35 research outputs found

    The Impact of Innovative Mobile Customer Relationship Management (mCRM) Processes on Customer Satisfaction of Samsung, Dubai, UAE.

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    Samsung is a mobile phone manufacturer in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Samsung enjoyed early success in the region, dominating the market by 2016. However, sales and the customer base have recently declined and it became difficult to maintain competitive advantage where rival offers were increasingly similar. The continued success of Apple along with the emergence of alternative mobile phone providers contributed to the decline in performance of Samsung. Consequently, management sought new ways to compete as a means of regaining success and mobile customer relationship management (mCRM) was introduced to provide customer support ‘on-the-go’ through a dedicated micro-site offering largely automated support with a toll-free number for higher level assistance. Whether developing mCRM would be successful in terms of raising customer satisfaction provided a basis for research due to a knowledge gap in the literature that has inconsistent findings. The first research aim was to identify and determine key innovative mCRM processes as there is no general agreement in the literature. The second research aim was to measure the impact of the identified innovative mCRM process on customer satisfaction of customers of Samsung in Dubai, UAE. The latent construct of mCRM was subdivided into the indicators of customization, interactivity, convenience, service, and security as impacting the satisfaction of customers of Samsung in the mobile phone market, in Dubai, UAE. To test the hypothesis, a positivist philosophy was adopted based on the quantitative approach using an online structured, self-administered, survey of 250 respondents. The research instrument, a modified version from previous studies, indicated adequate reliability and validity via a pilot test. Correlation and regression analysis indicated a positive and significant relationship between all the indicators of mCRM and customer satisfaction. Although mCRM was found to be impactful on customer satisfaction, recommendations were made to improve mCRM to generate greater satisfaction. The theoretical or managerial implications of the research were considered in terms of adding to the literature and providing information for strategy. The limitations of the research were noted in being narrow in terms of industry and geographic context and the lack of qualitative research that could provide more profound insights along with the mediating effects of demographics that were not considered or analysed. Suggestions were made for further research such as considering other determinable factors, such as the industry, its size, sales revenue, and the compatibility of mCRM with other initiatives such as sustainability as impacting on organizational performance

    Value-Based CRM - The Interaction of the Triad of Marketing, Financial Management, and IT

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    One major development within business practice is the increasing interest in customer relationship management (CRM) in recent years. CRM thereby focuses on establishing and maintaining profitable relationships with the customer using modern information technology (IT) and has emerged as a major research field in business and information systems engineering. However, despite huge investments many CRM projects fail to achieve their objectives as the complex and interdisciplinary nature of CRM is not addressed adequately. In fact an adoption of a customer-centric orientation within a value-based management requires not only a cross-functional integration of different business departments but also a selectively adjusted collaboration of those departments. The paper provides an overview of the state of the art of CRM in literature as well as current practices in companies. Furthermore it outlines the specific challenges of a value-based CRM for the cross-functional integration and collaboration of marketing, financial management, and IT. Thus, in addition to a mutual alignment of marketing and IT, a value-based analysis, planning, and controlling of CRM-activities requires the development and implementation of standardized performance measurements and their adequate IT-support

    Benefits of the application of web-mining methods and techniques for the field of analytical customer relationship management of the marketing function in a knowledge management perspective

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    Le Web Mining (WM) reste une technologie relativement méconnue. Toutefois, si elle est utilisée adéquatement, elle s'avère être d'une grande utilité pour l'identification des profils et des comportements des clients prospects et existants, dans un contexte internet. Les avancées techniques du WM améliorent grandement le volet analytique de la Gestion de la Relation Client (GRC). Cette étude suit une approche exploratoire afin de déterminer si le WM atteint, à lui seul, tous les objectifs fondamentaux de la GRC, ou le cas échéant, devrait être utilisé de manière conjointe avec la recherche marketing traditionnelle et les méthodes classiques de la GRC analytique (GRCa) pour optimiser la GRC, et de fait le marketing, dans un contexte internet. La connaissance obtenue par le WM peut ensuite être administrée au sein de l'organisation dans un cadre de Gestion de la Connaissance (GC), afin d'optimiser les relations avec les clients nouveaux et/ou existants, améliorer leur expérience client et ultimement, leur fournir de la meilleure valeur. Dans un cadre de recherche exploratoire, des entrevues semi-structurés et en profondeur furent menées afin d'obtenir le point de vue de plusieurs experts en (web) data rnining. L'étude révéla que le WM est bien approprié pour segmenter les clients prospects et existants, pour comprendre les comportements transactionnels en ligne des clients existants et prospects, ainsi que pour déterminer le statut de loyauté (ou de défection) des clients existants. Il constitue, à ce titre, un outil d'une redoutable efficacité prédictive par le biais de la classification et de l'estimation, mais aussi descriptive par le biais de la segmentation et de l'association. En revanche, le WM est moins performant dans la compréhension des dimensions sous-jacentes, moins évidentes du comportement client. L'utilisation du WM est moins appropriée pour remplir des objectifs liés à la description de la manière dont les clients existants ou prospects développent loyauté, satisfaction, défection ou attachement envers une enseigne sur internet. Cet exercice est d'autant plus difficile que la communication multicanale dans laquelle évoluent les consommateurs a une forte influence sur les relations qu'ils développent avec une marque. Ainsi le comportement en ligne ne serait qu'une transposition ou tout du moins une extension du comportement du consommateur lorsqu'il n'est pas en ligne. Le WM est également un outil relativement incomplet pour identifier le développement de la défection vers et depuis les concurrents ainsi que le développement de la loyauté envers ces derniers. Le WM nécessite toujours d'être complété par la recherche marketing traditionnelle afin d'atteindre ces objectives plus difficiles mais essentiels de la GRCa. Finalement, les conclusions de cette recherche sont principalement dirigées à l'encontre des firmes et des gestionnaires plus que du côté des clients-internautes, car ces premiers plus que ces derniers possèdent les ressources et les processus pour mettre en œuvre les projets de recherche en WM décrits.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Web mining, Gestion de la connaissance, Gestion de la relation client, Données internet, Comportement du consommateur, Forage de données, Connaissance du consommateu

    Managing Customer Data in Data-driven Service Innovation: A Framework of Data Principles

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    While customer data has been collected in enterprise systems since decades, the emerging consumer technologies create new sources of data. Although the need to co-create services with customers has been recognized, a systematic approach of how to include this sensitive source of innovation in the service innovation process is still lacking. This research explores the potential of data governance practices for data-driven service innovation. Data principles for the governance of customer data are collected and assessed by practioners in order to provide conceptual support for organizations and to facilitate the service innovation process. The results of this research integrate data principles of different research streams and offer a framework of data principles that can be applied in the design and management of data-driven services

    Applying data mining method for marketing purpose in social networks: case of Tebyan

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    Within a very short period of time, social networking sites are developed among different users all around the world. Social networks have high value to business intelligence. In these networks, there are so many advantages and demands on addressees and their interest recognition. How do we increase our social network users, posts, and effectiveness? How many consumers can be segmented with respect to their reactions to social network? The creation of a target market strategy is integral to developing an effective business strategy. The purpose of this article is market segmentation and correctly identifying the target groups for social network using data mining techniques. As users in each segment have their own and specific interests, social networks can define them by their demographic profiles, they can also change their development strategies according to users and interests they want to engage in. In this research, we deploy data mining methods for segmenting Tebyan social network users to see how this method could contribute toward marketing strategies and purposes. According to K-mean algorithm, we demonstrate five different customer categories based on their characteristics and behaviour that deploying appropriate strategy for each category can help the marketing performance

    Making decentralized coastal zone management work in Indonesia: Case studies of Kabupaten Konawe and Kabupaten Pangkajene Dan Kepulauan

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    Coastal governance in Indonesia is entering a new phase with new administration mechanisms, following the changes of political, administrative and fiscal framework resulting from decentralisation policy. For the first time provincial and district governments have mandates, resources, and responsibilities to manage their coastal zones. To this point, only a few studies have been conducted that focus on the analysis of effective coastal zone management (CZM) at district level in Indonesia under the decentralisation setting This dissertation presents a study of decentralized CZM in eastern Indonesia based on case studies of two districts in Sulawesi Island, Kabupaten Konawe in Southeast Sulawesi and Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan (Pangkep) in South Sulawesi. The dissertation focuses on these district local governments’ responses to decentralisation policy in managing their coastal zones. This new shift is very significant in the sector of marine and coastal governance in Indonesia. This research applied qualitative methods through in-depth and semi-structured interviews as well as field-site observations. I argue that the dynamic of the local socio-political context and the interaction of local actors, such as Heads of District (Bupati), determine the effectiveness of decentralized coastal zone management. … The findings of this research indicate that the signs and seeds for effective decentralized CZM implementation in Konawe and Pangkep exist in some aspects, and can be built upon to achieve more successful practices in decentralized CZM. This dissertation holds several implications for decentralization studies on CZM issues, such as whether decentralized CZM is linear with improving accountability mechanisms. It calls for better understanding of role of various forms of accountability in decentralized CZM, and its linkage with local-central governance arrangements. Replicating this study in other parts of Indonesia could provide a more complete comparison of decentralized CZM implementation. The degrees of variation in research findings are important to canvass in order to add to the lessons learnt from decentralized CZM implementation