249,627 research outputs found

    A hybrid approach for multi-view modeling

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    Multi-view modeling is a widely accepted technique to reduce the complexity in the development of modern software systems. It allows developers to focus on a narrowed portion of the specification dealing with a selected aspect of the problem. However, multi-view modeling support discloses a number of issues: on the one hand consistency management very often has to cope with semantics interconnections between the different concerns. On the other hand, providing a predefined set of views usually results as too restrictive because of expressiveness and customization needs. This paper proposes a hybrid solution for multi-view modeling based on an arbitrary number of custom views defined on top of an underlying modeling language. The aim is to benefit from the consistency by-construction granted by well-defined views while at the same time providing malleable perspectives through which the system under development can be specified

    A Hybrid Modeling Approach for Strategy Optimization of E-business Values

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    Value proposition, creation, and maximization are essential corporate objectives in e-business planning and operations, and thus constitute central tasks of the ebusiness strategic management. The goal of this paper is to provide a hybrid modeling approach that integrates the dynamic programming and the balanced scorecard models for strategy optimization of e-business values. Values from the market, supply chain, business organization, and customer perspectives are identified first based on a generic e-business model framework. In the subsequent value-based strategic planning stage, strategies with objectives and metrics for value creation in different perspectives are outlined. In the mean time, a multiperiod, multi-dimensional dynamic programming model is formulated for optimizing the expected total business value. In the value-based performance measurement stage, an adapted balanced scorecard model is developed to hold a balanced view for evaluating strategy performances regarding all value perspectives. The proposed modeling approach aims at providing e-business firms with clear and well-structured guidelines for efficiently and effectively handling complex decision and management activities including business model design, value identification, strategy formulation, as well as performance measurement

    Agent-based hybrid framework for decision making on complex problems

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    Electronic commerce and the Internet have created demand for automated systems that can make complex decisions utilizing information from multiple sources. Because the information is uncertain, dynamic, distributed, and heterogeneous in nature, these systems require a great diversity of intelligent techniques including expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. However, in complex decision making, many different components or sub-tasks are involved, each of which requires different types of processing. Thus multiple such techniques are required resulting in systems called hybrid intelligent systems. That is, hybrid solutions are crucial for complex problem solving and decision making. There is a growing demand for these systems in many areas including financial investment planning, engineering design, medical diagnosis, and cognitive simulation. However, the design and development of these systems is difficult because they have a large number of parts or components that have many interactions. From a multi-agent perspective, agents in multi-agent systems (MAS) are autonomous and can engage in flexible, high-level interactions. MASs are good at complex, dynamic interactions. Thus a multi-agent perspective is suitable for modeling, design, and construction of hybrid intelligent systems. The aim of this thesis is to develop an agent-based framework for constructing hybrid intelligent systems which are mainly used for complex problem solving and decision making. Existing software development techniques (typically, object-oriented) are inadequate for modeling agent-based hybrid intelligent systems. There is a fundamental mismatch between the concepts used by object-oriented developers and the agent-oriented view. Although there are some agent-oriented methodologies such as the Gaia methodology, there is still no specifically tailored methodology available for analyzing and designing agent-based hybrid intelligent systems. To this end, a methodology is proposed, which is specifically tailored to the analysis and design of agent-based hybrid intelligent systems. The methodology consists of six models - role model, interaction model, agent model, skill model, knowledge model, and organizational model. This methodology differs from other agent-oriented methodologies in its skill and knowledge models. As good decisions and problem solutions are mainly based on adequate information, rich knowledge, and appropriate skills to use knowledge and information, these two models are of paramount importance in modeling complex problem solving and decision making. Follow the methodology, an agent-based framework for hybrid intelligent system construction used in complex problem solving and decision making was developed. The framework has several crucial characteristics that differentiate this research from others. Four important issues relating to the framework are also investigated. These cover the building of an ontology for financial investment, matchmaking in middle agents, reasoning in problem solving and decision making, and decision aggregation in MASs. The thesis demonstrates how to build a domain-specific ontology and how to access it in a MAS by building a financial ontology. It is argued that the practical performance of service provider agents has a significant impact on the matchmaking outcomes of middle agents. It is proposed to consider service provider agents\u27 track records in matchmaking. A way to provide initial values for the track records of service provider agents is also suggested. The concept of ‘reasoning with multimedia information’ is introduced, and reasoning with still image information using symbolic projection theory is proposed. How to choose suitable aggregation operations is demonstrated through financial investment application and three approaches are proposed - the stationary agent approach, the token-passing approach, and the mobile agent approach to implementing decision aggregation in MASs. Based on the framework, a prototype was built and applied to financial investment planning. This prototype consists of one serving agent, one interface agent, one decision aggregation agent, one planning agent, four decision making agents, and five service provider agents. Experiments were conducted on the prototype. The experimental results show the framework is flexible, robust, and fully workable. All agents derived from the methodology exhibit their behaviors correctly as specified

    3D People Surveillance on Range Data Sequences of a Rotating Lidar

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    In this paper, we propose an approach on real-time 3D people surveillance, with probabilistic foreground modeling, multiple person tracking and on-line re-identification. Our principal aim is to demonstrate the capabilities of a special range sensor, called rotating multi-beam (RMB) Lidar, as a future possible surveillance camera. We present methodological contributions in two key issues. First, we introduce a hybrid 2D--3D method for robust foreground-background classification of the recorded RMB-Lidar point clouds, with eliminating spurious effects resulted by quantification error of the discretized view angle, non-linear position corrections of sensor calibration, and background flickering, in particularly due to motion of vegetation. Second, we propose a real-time method for moving pedestrian detection and tracking in RMB-Lidar sequences of dense surveillance scenarios, with short- and long-term object assignment. We introduce a novel person re-identification algorithm based on solely the Lidar measurements, utilizing in parallel the range and the intensity channels of the sensor, which provide biometric features. Quantitative evaluation is performed on seven outdoor Lidar sequences containing various multi-target scenarios displaying challenging outdoor conditions with low point density and multiple occlusions

    Human Performance Modeling and Rendering via Neural Animated Mesh

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    We have recently seen tremendous progress in the neural advances for photo-real human modeling and rendering. However, it's still challenging to integrate them into an existing mesh-based pipeline for downstream applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive neural approach for high-quality reconstruction, compression, and rendering of human performances from dense multi-view videos. Our core intuition is to bridge the traditional animated mesh workflow with a new class of highly efficient neural techniques. We first introduce a neural surface reconstructor for high-quality surface generation in minutes. It marries the implicit volumetric rendering of the truncated signed distance field (TSDF) with multi-resolution hash encoding. We further propose a hybrid neural tracker to generate animated meshes, which combines explicit non-rigid tracking with implicit dynamic deformation in a self-supervised framework. The former provides the coarse warping back into the canonical space, while the latter implicit one further predicts the displacements using the 4D hash encoding as in our reconstructor. Then, we discuss the rendering schemes using the obtained animated meshes, ranging from dynamic texturing to lumigraph rendering under various bandwidth settings. To strike an intricate balance between quality and bandwidth, we propose a hierarchical solution by first rendering 6 virtual views covering the performer and then conducting occlusion-aware neural texture blending. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in a variety of mesh-based applications and photo-realistic free-view experiences on various platforms, i.e., inserting virtual human performances into real environments through mobile AR or immersively watching talent shows with VR headsets.Comment: 18 pages, 17 figure

    Multi-level agent-based modeling - A literature survey

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    During last decade, multi-level agent-based modeling has received significant and dramatically increasing interest. In this article we present a comprehensive and structured review of literature on the subject. We present the main theoretical contributions and application domains of this concept, with an emphasis on social, flow, biological and biomedical models.Comment: v2. Ref 102 added. v3-4 Many refs and text added v5-6 bibliographic statistics updated. v7 Change of the name of the paper to reflect what it became, many refs and text added, bibliographic statistics update

    Distributed Hybrid Simulation of the Internet of Things and Smart Territories

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    This paper deals with the use of hybrid simulation to build and compose heterogeneous simulation scenarios that can be proficiently exploited to model and represent the Internet of Things (IoT). Hybrid simulation is a methodology that combines multiple modalities of modeling/simulation. Complex scenarios are decomposed into simpler ones, each one being simulated through a specific simulation strategy. All these simulation building blocks are then synchronized and coordinated. This simulation methodology is an ideal one to represent IoT setups, which are usually very demanding, due to the heterogeneity of possible scenarios arising from the massive deployment of an enormous amount of sensors and devices. We present a use case concerned with the distributed simulation of smart territories, a novel view of decentralized geographical spaces that, thanks to the use of IoT, builds ICT services to manage resources in a way that is sustainable and not harmful to the environment. Three different simulation models are combined together, namely, an adaptive agent-based parallel and distributed simulator, an OMNeT++ based discrete event simulator and a script-language simulator based on MATLAB. Results from a performance analysis confirm the viability of using hybrid simulation to model complex IoT scenarios.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1605.0487

    Modeling the Internet of Things: a simulation perspective

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    This paper deals with the problem of properly simulating the Internet of Things (IoT). Simulating an IoT allows evaluating strategies that can be employed to deploy smart services over different kinds of territories. However, the heterogeneity of scenarios seriously complicates this task. This imposes the use of sophisticated modeling and simulation techniques. We discuss novel approaches for the provision of scalable simulation scenarios, that enable the real-time execution of massively populated IoT environments. Attention is given to novel hybrid and multi-level simulation techniques that, when combined with agent-based, adaptive Parallel and Distributed Simulation (PADS) approaches, can provide means to perform highly detailed simulations on demand. To support this claim, we detail a use case concerned with the simulation of vehicular transportation systems.Comment: Proceedings of the IEEE 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2017

    Depth Enhancement and Surface Reconstruction with RGB/D Sequence

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    Surface reconstruction and 3D modeling is a challenging task, which has been explored for decades by the computer vision, computer graphics, and machine learning communities. It is fundamental to many applications such as robot navigation, animation and scene understanding, industrial control and medical diagnosis. In this dissertation, I take advantage of the consumer depth sensors for surface reconstruction. Considering its limited performance on capturing detailed surface geometry, a depth enhancement approach is proposed in the first place to recovery small and rich geometric details with captured depth and color sequence. In addition to enhancing its spatial resolution, I present a hybrid camera to improve the temporal resolution of consumer depth sensor and propose an optimization framework to capture high speed motion and generate high speed depth streams. Given the partial scans from the depth sensor, we also develop a novel fusion approach to build up complete and watertight human models with a template guided registration method. Finally, the problem of surface reconstruction for non-Lambertian objects, on which the current depth sensor fails, is addressed by exploiting multi-view images captured with a hand-held color camera and we propose a visual hull based approach to recovery the 3D model
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