4 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Medium-Term Load Forecasting Approaches: A Case Study of Ogun State, Nigeria

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    The place of electrical energy in enhancement of this computer age cannot be over-emphasised. Its forecast plays a significant functions in energy industry, helps the government and private sectors in making the precise decision regarding energy management practices. This paper presents performance evaluation of medium-term load forecasting techniques: a case study of Ogun State, Nigeria. Two different approaches were used using the previous load consumption in 2017 for the forecast. Least square approach compared with regression exponential approaches gave the least value of Mean Average Percentage Error (MAPE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), which are 1.8212% and 0.004472 respectively. The anticipated percentage load growth for the months of July-December, 2018 forecasted with least square approach were 34.06%, 33.54%, 36.10%, 31.10%, 32.23% and 30.15% respectively, acute gas supply caused by pipeline vandalisation and theft of distribution/sub-station materials could be held responsible for low load growth in the month of December. The results of this analysis will assist the Regional Headquarters, Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC), Abeokuta, Ogun State in making effective planning, operation and management of energy across the state

    Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Method Based on Improved Exponential Smoothing Grey Model

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    In order to improve the prediction accuracy, this paper proposes a short-term power load forecasting method based on the improved exponential smoothing grey model. It firstly determines the main factor affecting the power load using the grey correlation analysis. It then conducts power load forecasting using the improved multivariable grey model. The improved prediction model firstly carries out the smoothing processing of the original power load data using the first exponential smoothing method. Secondly, the grey prediction model with an optimized background value is established using the smoothed sequence which agrees with the exponential trend. Finally, the inverse exponential smoothing method is employed to restore the predicted value. The first exponential smoothing model uses the 0.618 method to search for the optimal smooth coefficient. The prediction model can take the effects of the influencing factors on the power load into consideration. The simulated results show that the proposed prediction algorithm has a satisfactory prediction effect and meets the requirements of short-term power load forecasting. This research not only further improves the accuracy and reliability of short-term power load forecasting but also extends the application scope of the grey prediction model and shortens the search interval

    Modeling Energy Demand—A Systematic Literature Review

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    In this article, a systematic literature review of 419 articles on energy demand modeling, published between 2015 and 2020, is presented. This provides researchers with an exhaustive overview of the examined literature and classification of techniques for energy demand modeling. Unlike in existing literature reviews, in this comprehensive study all of the following aspects of energy demand models are analyzed: techniques, prediction accuracy, inputs, energy carrier, sector, temporal horizon, and spatial granularity. Readers benefit from easy access to a broad literature base and find decision support when choosing suitable data-model combinations for their projects. Results have been compiled in comprehensive figures and tables, providing a structured summary of the literature, and containing direct references to the analyzed articles. Drawbacks of techniques are discussed as well as countermeasures. The results show that among the articles, machine learning (ML) techniques are used the most, are mainly applied to short-term electricity forecasting on a regional level and rely on historic load as their main data source. Engineering-based models are less dependent on historic load data and cover appliance consumption on long temporal horizons. Metaheuristic and uncertainty techniques are often used in hybrid models. Statistical techniques are frequently used for energy demand modeling as well and often serve as benchmarks for other techniques. Among the articles, the accuracy measured by mean average percentage error (MAPE) proved to be on similar levels for all techniques. This review eases the reader into the subject matter by presenting the emphases that have been made in the current literature, suggesting future research directions, and providing the basis for quantitative testing of hypotheses regarding applicability and dominance of specific methods for sub-categories of demand modeling.BMBF, 03SFK4T0, Verbundvorhaben ENavi: Energiewende-Navigationssystem zur Erfassung, Analyse und Simulation der systemischen Vernetzungen" - Teilvorhaben T0BMWi, 03ET4040C, Verbundvorhaben: Harmonisierung und Entwicklung von Verfahren zur regional und zeitlich aufgelösten Modellierung von Energienachfragen (DemandRegio) Teilvorhaben: ProfileDFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2021 - 2022 / Technische Universität Berli