3 research outputs found

    Neural Collaborative Filtering Classification Model to Obtain Prediction Reliabilities

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    Neural collaborative filtering is the state of art field in the recommender systems area; it provides some models that obtain accurate predictions and recommendations. These models are regression-based, and they just return rating predictions. This paper proposes the use of a classification-based approach, returning both rating predictions and their reliabilities. The extra information (prediction reliabilities) can be used in a variety of relevant collaborative filtering areas such as detection of shilling attacks, recommendations explanation or navigational tools to show users and items dependences. Additionally, recommendation reliabilities can be gracefully provided to users: “probably you will like this film”, “almost certainly you will like this song”, etc. This paper provides the proposed neural architecture; it also tests that the quality of its recommendation results is as good as the state of art baselines. Remarkably, individual rating predictions are improved by using the proposed architecture compared to baselines. Experiments have been performed making use of four popular public datasets, showing generalizable quality results. Overall, the proposed architecture improves individual rating predictions quality, maintains recommendation results and opens the doors to a set of relevant collaborative filtering fields

    Dirichlet Matrix Factorization: A Reliable Classification-Based Recommender System

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    Traditionally, recommender systems have been approached as regression models aiming to predict the score that a user would give to a particular item. In this work, we propose a recommender system that tackles the problem as a classification task instead of as a regression. The new model, Dirichlet Matrix Factorization (DirMF), provides not only a prediction but also its reliability, hence achieving a better balance between the quality and quantity of the predictions (i.e., reducing the prediction error by limiting the model’s coverage). The experimental results conducted show that the proposed model outperforms other models due to its ability to discard unreliable predictions. Compared to our previous model, which uses the same classification approach, DirMF shows a similar efficiency, outperforming the former on some of the datasets included in the experimental setup