1,885 research outputs found

    Earth orbital teleoperator system man-machine interface evaluation

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    The teleoperator system man-machine interface evaluation develops and implements a program to determine human performance requirements in teleoperator systems

    Methodology for managing shipbuilding projectby integrated optimality

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    PhD ThesisSmall to medium shipyards in developing shipbuilding countries face a persistent challenge to contain project cost and deadline due mainly to the ongoing development in facility and assorted product types. A methodology has been proposed to optimize project activities at the global level of project planning based on strength of dependencies between activities and subsequent production units at the local level. To achieve an optimal performance for enhanced competitiveness, both the global and local level of shipbuilding processes must be addressed. This integrated optimization model first uses Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) to derive an optimal sequence of project activities based on Triangularization algorithm. Once optimality of project activities in the global level is realized then further optimization is applied to the local levels, which are the corresponding production processes of already optimized project activities. A robust optimization tool, Response Surface Method (RSM), is applied to ascertain optimum setting of various factors and resources at the production activities. Data from a South Asian shipyard has been applied to validate the fitness of the proposed method. Project data and computer simulated data are combined to carry out experiments according to the suggested layout of Design of Experiments (DOE). With the application of this model, it is possible to study the bottleneck dynamics of the production process. An optimum output of the yard, thus, may be achieved by the integrated optimization of project activities and corresponding production processes with respect to resource allocation. Therefore, this research may have a useful significance towards the improvement in shipbuilding project management

    Enabling the Development and Implementation of Digital Twins : Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality

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    Welcome to the 20th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2020). This year we are meeting on-line due to the current Coronavirus pandemic. The overarching theme for CONVR2020 is "Enabling the development and implementation of Digital Twins". CONVR is one of the world-leading conferences in the areas of virtual reality, augmented reality and building information modelling. Each year, more than 100 participants from all around the globe meet to discuss and exchange the latest developments and applications of virtual technologies in the architectural, engineering, construction and operation industry (AECO). The conference is also known for having a unique blend of participants from both academia and industry. This year, with all the difficulties of replicating a real face to face meetings, we are carefully planning the conference to ensure that all participants have a perfect experience. We have a group of leading keynote speakers from industry and academia who are covering up to date hot topics and are enthusiastic and keen to share their knowledge with you. CONVR participants are very loyal to the conference and have attended most of the editions over the last eighteen editions. This year we are welcoming numerous first timers and we aim to help them make the most of the conference by introducing them to other participants

    Developing a Virtual Reality- and Lean-based Training Platform for Productivity Improvement of Scaffolding Installation in Liquefied Natural Gas Industry

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    This thesis aims to integrate lean and work postures to simultaneously improve productivity and health and safety and develop a lean- and virtual reality-based platform for effective education and training in scaffolding installation in turnaround maintenance projects. It represents an effort to help on-site workers in the Liquefied Natural Gas industry identify waste activities and achieve a balanced improvement in both productivity and health and safety through improved training in a virtual platform

    Fabricate 2020

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    Fabricate 2020 is the fourth title in the FABRICATE series on the theme of digital fabrication and published in conjunction with a triennial conference (London, April 2020). The book features cutting-edge built projects and work-in-progress from both academia and practice. It brings together pioneers in design and making from across the fields of architecture, construction, engineering, manufacturing, materials technology and computation. Fabricate 2020 includes 32 illustrated articles punctuated by four conversations between world-leading experts from design to engineering, discussing themes such as drawing-to-production, behavioural composites, robotic assembly, and digital craft

    Hester Gardens - A LifeMoves Temporary Interim-Housing Facility

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    LifeMoves, an organization that provides interim housing and supportive services to families and individuals experiencing homelessness, recently purchased 0.35 acres of land, located at 1759 Hester Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128. LifeMoves has challenged the design team to provide preliminary building layouts, a structural alternative analysis, construction management plans, and general civil plans for a multi-story, family-friendly, interim housing facility, which has been named Hester Gardens. The design team considered both steel, a traditional building material, and shipping containers, a sustainable alternative building material, for this project. Each alternative included a structural design and analysis, as well as a cost estimate and construction schedule. A conceptual plan, site and building layout, utility plan, necessary mock permits, and a recommended alternative plan was drawn for LifeMoves. The finished design documents, models, and printed plan drawings were turned over to LifeMoves

    Elastic timber gridshells. from the finding form process to the erection of efficient lightweight structures

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    Doctoral Thesis (International Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Built Environment)Elastic timber gridshells emerged in the last century, essentially related to ephemeral buildings, setting a ‘new’ benchmark for lightweight, cost-effective, sustainable and temporary constructions. Timber gridshells are adaptable and can be used in rehabilitated buildings as well as, new buildings, new systems like roofs, or as small additions in nonstructural elements and act as a simple partition. However, the main feature is not its use, but its shape and how it allows some freedom in its design; an attractive characteristic for designers due to its structural behaviour. Based on the advantages of the structural system, it should be expected that timber gridshells have a wider presence in contemporary architecture. However, this is not the case, there are very few examples being built. One reason why this happens, is because of the difficulty to reach the desired design since there is a lack of information about the tools that can help to define such complex systems. Until today, the design and construction of elastic, or post-formed timber gridshells, have only been based on a case to case basis and have not been studied or used as a type of structure that can be repeated in several different applications. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to answer this difficulty, i.e. working on overcoming the lack of design guidelines, by presenting a state of the knowledge on elastic timber gridshells and by case studies analysing the process involved in building this kind of a structures. The thesis is addressing elastic timber gridshells, from the design phase to the construction phase. The results obtained show that this type of structure can be very interesting at a functional level with numerous tectonics characteristics that make elastic timber gridshells attractive as a structural solution in contemporary architecture.As malhas elásticas de madeira surgiram no século passado, essencialmente relacionadas com construções temporárias, estabelecendo uma "nova" referência para construções leves, econômicas, sustentáveis e efêmeras. As malhas de madeira são adaptáveis e podem ser usadas em edifícios a reabilitar, bem como, novos edifícios, coberturas, ou em pequenas modificações como elementos não estruturais. No entanto, a principal característica não é seu uso, mas sua geometria e como isso permite uma enorme liberdade formal torna-se uma característica atraente para todos os projetistas. Com base nas vantagens deste sistema estrutural, é de esperar que as malhas elásticas de madeira tivessem uma presença mais ampla na arquitetura contemporânea. Contudo, não é o caso, existem poucos exemplos construídos. Um motivo para isso acontecer é a dificuldade em projetar as formas desejadas, pois existe uma lacuna de informação sobre as ferramentas que podem ajudar a definir estas geometrias complexas. Por exemplo, as ferramentas baseadas em softwares computacionais têm um grande potencial para o processo de projeção das malhas de madeira nas fases de projeto e construção, onde a localização da malha e a otimização ocorrem, seguidas por um processo de produção industrial. Até hoje, o projeto e a construção destas estruturas, foram estudados apenas de caso a caso e não foram estudados ou usados como um tipo de solução que pode ser repetida em várias aplicações diferentes. O objetivo desta dissertação é contribuir para a resolução desse problema, ou seja, trabalhar na superação da falta de diretrizes de projeto, apresentando um estado do conhecimento sobre as malhas elásticas de madeira e analisando e explicando o processo envolvido na construção deste tipo de estruturas. Esta tese aborda as malhas elásticas de madeira, desde a fase de projeto até à fase de construção. Os resultados obtidos mostram que este tipo de estrutura pode ser muito interessante a um nível funcional, com numerosas características com valor tectônico que tornam as malhas elásticas de madeira atrativas como uma solução estrutural na arquitetura contemporânea.This work it was financed by FEDER funds through the Competitively Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633. The support of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through doctoral fellowship SFRH/BD/104677/2014 is grateful