21 research outputs found

    A kilobit special number field sieve factorization

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    We describe how we reached a new factoring milestone by completing the first special number field sieve factorization of a number having more than 1024 bits, namely the Mersenne number 21039 -1. Although this factorization is orders of magnitude 'easier' than a factorization of a 1024-bit RSA modulus is believed to be, the methods we used to obtain our result shed new light on the feasibility of the latter computation. © International Association for Cryptology Research 2007

    Shallow Depth Factoring Based on Quantum Feasibility Labeling and Variational Quantum Search

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    Large integer factorization is a prominent research challenge, particularly in the context of quantum computing. This holds significant importance, especially in information security that relies on public key cryptosystems. The classical computation of prime factors for an integer has exponential time complexity. Quantum computing offers the potential for significantly faster computational processes compared to classical processors. In this paper, we propose a new quantum algorithm, Shallow Depth Factoring (SDF), to factor a biprime integer. SDF consists of three steps. First, it converts a factoring problem to an optimization problem without an objective function. Then, it uses a Quantum Feasibility Labeling (QFL) method to label every possible solution according to whether it is feasible or infeasible for the optimization problem. Finally, it employs the Variational Quantum Search (VQS) to find all feasible solutions. The SDF utilizes shallow-depth quantum circuits for efficient factorization, with the circuit depth scaling linearly as the integer to be factorized increases. Through minimizing the number of gates in the circuit, the algorithm enhances feasibility and reduces vulnerability to errors.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    A kilobit hidden SNFS discrete logarithm computation

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    We perform a special number field sieve discrete logarithm computation in a 1024-bit prime field. To our knowledge, this is the first kilobit-sized discrete logarithm computation ever reported for prime fields. This computation took a little over two months of calendar time on an academic cluster using the open-source CADO-NFS software. Our chosen prime pp looks random, and p−−1p--1 has a 160-bit prime factor, in line with recommended parameters for the Digital Signature Algorithm. However, our p has been trapdoored in such a way that the special number field sieve can be used to compute discrete logarithms in F_p∗\mathbb{F}\_p^* , yet detecting that p has this trapdoor seems out of reach. Twenty-five years ago, there was considerable controversy around the possibility of back-doored parameters for DSA. Our computations show that trapdoored primes are entirely feasible with current computing technology. We also describe special number field sieve discrete log computations carried out for multiple weak primes found in use in the wild. As can be expected from a trapdoor mechanism which we say is hard to detect, our research did not reveal any trapdoored prime in wide use. The only way for a user to defend against a hypothetical trapdoor of this kind is to require verifiably random primes

    A heterogeneous computing environment to solve the 768-bit RSA challenge

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    In December 2009 the 768-bit, 232-digit number RSA-768 was factored using the number field sieve. Overall, the computational challenge would take more than 1700 years on a single, standard core. In the article we present the heterogeneous computing approach, involving different compute clusters and Grid computing environments, used to solve this proble

    Using a grid platform for solving large sparse linear systems over GF(2)

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    International audienceIn Fall 2009, the final step of the factorization of rsa768 was carried out on several clusters of the Grid'5000 platform, leading to a new record in integer factorization. This step involves solving a huge sparse linear system defined over the binary field GF(2). This article aims at describing the algorithm used, the difficulties encountered, and the methodology which led to success. In particular, we illustrate how our use of the block Wiedemann algorithm led to a method which is suitable for use on a grid platform, with both adaptability to various clusters, and error detection and recovery procedures. While this was not obvious at first, it eventually turned out that the contribution of the Grid'5000 clusters to this computation was major

    Yafa-108/146: Implementing ed25519-embedding Cocks-Pinch curves in arkworks-rs

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    This note describes two pairing-friendly curves that embed ed25519, of different bit security levels. Our search is not novel; it follows the standard recipe of the Cocks-Pinch method. We implemented these two curves on arkworks-rs. This note is intended to document how the parameters are being generated and how to implement these curves in arkworks-rs 0.4.0, for further reference. We name the two curves as Yafa-108 and Yafa-146: - Yafa-108 is estimated to offer 108-bit security, which we parameterized to match the 103-bit security of BN254 - Yafa-146 is estimated to offer 146-bit security, which we parameterized to match the 132-bit security of BLS12-446 or 123-bit security of BLS12-381 We use these curves as an example to demonstrate two things: - The elastic zero-knowledge proof, Gemini (EUROCRYPT \u2722), is more than being elastic, but it is more curve-agnostic and hardware-friendly. - The cost of nonnative field arithmetics can be drastic, and the needs of application-specific curves may be inherent. This result serves as evidence of the necessity of EIP-1962, and the insufficiency of EIP-2537

    Discrete Logarithm in GF(2809) with FFS

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    International audienceThe year 2013 has seen several major complexity advances for the discrete logarithm problem in multiplicative groups of small- characteristic finite fields. These outmatch, asymptotically, the Function Field Sieve (FFS) approach, which was so far the most efficient algorithm known for this task. Yet, on the practical side, it is not clear whether the new algorithms are uniformly better than FFS. This article presents the state of the art with regard to the FFS algorithm, and reports data from a record-sized discrete logarithm computation in a prime-degree extension field

    Relation collection for the Function Field Sieve

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    International audienceIn this paper, we focus on the relation collection step of the Function Field Sieve (FFS), which is to date the best known algorithm for computing discrete logarithms in small-characteristic finite fields of cryptographic sizes. Denoting such a finite field by GF(p^n), where p is much smaller than n, the main idea behind this step is to find polynomials of the form a(t)-b(t)x in GF(p)[t][x] which, when considered as principal ideals in carefully selected function fields, can be factored into products of low-degree prime ideals. Such polynomials are called ''relations'', and current record-sized discrete-logarithm computations require billions of them. Collecting relations is therefore a crucial and extremely expensive step in FFS, and a practical implementation thereof requires heavy use of cache-aware sieving algorithms, along with efficient polynomial arithmetic over GF(p)[t]. This paper presents the algorithmic and arithmetic techniques which were put together as part of a new implementation of FFS, aimed at medium- to record-sized computations, and planned for public release in the near future