices, web 2.0 technology needs to actively foster regulation skills among students. Self-regulated learning skills (SRL skills) potentially offer a shift from traditional teacher-centred to learner-centred approaches. Wiki technology, as a form of web 2.0 technology, has the potential in education to foster such an approach to learning. The thesis investigates how a wiki can be utilised to enhance self-regulated learning among a cohort of female students attending higher education in Saudi Arabia.The study was primarily motivated by the lack of studies investigating SRL skill enhancement in wiki–assisted learning in higher education, in Saudi Arabia, where the education system largely relies upon teacher-centred learning. This study, therefore, was an effort to potentially improve SRL skills among students attending Princess Nora University (PNU) in Saudi Arabia, with a view to the results being applicable to teaching and learning in similar contexts. The first two objectives of this study were to explore the potential of a wiki as an enhancer of executive function and evaluation skills and to explore students’ attitude towards using wiki as a learning environment. The third objective was to explore students’ perceptions of wiki learning and its contribution to the enhancement of SRL skills. A single case study was administered before and after use of a purpose-designed wiki for an Education Technology module taken by a cohort of female students at PNU. Quantitative data was collected by a questionnaire triangulated with qualitative data gathered in interviews. The findings revealed that after using wiki, students felt that six of the eight SRL sub-skills listed under executive function and evaluation skills had, on the whole, improved significantly.Students generally reported extremely positive attitudes towards learning with wiki technology. They perceived that the reflective nature and the design of the wiki tasks, together with the pages and guidance given by the tutor, may have supported the development of SRL skills, increased their overall motivation to learn and improved their independent learning processes. Overall, this study sought to discover information on a relatively new area to Saudi higher education and acts as a stepping stone to further research into students’ perceptions of wiki technology and its effect on SRL skill enhancement. There is, of course, an opportunity in the future to measure actual SRL skill levels to corroborate the promising results which may, given the reader’s discretion, be viewed as transferable to similar cultural and study contexts