1,514 research outputs found

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    Latest trends in hybrid machine translation and its applications

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    This survey on hybrid machine translation (MT) is motivated by the fact that hybridization techniques have become popular as they attempt to combine the best characteristics of highly advanced pure rule or corpus-based MT approaches. Existing research typically covers either simple or more complex architectures guided by either rule or corpus-based approaches. The goal is to combine the best properties of each type. This survey provides a detailed overview of the modification of the standard rule-based architecture to include statistical knowl- edge, the introduction of rules in corpus-based approaches, and the hybridization of approaches within this last single category. The principal aim here is to cover the leading research and progress in this field of MT and in several related applications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Neural pre-translation for hybrid machine translation

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    Hybrid machine translation (HMT) takes advantage of different types of machine translation (MT) systems to improve translation performance. Neural machine translation (NMT) can produce more fluent translations while phrase-based statistical machine translation (PB-SMT) can produce adequate results primarily due to the contribution of the translation model. In this paper, we propose a cascaded hybrid framework to combine NMT and PB-SMT to improve translation quality. Specifically, we first use the trained NMT system to pre-translate the training data, and then employ the pre-translated training data to build an SMT system and tune parameters using the pre-translated development set. Finally, the SMT system is utilised as a post-processing step to re-decode the pre-translated test set and produce the final result. Experiments conducted on Japanese!English and Chinese!English show that the proposed cascaded hybrid framework can significantly improve performance by 2.38 BLEU points and 4.22 BLEU points, respectively, compared to the baseline NMT system

    EUSMT: incorporating linguistic information to SMT for a morphologically rich language. Its use in SMT-RBMT-EBMT hybridation

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    148 p.: graf.This thesis is defined in the framework of machine translation for Basque. Having developed a Rule-Based Machine Translation (RBMT) system for Basque in the IXA group (Mayor, 2007), we decided to tackle the Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) approach and experiment on how we could adapt it to the peculiarities of the Basque language. First, we analyzed the impact of the agglutinative nature of Basque and the best way to deal with it. In order to deal with the problems presented above, we have split up Basque words into the lemma and some tags which represent the morphological information expressed by the inflection. By dividing each Basque word in this way, we aim to reduce the sparseness produced by the agglutinative nature of Basque and the small amount of training data. Similarly, we also studied the differences in word order between Spanish and Basque, examining different techniques for dealing with them. we confirm the weakness of the basic SMT in dealing with great word order differences in the source and target languages. Distance-based reordering, which is the technique used by the baseline system, does not have enough information to properly handle great word order differences, so any of the techniques tested in this work (based on both statistics and manually generated rules) outperforms the baseline. Once we had obtained a more accurate SMT system, we started the first attempts to combine different MT systems into a hybrid one that would allow us to get the best of the different paradigms. The hybridization attempts carried out in this PhD dissertation are preliminaries, but, even so, this work can help us to determine the ongoing steps. This thesis is defined in the framework of machine translation for Basque. Having developed a Rule-Based Machine Translation (RBMT) system for Basque in the IXA group (Mayor, 2007), we decided to tackle the Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) approach and experiment on how we could adapt it to the peculiarities of the Basque language. First, we analyzed the impact of the agglutinative nature of Basque and the best way to deal with it. In order to deal with the problems presented above, we have split up Basque words into the lemma and some tags which represent the morphological information expressed by the inflection. By dividing each Basque word in this way, we aim to reduce the sparseness produced by the agglutinative nature of Basque and the small amount of training data. Similarly, we also studied the differences in word order between Spanish and Basque, examining different techniques for dealing with them. we confirm the weakness of the basic SMT in dealing with great word order differences in the source and target languages. Distance-based reordering, which is the technique used by the baseline system, does not have enough information to properly handle great word order differences, so any of the techniques tested in this work (based on both statistics and manually generated rules) outperforms the baseline. Once we had obtained a more accurate SMT system, we started the first attempts to combine different MT systems into a hybrid one that would allow us to get the best of the different paradigms. The hybridization attempts carried out in this PhD dissertation are preliminaries, but, even so, this work can help us to determine the ongoing steps.Eusko Jaurlaritzaren ikertzaileak prestatzeko beka batekin (BFI05.326)eginda

    Information retrieval and text mining technologies for chemistry

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    Efficient access to chemical information contained in scientific literature, patents, technical reports, or the web is a pressing need shared by researchers and patent attorneys from different chemical disciplines. Retrieval of important chemical information in most cases starts with finding relevant documents for a particular chemical compound or family. Targeted retrieval of chemical documents is closely connected to the automatic recognition of chemical entities in the text, which commonly involves the extraction of the entire list of chemicals mentioned in a document, including any associated information. In this Review, we provide a comprehensive and in-depth description of fundamental concepts, technical implementations, and current technologies for meeting these information demands. A strong focus is placed on community challenges addressing systems performance, more particularly CHEMDNER and CHEMDNER patents tasks of BioCreative IV and V, respectively. Considering the growing interest in the construction of automatically annotated chemical knowledge bases that integrate chemical information and biological data, cheminformatics approaches for mapping the extracted chemical names into chemical structures and their subsequent annotation together with text mining applications for linking chemistry with biological information are also presented. Finally, future trends and current challenges are highlighted as a roadmap proposal for research in this emerging field.A.V. and M.K. acknowledge funding from the European Community’s Horizon 2020 Program (project reference: 654021 - OpenMinted). M.K. additionally acknowledges the Encomienda MINETAD-CNIO as part of the Plan for the Advancement of Language Technology. O.R. and J.O. thank the Foundation for Applied Medical Research (FIMA), University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain). This work was partially funded by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria (Xunta de Galicia), and FEDER (European Union), and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2013 unit and COMPETE 2020 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006684). We thank Iñigo Garciá -Yoldi for useful feedback and discussions during the preparation of the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    Abstract syntax as interlingua: Scaling up the grammatical framework from controlled languages to robust pipelines

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    Syntax is an interlingual representation used in compilers. Grammatical Framework (GF) applies the abstract syntax idea to natural languages. The development of GF started in 1998, first as a tool for controlled language implementations, where it has gained an established position in both academic and commercial projects. GF provides grammar resources for over 40 languages, enabling accurate generation and translation, as well as grammar engineering tools and components for mobile and Web applications. On the research side, the focus in the last ten years has been on scaling up GF to wide-coverage language processing. The concept of abstract syntax offers a unified view on many other approaches: Universal Dependencies, WordNets, FrameNets, Construction Grammars, and Abstract Meaning Representations. This makes it possible for GF to utilize data from the other approaches and to build robust pipelines. In return, GF can contribute to data-driven approaches by methods to transfer resources from one language to others, to augment data by rule-based generation, to check the consistency of hand-annotated corpora, and to pipe analyses into high-precision semantic back ends. This article gives an overview of the use of abstract syntax as interlingua through both established and emerging NLP applications involving GF