8 research outputs found

    Evaluating the criteria for financial holding company operating ability based on the DEMATEL approach–the case of Taiwan

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    Evaluating criteria selection has significant impacts on data envelopment analysis (DEA) efficiency estimates. Selecting the proper evaluation criteria lead to successful and meaningful results of decision-making. This study aims to use the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method to evaluate the most important constructs and criteria and also establish causality relationships among others for financial holding companies (FHCs) of banks’ operating ability in Taiwan. In this research 15 criteria were confirmed through reviewing various articles associated with this issue. Then, the information from the questionnaire was turned into the DEMATEL questionnaire and was distributed among nine experts and also members of the FHCs of Taiwan. The research results show that employees, total assets, total liabilities, non-interest income, income on investments, net profits before tax, net worth, and EPS are eight causal criteria. Furthermore, operating expenses, capital, interest expenses, interest income, operating income, return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE) are seven effect criteria

    Comparing the Apple iPad and non-Apple camp tablet PCs: a multicriteria decision analysis

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    This study mainly evaluates the performances of Tablet PCs such as the Apple iPad based on a benefits, opportunity, costs, and risks (BOCR) conceptual framework with qualitative and quantitative criteria. We apply four methods, namely, the multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) tools (grey relational analysis (GRA), the technique for order performance by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), the VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno (VIKOR) method, and fuzzy approach) to evaluate and select the tablet PCs’ rankings and then construct a tablet PCs evaluation performance model under an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The empirical results reveal that a firm's revenue growth, capacity for profitability, product design and product function are highly important evaluation indexes. This indicates that Tablet PC companies should channel more efforts into their product innovation for creating revenue growth and maintaining customer loyalty. Finally, fuzzy AHP also leads to the same findings

    AHP-Topsis para la selección de proyectos estratégicos de inversión aplicado a un grupo empresarial del Valle del Cauca

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo abordar el problema de selección proyectos estratégicos de inversión en el marco de la metodología plateada por el Instituto de administración de proyectos (PMI por sus siglas en inglés, Project Management Institute) en su guía para la gestión de portafolio de proyectos (The Standard for Portfolio Management¿. Para dar solución al problema de selección de proyectos estratégicosde inversión se propone un modelo multicriterio para la selección de proyectos aplicado al contexto de un grupo empresarial del Valle del Cauca, el cual ha sido desarrollado en tres etapas: definición de criterios de decisión, cálculo del peso ponderado de cada criterio haciendo uso de la herramienta AHP y selección de proyectos con la herramienta TOPSIS. Para la definición de los criterios de decisión se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, la cual fue sometida al juicio de un experto quien es el director de la Oficina de Proyectos (PMO por sus siglas en inglés, Project Management Office) del grupo empresarial caso estudio. En el cálculo de los pesos ponderados de los criterios, se realizó una encuesta al experto para valorar sus preferencias y se aplicó la herramienta AHP. Por último en el proceso de selección de proyectos se analizó un portafolio de 20 casos de negocio o ideas de proyectos para determinar las calificaciones de cada uno de acuerdo a los criterios definidos y poder así, hacer uso de la herramienta TOPSIS. Posteriormente se analizaron dos escenarios para la aplicación del modelo variando el número de criterios y sus pesos ponderados, los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con el modelo actual del grupo empresarial caso estudio.PregradoINGENIERO(A) EN INDUSTRIA

    A hybrid ANP model in fuzzy environments for strategic alliance partner selection in the airline industry

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    [[abstract]]Strategic airline alliances are an increasingly common strategy for enhancing airline competitiveness and satisfying customer needs, especially in an era characterized by blurring industry boundaries, fast-changing technologies, and global integration. Airlines have been very active in utilizing this form of strategic development. However, the selection of a suitable partner for a strategic alliance is not an easy decision, involving a host of complex considerations by different departments. Furthermore the decision-makers may hold diverse opinions and preferences arising due to incomplete information and knowledge or inherent conflict between various departments. In this study fuzzy preference programming and the analytic network process (ANP) are combined to form a model for the selection of partners for strategic alliances. The effects of uncertainty and disagreement between decision-makers as well as the interdependency and feedback that arise from the use of different criteria and alternatives are also addressed. This generic model can be easily extended to fulfill the specific needs of a variety of companies.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]SSCI[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙

    Analysis of global airline alliances as a strategy for international network development

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    Thesis (S.M. in Technology and Policy)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Engineering Systems Division, Technology and Policy Program; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 117-126).Since the late 1990s, network airlines worldwide have being enrolling in one of the three current Global Airline Alliances (GALs), oneworld, Star Alliance and SkyTeam. By 2011, airlines belonging to the three GALs transported over two-thirds of all international traffic. This thesis studies the reasons that cause an increasing number of airlines to join this collaborative scheme as a way to develop a wider network and to increase profitability by serving international connecting traffic. The evolution of GALs is characterized here by the analysis of the size of these alliances, as well as by the volume of partnerships and code share agreements between alliance partners during the period 2006-2011. The results of this study illustrate the differences between each of the GALs and the degree of dependence of airlines on alliances to develop their international networks. By most indicators, the largest alliance, Star Alliance, is the GAL in which member airlines rely more on their alliance partners when developing code share agreements with foreign airlines. In all three GALs, code share agreements between alliance partners are much less likely to be broken than with nonpartner airlines. Airlines operating in the transatlantic markets appear to be the most advanced firms in the marketing of code shared itineraries. The empirical analysis is complemented with a review of the theoretical benefits of GALs to airlines, alternative network models for international growth, the impact of alliances on customers' welfare, their potential anti-competitive effects on independent carriers, and the current regulatory framework affecting alliances on both sides of the North Atlantic. Overall, this work provides a holistic view of the GALs as a model for network development, to describe their policy implications, and to suggest key drivers in the future of airlines' network development strategies.by Antonio Tugores-García.S.M.S.M.in Technology and Polic

    Antecedents of supply chain relationships between MNC's and SME's in agile environment.

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    In a constantly changing global competitive environment, an organisation’s supply chain relationship directly impacts its ability to produce, and deliver innovative products to their customers in a timely and cost effective manner. The emerging area of supply chain relationship has received considerable attention in the academic and managerial press, yet there are many unanswered questions regarding the dynamics of such relationships. While the beneficial impact of supply chain relationship is generally acknowledged, very little research exists to date addressing what constitute supply chain relationship success in agile environment. A number of such fundamental issues drive this research initiative, including what are the antecedents of supply chain relationships between multinational companies (MNCs) and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysian electrical and electronics industry. The study begins by establishing the definition of supply chain relationship, based on a comparison of both theoretical and managerial descriptions. The critical antecedents associated with the supply chain relationships were developed, and the magnitude of the effect of these constructs on relationships between MNCs and SMEs in agile environment is assessed. Three critical antecedents of supply chain relationships which are; partner’s characteristics capability, alliance management capability and process capability, were established from resource-based and extended resource-based theories. This study presents a framework of an organisation’s resources and capabilities as an important antecedent of supply chain relationships. Using extensive literature reviews and empirical data, measurement scales of partner’s characteristics capability, alliance management capability and process capability were developed to relate the supply chain relationships model. The model was then tested using confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modelling and multigroup analysis. The analysis employs quantitative data, collected through drop-and-collect method to 300 MNCs and SMEs respectively, in order to avoid low response rate. Findings reveal that in Malaysian agile environment, partner’s characteristics capability, alliance management capability and process capability directly and positively impacted supply chain agility practices in the dyad. The results also support the view that supply chain agility practices are impacted by the synergy among the three antecedents of supply chain relationships. The following attributes of organisations were found to be significantly related to partnership success in agile environment: innovation capability, information technology capability, process flexibility proficiency, partner compatibility, resources complementarities, cooperation and conflict management. The implications of these results for theoretical and managerial decision making in developing mutually beneficial supply chain relationship in agile environment are discussed

    Методологічні засади формування коопетиційної моделі організаційного розвитку підприємств

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    В дисертації розвинуто методичні засади формування системи організаційного розвитку та обгрунтовано концептуальні засади класифікації його моделей; визначено сутність коопетиції, здійснено кластеризацію теорії коопетиції за напрямками досліджень та хронологією становлення, виявлено найбільш ймовірні сфери формування стратегічних коопетиційних альянсів; запропоновано теоретико-методологічні засади визначення ключових факторів успіху підприємств – галузевих лідерів та отримано концептуальне пояснення причин і наслідків формування конкурентного тиску та ключових драйверів коопетиційної взаємодії; розроблено методологію галузевої селекції потенціальних учасників коопетиційної взаємодії, а також методичний інструментарій вибору потенційного коопетиційного партнера, методологічні основи та методичний інструментарій оцінювання ступеня готовності підприємства до впровадження стратегії коопетиції як проактивної стратегії організаційного розвитку.The disseration is aimed to develop theoretical basis and methodology for forming coopetition model of the organizational development in the context of strategic management. In the thesis, the methodology and methodical guidelines for evaluation of the readiness of an enterprise to implement coopetition model are performed that based on integral indicator assessment which generalizes the features of industry dynamics, market heterogeneity, the degree of cooperation inside of an enterprise and competition level. At the same time, the understanding of coopetition is presented as a system of paradoxical multilevel interactions between proactive economic entities that choose the partner consciously despite the previous experience or duration of the interactions towards new value creation and new competences generation. The classification of the coopetition is developed by restructuring the features, types and number of participants of the interaction, meanwhile, the organizational development models are classified by including the coopetition as an atypical and yet normal attribute of organizational dynamic. Therefore, the organizational models are classified by the following approaches: situational, selection, dialectic, theological, institutional, phenomena, game theory, revolutionary, cyclic and wave approach, and structural functionalism. The organizational development is interpreted as a system of coopetitive organizational and economic interrelations that are formed owing to dialectic interactions of planned and spontaneous interventions into organizational processes and structures, that develop co-evolutionarily reproducing mutual influence of the transformations in the business environment and strategic management concepts. As a results of overview of previous findings and comparative analysis the system of key features of organizational development is complemented by the following: coevolution of the strategic and organizational adaptations (or mutations), multifunctional leadership, the existence of systematic paradox of organizational development (proactivity and adaptivity co-existence), and coopetitive features of organizational development. In the thesis, the bibliometric analysis was conducted to reveal the clusters of the main academic outcomes in the sphere of coopetition research, the chronology analysis, global trends and the most possible trajectories of the future development of coopetition research were presented. The hypothesis about the existence of certain drivers of competitive, coopetitive and cooperative behavior in the market was formulated and proved by DEA which implies the determination of the efficiency of transformation of the inputs of an enterprise into outputs, and which gives the opportunity to reveal the industrial specifics of forming the competitive pressure, key drivers of competitive and coopetitive interactions. The air crafting industry became the pilot for the research to check the hypothesis. It is proved that the competitive pressure from B2B customers (airlines) arise and shifted the focus of competitive interactions between main players towards cost-effective decisions to the detriment of human-friendly decisions. Coopetition as an opposite to rent-seeking behaviour may offer many options that will bring benefits in terms of resources economization, as well as safety and security benefits. The methodology of the preliminary selection of the potential partners was performed in the thesis. The offered methodology is based on evaluation of three criteria: market share, intentions to competences development and ability to cooperate. These criteria allowed to form the profiles of the enterprises (outsider, laggard, business shark, lone ranger, scout, benefactor, innovator and technological leader) and their possible interferences (coopetition, intense competition, light competition, the cooperation of strong ones, cooperation of weak ones, neutrality and opportunism). The matrix of interference presented in the thesis is an effective tool for decisionmaking about the choice of strategic partner for coopetition. The methodical toolbox is developed as a two-steps approach which implies the microeconomic stability evaluation and cooperation stability assessment. The microeconomic stability hexagon is based on the evaluation of the dispersion of revenue and margin, research and development costs, sales and administration costs, long-term debts (quantitative data), meanwhile the cooperation stability hexagon is based on assessment of cooperative interactions in a sphere of supply, research and production (combination of quantitative and qualitative data). After revealing the most relevant potential partner for further coopetition there is a need to evaluate the business-patterns and strategic ploys in accordance complementarity of the further structuring business-processes. CANVAS modelling as a methodical approach was re-structured and re-grouped towards the search of homogeneity and /or heterogeneity of the patterns, and new zones of interactions with the potential partner, which can be done by the modification of neural network analysis (as it was performed in the thesis). The CANVAS-model is complemented by new blocks of the analysis: competitors-opportunists and competitors-voluntars (neologism). In the thesis the qualitative data research was performed (the combination of the expert evaluations and empiric research). The survey data were collected and processed to reveal the main antecedents and laws of coopetition appearance in such industries of Ukraine as: air crafting, car manufacturing, chemistry, energy and machine-building industries. It was revealed the link between the readiness to implement the coopetition strategy and life cycle of the organization, between readiness and internality – externality, and reactivity of the TOP-management of the enterprises. It is proved the coopetition is related to the competences-oriented strategy and is the opposite to the risk-avoiding and rent-seeking behavior. The hypothesis about the interrelations between the readiness to implement coopetition and the organizational characteristics was proved. Thus, the industrial specifics were revealed as a result of data processing: there is a link between the readiness and life cycle of the organization, internality or externality of TOP-management and activity degree in a process of decision-making. The criterions of the partner choice were detailed for the industries of Ukraine, and the link between opportunism and readiness to implement the coopetition was identified. In the thesis, it is offered to use the term "organizational viscosity" as a characteristic of an organizational system that affects the speed of evolution towards coopetition as a new paradigm, and which is related to decentralization and speed of decision-making and dynamics of organizational configurations

    Методологічні засади формування коопетиційної моделі організаційного розвитку підприємств

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    В дисертації розвинуто методичні засади формування системи організаційного розвитку та обгрунтовано концептуальні засади класифікації його моделей; визначено сутність коопетиції, здійснено кластеризацію теорії коопетиції за напрямками досліджень та хронологією становлення, виявлено найбільш ймовірні сфери формування стратегічних коопетиційних альянсів; запропоновано теоретико-методологічні засади визначення ключових факторів успіху підприємств – галузевих лідерів та отримано концептуальне пояснення причин і наслідків формування конкурентного тиску та ключових драйверів коопетиційної взаємодії; розроблено методологію галузевої селекції потенціальних учасників коопетиційної взаємодії, а також методичний інструментарій вибору потенційного коопетиційного партнера, методологічні основи та методичний інструментарій оцінювання ступеня готовності підприємства до впровадження стратегії коопетиції як проактивної стратегії організаційного розвитку.The disseration is aimed to develop theoretical basis and methodology for forming coopetition model of the organizational development in the context of strategic management. In the thesis, the methodology and methodical guidelines for evaluation of the readiness of an enterprise to implement coopetition model are performed that based on integral indicator assessment which generalizes the features of industry dynamics, market heterogeneity, the degree of cooperation inside of an enterprise and competition level. At the same time, the understanding of coopetition is presented as a system of paradoxical multilevel interactions between proactive economic entities that choose the partner consciously despite the previous experience or duration of the interactions towards new value creation and new competences generation. The classification of the coopetition is developed by restructuring the features, types and number of participants of the interaction, meanwhile, the organizational development models are classified by including the coopetition as an atypical and yet normal attribute of organizational dynamic. Therefore, the organizational models are classified by the following approaches: situational, selection, dialectic, theological, institutional, phenomena, game theory, revolutionary, cyclic and wave approach, and structural functionalism. The organizational development is interpreted as a system of coopetitive organizational and economic interrelations that are formed owing to dialectic interactions of planned and spontaneous interventions into organizational processes and structures, that develop co-evolutionarily reproducing mutual influence of the transformations in the business environment and strategic management concepts. As a results of overview of previous findings and comparative analysis the system of key features of organizational development is complemented by the following: coevolution of the strategic and organizational adaptations (or mutations), multifunctional leadership, the existence of systematic paradox of organizational development (proactivity and adaptivity co-existence), and coopetitive features of organizational development. In the thesis, the bibliometric analysis was conducted to reveal the clusters of the main academic outcomes in the sphere of coopetition research, the chronology analysis, global trends and the most possible trajectories of the future development of coopetition research were presented. The hypothesis about the existence of certain drivers of competitive, coopetitive and cooperative behavior in the market was formulated and proved by DEA which implies the determination of the efficiency of transformation of the inputs of an enterprise into outputs, and which gives the opportunity to reveal the industrial specifics of forming the competitive pressure, key drivers of competitive and coopetitive interactions. The air crafting industry became the pilot for the research to check the hypothesis. It is proved that the competitive pressure from B2B customers (airlines) arise and shifted the focus of competitive interactions between main players towards cost-effective decisions to the detriment of human-friendly decisions. Coopetition as an opposite to rent-seeking behaviour may offer many options that will bring benefits in terms of resources economization, as well as safety and security benefits. The methodology of the preliminary selection of the potential partners was performed in the thesis. The offered methodology is based on evaluation of three criteria: market share, intentions to competences development and ability to cooperate. These criteria allowed to form the profiles of the enterprises (outsider, laggard, business shark, lone ranger, scout, benefactor, innovator and technological leader) and their possible interferences (coopetition, intense competition, light competition, the cooperation of strong ones, cooperation of weak ones, neutrality and opportunism). The matrix of interference presented in the thesis is an effective tool for decisionmaking about the choice of strategic partner for coopetition. The methodical toolbox is developed as a two-steps approach which implies the microeconomic stability evaluation and cooperation stability assessment. The microeconomic stability hexagon is based on the evaluation of the dispersion of revenue and margin, research and development costs, sales and administration costs, long-term debts (quantitative data), meanwhile the cooperation stability hexagon is based on assessment of cooperative interactions in a sphere of supply, research and production (combination of quantitative and qualitative data). After revealing the most relevant potential partner for further coopetition there is a need to evaluate the business-patterns and strategic ploys in accordance complementarity of the further structuring business-processes. CANVAS modelling as a methodical approach was re-structured and re-grouped towards the search of homogeneity and /or heterogeneity of the patterns, and new zones of interactions with the potential partner, which can be done by the modification of neural network analysis (as it was performed in the thesis). The CANVAS-model is complemented by new blocks of the analysis: competitors-opportunists and competitors-voluntars (neologism). In the thesis the qualitative data research was performed (the combination of the expert evaluations and empiric research). The survey data were collected and processed to reveal the main antecedents and laws of coopetition appearance in such industries of Ukraine as: air crafting, car manufacturing, chemistry, energy and machine-building industries. It was revealed the link between the readiness to implement the coopetition strategy and life cycle of the organization, between readiness and internality – externality, and reactivity of the TOP-management of the enterprises. It is proved the coopetition is related to the competences-oriented strategy and is the opposite to the risk-avoiding and rent-seeking behavior. The hypothesis about the interrelations between the readiness to implement coopetition and the organizational characteristics was proved. Thus, the industrial specifics were revealed as a result of data processing: there is a link between the readiness and life cycle of the organization, internality or externality of TOP-management and activity degree in a process of decision-making. The criterions of the partner choice were detailed for the industries of Ukraine, and the link between opportunism and readiness to implement the coopetition was identified. In the thesis, it is offered to use the term "organizational viscosity" as a characteristic of an organizational system that affects the speed of evolution towards coopetition as a new paradigm, and which is related to decentralization and speed of decision-making and dynamics of organizational configurations