8,904 research outputs found

    On the theory of the CO+OH reaction, including H and C kinetic isotope effects

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    The effect of pressure, temperature, H/D isotopes, and C isotopes on the kinetics of the OH+CO reaction are investigated using Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus theory. Pressure effects are treated with a step-ladder plus steady-state model and tunneling effects are included. New features include a treatment of the C isotope effect and a proposed nonstatistical effect in the reaction. The latter was prompted by existing kinetic results and molecular-beam data of Simons and co-workers [J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 9559 (1998); J. Chem. Phys. 112, 4557 (2000); 113, 3173 (2000)] on incomplete intramolecular energy transfer to the highest vibrational frequency mode in HOCO*. In treating the many kinetic properties two small customary vertical adjustments of the barriers of the two transition states were made. The resulting calculations show reasonable agreement with the experimental data on (1) the pressure and temperature dependence of the H/D effect, (2) the pressure-dependent 12C/13C isotope effect, (3) the strong non-Arrhenius behavior observed at low temperatures, (4) the high-temperature data, and (5) the pressure dependence of rate constants in various bath gases. The kinetic carbon isotopic effect is usually less than 10 per mil. A striking consequence of the nonstatistical assumption is the removal of a major discrepancy in a plot of the kOH+CO/kOD+CO ratio versus pressure. A prediction is made for the temperature dependence of the OD+CO reaction in the low-pressure limit at low temperatures

    Computed potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions

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    The work on the NH + NO system which was described in the last progress report was written up and a draft of the manuscript is included in the appendix. The appendix also contains a draft of a manuscript on an Ar + H + H surface. New work which was completed in the last six months includes the following: (1) calculations on the (1)CH2 + H2O, H2 + HCOH, and H2 + H2CO product channels in the CH3 + OH reaction; (2) calculations for the NH2 + O reaction; (3) calculations for the CH3 + O2 reaction; and (4) calculations for CH3O and the two decomposition channels--CH2OH and H + H2CO. Detailed descriptions of this work will be given in manuscripts; however, brief descriptions of the CH3 + OH and CH3 + O2 projects are given

    Infrared spectrum and stability of a π-type hydrogen-bonded complex between the OH and C2H2 reactants

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    A hydrogen-bonded complex between the hydroxyl radical and acetylene has been stabilized in the reactant channel well leading to the addition reaction and characterized by infrared action spectroscopy in the OH overtone region. Analysis of the rotational band structure associated with the a-type transition observed at 6885.53(1) cm−1 (origin) reveals a T-shaped structure with a 3.327(5) Å separation between the centers of mass of the monomer constituents. The OH (v = 1) product states populated following vibrational predissociation show that dissociation proceeds by two mechanisms: intramolecular vibrational to rotational energy transfer and intermolecular vibrational energy transfer. The highest observed OH product state establishes an upper limit of 956 cm−1 for the stability of the π-type hydrogen-bonded complex. The experimental results are in good accord with the intermolecular distance and well depth at the T-shaped minimum energy configuration obtained from complementary ab initio calculations, which were carried out at the restricted coupled cluster singles, doubles, noniterative triples level of theory with extrapolation to the complete basis set limit

    Cis-cis and trans-perp HOONO: Action spectroscopy and isomerization kinetics

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    The weakly bound HOONO product of the OH + NO_2 + M reaction is studied using the vibrational predissociation that follows excitation of the first OH overtone (2nu1). We observe formation of both cis-cis and trans-perp conformers of HOONO. The trans-perp HOONO 2nu1 band is observed under thermal (223–238 K) conditions at 6971 cm^(–1). We assign the previously published (warmer temperature) HOONO spectrum to the 2nu1 band at 6365 cm^(–1) and 2nu1-containing combination bands of the cis-cis conformer of HOONO. The band shape of the trans-perp HOONO spectrum is in excellent agreement with the predicted rotational contour based on previous experimental and theoretical results, but the apparent origin of the cis-cis HOONO spectrum at 6365 cm^(–1) is featureless and significantly broader, suggesting more rapid intramolecular vibrational redistribution or predissociation in the latter isomer. The thermally less stable trans-perp HOONO isomerizes rapidly to cis-cis HOONO with an experimentally determined lifetime of 39 ms at 233 K at 13 hPa (in a buffer gas of predominantly Ar). The temperature dependence of the trans-perp HOONO lifetime in the range 223–238 K yields an isomerization barrier of 33±12 kJ/mol. New ab initio calculations of the structure and vibrational mode frequencies of the transition state perp-perp HOONO are performed using the coupled cluster singles and doubles with perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] model, using a correlation consistent polarized triple zeta basis set (cc-pVTZ). The energetics of cis-cis, trans-perp, and perp-perp HOONO are also calculated at this level [CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ] and with a quadruple zeta basis set using the structure determined at the triple zeta basis set [CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ//CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ]. These calculations predict that the anti form of perp-perp HOONO has an energy of DeltaE0 = 42.4 kJ/mol above trans-perp HOONO, corresponding to an activation enthalpy of DeltaH298[double-dagger]0 = 41.1 kJ/mol. These results are in good agreement with statistical simulations based on a model developed by Golden, Barker, and Lohr. The simulated isomerization rates match the observed decay rates when modeled with a trans-perp to cis-cis HOONO isomerization barrier of 40.8 kJ/mol and a strong collision model. The quantum yield of cis-cis HOONO dissociation to OH and NO2 is also calculated as a function of photon excitation energy in the range 3500–7500 cm^(–1), assuming D0 = 83 kJ/mol. The quantum yield is predicted to vary from 0.15 to 1 over the observed spectrum at 298 K, leading to band intensities in the action spectrum that are highly temperature dependent; however, the observed relative band strengths in the cis-cis HOONO spectrum do not change substantially with temperature over the range 193–273 K. Semiempirical calculations of the oscillator strengths for 2nu1(cis-cis HOONO) and 2nu1(trans-perp HOONO) are performed using (1) a one-dimensional anharmonic model and (2) a Morse oscillator model for the OH stretch, and ab initio dipole moment functions calculated using Becke, Lee, Yang, and Parr density functional theory (B3LYP), Møller-Plesset pertubation theory truncated at the second and third order (MP2 and MP3), and quadratic configuration interaction theory using single and double excitations (QCISD). The QCISD level calculated ratio of 2nu1 oscillator strengths of trans-perp to cis-cis HOONO is 3.7:1. The observed intensities indicate that the concentration of trans-perp HOONO early in the OH + NO2 reaction is significantly greater than predicted by a Boltzmann distribution, consistent with statistical predictions of high initial yields of trans-perp HOONO from the OH + NO_2 + M reaction. In the atmosphere, trans-perp HOONO will isomerize nearly instantaneously to cis-cis HOONO. Loss of HOONO via photodissociation in the near-IR limits the lifetime of cis-cis HOONO during daylight to less than 45 h, other loss mechanisms will reduce the lifetime further

    Direct measurements of DOCO isomers in the kinetics of OD+CO

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    Quantitative and mechanistically-detailed kinetics of the reaction of hydroxyl radical (OH) with carbon monoxide (CO) have been a longstanding goal of contemporary chemical kinetics. This fundamental prototype reaction plays an important role in atmospheric and combustion chemistry, motivating studies for accurate determination of the reaction rate coefficient and its pressure and temperature dependence at thermal reaction conditions. This intricate dependence can be traced directly to details of the underlying dynamics (formation, isomerization, and dissociation) involving the reactive intermediates cis- and trans-HOCO, which can only be observed transiently. Using time-resolved frequency comb spectroscopy, comprehensive mechanistic elucidation of the kinetics of the isotopic analogue deuteroxyl radical (OD) with CO has been realized. By monitoring the concentrations of reactants, intermediates, and products in real-time, the branching and isomerization kinetics and absolute yields of all species in the OD+CO reaction are quantified as a function of pressure and collision partner.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Computed potential energy surfaces for chemical reactions

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    The minimum energy path for the addition of a hydrogen atom to N2 is characterized in CASSCF/CCI calculations using the (4s3p2d1f/3s2p1d) basis set, with additional single point calculations at the stationary points of the potential energy surface using the (5s4p3d2f/4s3p2d) basis set. These calculations represent the most extensive set of ab initio calculations completed to date, yielding a zero point corrected barrier for HN2 dissociation of approx. 8.5 kcal mol/1. The lifetime of the HN2 species is estimated from the calculated geometries and energetics using both conventional Transition State Theory and a method which utilizes an Eckart barrier to compute one dimensional quantum mechanical tunneling effects. It is concluded that the lifetime of the HN2 species is very short, greatly limiting its role in both termolecular recombination reactions and combustion processes
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