219 research outputs found

    Optimization strategies for the integrated management of perishable supply chains: A literature review

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to systematically review the papers published in the period 2005-2020 about the integration of production, inventory and distribution activities in perishable supply chains. Design/methodology/approach: The proposed research methodology is based on several steps. First, database and keywords are selected, with the aim to search and collect the main papers, dealing with the integration of production, inventory, distribution activities in perishable supply chains. Then, a bibliometric analysis is carried out, to detect: the main publishing sources, the chronological distribution, the most used keywords, the featured authors, about the selected papers. A five-dimension classification framework is proposed to carry out a content analysis, where the papers of the literature review are classified and discussed, according to: supply chain structure, objective, perishability type, solution approach, approach validation. Findings: Interest in the application of optimization models for integrated decision-making along perishable supply chains is strongly growing. Integrating multiple stages of the supply chain into a single framework is complex, especially when referring to perishable products. The vast majority of the problems addressed are then NP-Hard. Only a limited quantity of the selected papers aims to solve real-life case studies. There is a need for further research, which is capable of modeling and quantitatively improving existing supply chains. The potentials of Industry 4.0 are currently little explored. Originality/value: Based on the analysis of the papers published, this article outlines the current state of the art on the optimization strategies for the integrated management of perishable supply chains, which are very complex to be managed. Research trends and gaps are discussed, future challenges are presentedPeer Reviewe

    Tabu search heuristic for inventory routing problem with stochastic demand and time windows

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    This study proposes the hybridization of tabu search (TS) and variable neighbourhood descent (VND) for solving the Inventory Routing Problems with Stochastic Demand and Time Windows (IRPSDTW). Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) is among the most used approaches for managing supply chains comprising multiple stakeholders, and implementing VMI require addressing the Inventory Routing Problem (IRP). Considering practical constraints related to demand uncertainty and time constraint, the proposed model combines multi-item replenishment schedules with unknown demand to arrange delivery paths, where the actual demand amount is only known upon arrival at a customer location with a time limit. The proposed method starts from the initial solution that considers the time windows and uses the TS method to solve the problem. As an extension, the VND is conducted to jump the solution from its local optimal. The results show that the proposed method can solve the IRPSDTW, especially for uniformly distributed customer locations

    A Metaheuristic-Based Simulation Optimization Framework For Supply Chain Inventory Management Under Uncertainty

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    The need for inventory control models for practical real-world applications is growing with the global expansion of supply chains. The widely used traditional optimization procedures usually require an explicit mathematical model formulated based on some assumptions. The validity of such models and approaches for real world applications depend greatly upon whether the assumptions made match closely with the reality. The use of meta-heuristics, as opposed to a traditional method, does not require such assumptions and has allowed more realistic modeling of the inventory control system and its solution. In this dissertation, a metaheuristic-based simulation optimization framework is developed for supply chain inventory management under uncertainty. In the proposed framework, any effective metaheuristic can be employed to serve as the optimizer to intelligently search the solution space, using an appropriate simulation inventory model as the evaluation module. To be realistic and practical, the proposed framework supports inventory decision-making under supply-side and demand-side uncertainty in a supply chain. The supply-side uncertainty specifically considered includes quality imperfection. As far as demand-side uncertainty is concerned, the new framework does not make any assumption on demand distribution and can process any demand time series. This salient feature enables users to have the flexibility to evaluate data of practical relevance. In addition, other realistic factors, such as capacity constraints, limited shelf life of products and type-compatible substitutions are also considered and studied by the new framework. The proposed framework has been applied to single-vendor multi-buyer supply chains with the single vendor facing the direct impact of quality deviation and capacity constraint from its supplier and the buyers facing demand uncertainty. In addition, it has been extended to the supply chain inventory management of highly perishable products. Blood products with limited shelf life and ABO compatibility have been examined in detail. It is expected that the proposed framework can be easily adapted to different supply chain systems, including healthcare organizations. Computational results have shown that the proposed framework can effectively assess the impacts of different realistic factors on the performance of a supply chain from different angles, and to determine the optimal inventory policies accordingly

    Development of transportation and supply chain problems with the combination of agent-based simulation and network optimization

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    Demand drives a different range of supply chain and logistics location decisions, and agent-based modeling (ABM) introduces innovative solutions to address supply chain and logistics problems. This dissertation focuses on an agent-based and network optimization approach to resolve those problems and features three research projects that cover prevalent supply chain management and logistics problems. The first case study evaluates demographic densities in Norway, Finland, and Sweden, and covers how distribution center (DC) locations can be established using a minimizing trip distance approach. Furthermore, traveling time maps are developed for each scenario. In addition, the Nordic area consisting of those three countries is analyzed and five DC location optimization results are presented. The second case study introduces transportation cost modelling in the process of collecting tree logs from several districts and transporting them to the nearest collection point. This research project presents agent-based modelling (ABM) that incorporates comprehensively the key elements of the pick-up and delivery supply chain model and designs the components as autonomous agents communicating with each other. The modelling merges various components such as GIS routing, potential facility locations, random tree log pickup locations, fleet sizing, trip distance, and truck and train transportation. The entire pick-up and delivery operation are modeled by ABM and modeling outcomes are provided by time series charts such as the number of trucks in use, facilities inventory and travel distance. In addition, various scenarios of simulation based on potential facility locations and truck numbers are evaluated and the optimal facility location and fleet size are identified. In the third case study, an agent-based modeling strategy is used to address the problem of vehicle scheduling and fleet optimization. The solution method is employed to data from a real-world organization, and a set of key performance indicators are created to assess the resolution's effectiveness. The ABM method, contrary to other modeling approaches, is a fully customized method that can incorporate extensively various processes and elements. ABM applying the autonomous agent concept can integrate various components that exist in the complex supply chain and create a similar system to assess the supply chain efficiency.Tuotteiden kysyntä ohjaa erilaisia toimitusketju- ja logistiikkasijaintipäätöksiä, ja agenttipohjainen mallinnusmenetelmä (ABM) tuo innovatiivisia ratkaisuja toimitusketjun ja logistiikan ongelmien ratkaisemiseen. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy agenttipohjaiseen mallinnusmenetelmään ja verkon optimointiin tällaisten ongelmien ratkaisemiseksi, ja sisältää kolme tapaustutkimusta, jotka voidaan luokitella kuuluvan yleisiin toimitusketjun hallinta- ja logistiikkaongelmiin. Ensimmäinen tapaustutkimus esittelee kuinka käyttämällä väestötiheyksiä Norjassa, Suomessa ja Ruotsissa voidaan määrittää strategioita jakelukeskusten (DC) sijaintiin käyttämällä matkan etäisyyden minimoimista. Kullekin skenaariolle kehitetään matka-aikakartat. Lisäksi analysoidaan näistä kolmesta maasta koostuvaa pohjoismaista aluetta ja esitetään viisi mahdollista sijaintia optimointituloksena. Toinen tapaustutkimus esittelee kuljetuskustannusmallintamisen prosessissa, jossa puutavaraa kerätään useilta alueilta ja kuljetetaan lähimpään keräyspisteeseen. Tämä tutkimusprojekti esittelee agenttipohjaista mallinnusta (ABM), joka yhdistää kattavasti noudon ja toimituksen toimitusketjumallin keskeiset elementit ja suunnittelee komponentit keskenään kommunikoiviksi autonomisiksi agenteiksi. Mallinnuksessa yhdistetään erilaisia komponentteja, kuten GIS-reititys, mahdolliset tilojen sijainnit, satunnaiset puunhakupaikat, kaluston mitoitus, matkan pituus sekä monimuotokuljetukset. ABM:n avulla mallinnetaan noutojen ja toimituksien koko ketju ja tuloksena saadaan aikasarjoja kuvaamaan käytössä olevat kuorma-autot, sekä varastomäärät ja ajetut matkat. Lisäksi arvioidaan erilaisia simuloinnin skenaarioita mahdollisten laitosten sijainnista ja kuorma-autojen lukumäärästä sekä tunnistetaan optimaalinen toimipisteen sijainti ja tarvittava autojen määrä. Kolmannessa tapaustutkimuksessa agenttipohjaista mallinnusstrategiaa käytetään ratkaisemaan ajoneuvojen aikataulujen ja kaluston optimoinnin ongelma. Ratkaisumenetelmää käytetään dataan, joka on peräisin todellisesta organisaatiosta, ja ratkaisun tehokkuuden arvioimiseksi luodaan lukuisia keskeisiä suorituskykyindikaattoreita. ABM-menetelmä, toisin kuin monet muut mallintamismenetelmät, on täysin räätälöitävissä oleva menetelmä, joka voi sisältää laajasti erilaisia prosesseja ja elementtejä. Autonomisia agentteja soveltava ABM voi integroida erilaisia komponentteja, jotka ovat olemassa monimutkaisessa toimitusketjussa ja luoda vastaavan järjestelmän toimitusketjun tehokkuuden arvioimiseksi yksityiskohtaisesti.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Systematic Literature Review Of Particle Swarm Optimization Implementation For Time-Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem

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    Time-dependent VRP (TDVRP) is one of the three VRP variants that have not been widely explored in research in the field of operational research, while Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an optimization algorithm in the field of operational research that uses many variables in its application. There is much research conducted about TDVRP, but few of them discuss PSO's implementation. This article presented as a literature review which aimed to find a research gap about implementation of PSO to resolve TDVRP cases. The research was conducted in five stages. The first stage, a review protocol defined in the form of research questions and methods to perform the review. The second stage is references searching. The third stage is screening the search result. The fourth stage is extracting data from references based on research questions. The fifth stage is reporting the study literature results. The results obtained from the screening process were 37 eligible reference articles, from 172 search results articles. The results of extraction and analysis of 37 reference articles show that research on TDVRP discusses the duration of travel time between 2 locations. The route optimization parameter is determined from the cost of the trip, including the total distance traveled, the total travel time, the number of routes, and the number used vehicles. The datasets that are used in research consist of 2 types, real-world datasets and simulation datasets. Solomon Benchmark is a simulation dataset that is widely used in the case of TDVRP. Research on PSO in the TDVRP case is dominated by the discussion of modifications to determine random values of PSO variables

    Road-based goods transportation : a survey of real-world logistics applications from 2000 to 2015

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    The vehicle routing problem has been widely studied from a technical point of view for more than 50 years. Many of its variants are rooted in practical settings. This paper provides a survey of the main real-life applications of road-based goods transportation over the past 15 years. It reviews papers in the areas of oil, gas and fuel transportation, retail, waste collection and management, mail and package delivery and food distribution. Some perspectives on future research and applications are discussed

    Model and algorithm of two-stage distribution location routing with hard time window for city cold-chain logistics

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    Taking cold-chain logistics as the research background and combining with the overall optimisation of logistics distribution networks, we develop two-stage distribution location-routing model with the minimum total cost as the objective function and varying vehicle capacity in different delivery stages. A hybrid genetic algorithm is designed based on coupling and collaboration of the two-stage routing and transfer stations. The validity and feasibility of the model and algorithm are verified by conducting a randomly generated test. The optimal solutions for different objective functions of two-stage distribution location-routing are compared and analysed. Results turn out that for different distribution objectives, different distribution schemes should be employed. Finally, we compare the two-stage distribution location-routing to single-stage vehicle routing problems. It is found that a two-stage distribution location-routing system is feasible and effective for the cold-chain logistics network, and can decrease distribution costs for cold-chain logistics enterprises.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Inventory routing problem with backhaul considering returnable transport items collection

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    The Inventory Routing Problem (IRP) has been highlighted as a valuable strategy for tackling routing and inventory problems. This paper addresses the IRP but considers the forward delivery and the use of Returnable Transport Items (RTIs) in the distribution strategy. We develop an optimization model by considering inventory routing decisions with RTIs collection (backhaul customers) of a Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) within a short-term planning horizon. RTIs consider reusable packing materials such as trays, pallets, recyclable boxes, or crates. The RTIs represent an essential asset for many industries worldwide. The solution of the model allows concluding that if RTIs are considered for the distribution process, the relationship between the inventory handling costs of both the final goods and RTIs highly determines the overall performance of the logistics system under study. The obtained results show the efficiency of the proposed optimization scheme for solving the combined IRP with RTIs, which could be applied to different real industrial cases