4 research outputs found

    Inovativna internet podrška za elektronsku upravu u sociološkim, ekonomskim i biološkim sistemima

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to facilitate and foster e-government optimization and automation through the use of advanced information retrieval methods and techniques, and advanced Web technologies, as well. The approach suggested in this article aims to consider interactive processes which are simple, effective, and based on the user's needs and capabilities, rather than the government's organizational structure or government business models. It should create the opportunity to evaluate and eliminate redundant or unnecessary processes as well as to reduce costs and cycle times by transitioning from the processes mainly based on human- related work to automated and more intelligent processes.U radu se predlaže novi pristup koji treba da olakša i podstakne optimizaciju i automatizaciju elektronske uprave korišćenjem naprednih metoda i tehnika pretrage kao i naprednih veb-tehnologija. Pristup predložen u ovom radu ima za cilj da razmotri interaktivne procese koji su jednostavni, efikasni i zasnovani na potrebama i sposobnostima korisnika, a ne na organizacionoj strukturi vlade ili njenim poslovnim modelima. On treba da omogući da se ocene i eliminišu suvišni ili nepotrebni procesi, kao i da se smanje troškovi i vreme ciklusa prelaskom sa procesa uglavnom zasnovanih na ljudskom radu na automatizovane i inteligentnije procese

    A knowledge-based multi-role decision support system for ore blending cost optimization of blast furnaces

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    Literature illustrates the difficulties in obtaining the lowest-cost optimal solution to an ore blending problem for blast furnaces by using the traditional trial-and-error method in iron and steel enterprises. To solve this problem, we developed a cost optimization model which we have implemented in a multi-role-based decision support system (DSS). On the basis of analyzing the business flow and working process of ore blending, we propose an architecture of DSS which is built based on multi-roles. This DSS construction pre-processes the data for materials and elements, builds a general database, abstracts the related optimal operations research models and introduces the reasoning mechanism of an expert system. A non-linear model of ore blending for blast furnaces and its solutions are provided. A database, a model base and a knowledge base are integrated into the expert system-based multi-role DSS to meet the different demands of data, information and decision-making knowledge for the various roles of users. A comparison of the results for the DSS and the trial-and-error method is provided. The system has produced excellent economic benefits since it was implemented at the Xiangtan Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd.; China. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A knowledge-based multi-role decision support system for ore blending cost optimization of blast furnaces

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    Literature illustrates the difficulties in obtaining the lowest-cost optimal solution to an ore blending problem for blast furnaces by using the traditional trial-and-error method in iron and steel enterprises. To solve this problem, we developed a cost optimization model which we have implemented in a multi-role-based decision support system (DSS). On the basis of analyzing the business flow and working process of ore blending, we propose an architecture of DSS which is built based on multi-roles. This DSS construction pre-processes the data for materials and elements, builds a general database, abstracts the related optimal operations research models and introduces the reasoning mechanism of an expert system. A non-linear model of ore blending for blast furnaces and its solutions are provided. A database, a model base and a knowledge base are integrated into the expert system-based multi-role DSS to meet the different demands of data, information and decision-making knowledge for the various roles of users. A comparison of the results for the DSS and the trial-and-error method is provided. The system has produced excellent economic benefits since it was implemented at the Xiangtan Iron & Steel Group Co. Ltd., China.Decision support systems Cost optimization Expert system Ore blending

    Developing a decision framework for the strategic sourcing of biomass

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    The deployment of bioenergy technologies is a key part of UK and European renewable energy policy. A key barrier to the deployment of bioenergy technologies is the management of biomass supply chains including the evaluation of suppliers and the contracting of biomass. In the undeveloped biomass for energy market buyers of biomass are faced with three major challenges during the development of new bioenergy projects. What characteristics will a certain supply of biomass have, how to evaluate biomass suppliers and which suppliers to contract with in order to provide a portfolio of suppliers that best satisfies the needs of the project and its stakeholder group whilst also satisfying crisp and non-crisp technological constraints. The problem description is taken from the situation faced by the industrial partner in this research, Express Energy Ltd. This research tackles these three areas separately then combines them to form a decision framework to assist biomass buyers with the strategic sourcing of biomass. The BioSS framework. The BioSS framework consists of three modes which mirror the development stages of bioenergy projects. BioSS.2 mode for early stage development, BioSS.3 mode for financial close stage and BioSS.Op for the operational phase of the project. BioSS is formed of a fuels library, a supplier evaluation module and an order allocation module, a Monte-Carlo analysis module is also included to evaluate the accuracy of the recommended portfolios. In each mode BioSS can recommend which suppliers should be contracted with and how much material should be purchased from each. The recommended blend should have chemical characteristics within the technological constraints of the conversion technology and also best satisfy the stakeholder group. The fuels library is made up from a wide variety of sources and contains around 100 unique descriptions of potential biomass sources that a developer may encounter. The library takes a wide data collection approach and has the aim of allowing for estimates to be made of biomass characteristics without expensive and time consuming testing. The supplier evaluation part of BioSS uses a QFD-AHP method to give importance weightings to 27 different evaluating criteria. The evaluating criteria have been compiled from interviews with stakeholders and policy and position documents and the weightings have been assigned using a mixture of workshops and expert interview. The weighted importance scores allow potential suppliers to better tailor their business offering and provides a robust framework for decision makers to better understand the requirements of the bioenergy project stakeholder groups. The order allocation part of BioSS uses a chance-constrained programming approach to assign orders of material between potential suppliers based on the chemical characteristics of those suppliers and the preference score of those suppliers. The optimisation program finds the portfolio of orders to allocate to suppliers to give the highest performance portfolio in the eyes of the stakeholder group whilst also complying with technological constraints. The technological constraints can be breached if the decision maker requires by setting the constraint as a chance-constraint. This allows a wider range of biomass sources to be procured and allows a greater overall performance to be realised than considering crisp constraints or using deterministic programming approaches. BioSS is demonstrated against two scenarios faced by UK bioenergy developers. The first is a large scale combustion power project, the second a small scale gasification project. The Bioss is applied in each mode for both scenarios and is shown to adapt the solution to the stakeholder group importance and the different constraints of the different conversion technologies whilst finding a globally optimal portfolio for stakeholder satisfaction