14 research outputs found

    Composite particle algorithm for sustainable integrated dynamic ship routing and scheduling optimization

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    Ship routing and scheduling problem is considered to meet the demand for various products in multiple ports within the planning horizon. The ports have restricted operating time, so multiple time windows are taken into account. The problem addresses the operational measures such as speed optimisation and slow steaming for reducing carbon emission. A Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) model is presented and it includes the issues pertaining to multiple time horizons, sustainability aspects and varying demand and supply at various ports. The formulation incorporates several real time constraints addressing the multiple time window, varying supply and demand, carbon emission, etc. that conceive a way to represent several complicating scenarios experienced in maritime transportation. Owing to the inherent complexity, such a problem is considered to be NP-Hard in nature and for solutions an effective meta-heuristics named Particle Swarm Optimization-Composite Particle (PSO-CP) is employed. Results obtained from PSO-CP are compared using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) and GA (Genetic Algorithm) to prove its superiority. Addition of sustainability constraints leads to a 4–10% variation in the total cost. Results suggest that the carbon emission, fuel cost and fuel consumption constraints can be comfortably added to the mathematical model for encapsulating the sustainability dimensions

    Industrial and Tramp Ship Routing Problems: Closing the Gap for Real-Scale Instances

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    Recent studies in maritime logistics have introduced a general ship routing problem and a benchmark suite based on real shipping segments, considering pickups and deliveries, cargo selection, ship-dependent starting locations, travel times and costs, time windows, and incompatibility constraints, among other features. Together, these characteristics pose considerable challenges for exact and heuristic methods, and some cases with as few as 18 cargoes remain unsolved. To face this challenge, we propose an exact branch-and-price (B&P) algorithm and a hybrid metaheuristic. Our exact method generates elementary routes, but exploits decremental state-space relaxation to speed up column generation, heuristic strong branching, as well as advanced preprocessing and route enumeration techniques. Our metaheuristic is a sophisticated extension of the unified hybrid genetic search. It exploits a set-partitioning phase and uses problem-tailored variation operators to efficiently handle all the problem characteristics. As shown in our experimental analyses, the B&P optimally solves 239/240 existing instances within one hour. Scalability experiments on even larger problems demonstrate that it can optimally solve problems with around 60 ships and 200 cargoes (i.e., 400 pickup and delivery services) and find optimality gaps below 1.04% on the largest cases with up to 260 cargoes. The hybrid metaheuristic outperforms all previous heuristics and produces near-optimal solutions within minutes. These results are noteworthy, since these instances are comparable in size with the largest problems routinely solved by shipping companies

    Ship Routing with Pickup and Delivery for a Maritime Oil Transportation System: MIP Modeland Heuristics

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    This paper examines a ship routing problem with pickup and delivery and time windows for maritime oil transportation, motivated by the production and logistics activities of an oil company operating in the Brazilian coast. The transportation costs from offshore platforms to coastal terminals are an important issue in the search for operational excellence in the oil industry, involving operations that demand agile and effective decision support systems. This paper presents an optimization approach to address this problem, based on a mixed integer programming (MIP) model and a novel and exploratory application of two tailor-made MIP heuristics, based on relax-and-fix and time decomposition procedures. The model minimizes fuel costs of a heterogeneous fleet of oil tankers and costs related to freighting contracts. The model also considers company-specific constraints for offshore oil transportation. Computational experiments based on the mathematical models and the related MIP heuristics are presented for a set of real data provided by the company, which confirm the potential of optimization-based methods to find good solutions for problems of moderate sizes

    Diseño y validación de una metodología para dimensionamiento de capacidades de flotas de transporte basada en programación dinámica

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    Esta investigación reseña la etapa de diseño y validación de una metodología de solución al problema de dimensionamiento, mezcla y ruteo de flotas de transporte (Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem) dinámico multiobjetivo. La metodología diseñada consta de tres fases, la primera se fundamenta en un algoritmo genético que modela el problema de asignación de vehículos a la flota de transporte basado en un problema de programación dinámica, la segunda fase evalúa la flota asignada con base a los objetivos de maximización de utilidades y minimización del costo de las externalidad de la flota a partir de un algoritmo de ruteo basado en programación dinámica y por último una tercera fase evalúa las soluciones a través de una simulación de las condiciones operacionales de la flota. La validación de la metodología es realizada a partir de la aplicación como soporte al proceso de diseño de embarcaciones arrojando embarcaciones de similar capacidad con menores costos de producción y una reducción de los costos de las externalidades del transporteMaestríaMagister en Ingeniería Industria

    Optimization of Container Line Networks with Flexible Demands

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