6 research outputs found

    Comparison of Quantum Mechanical and Empirical Potential Energy Surfaces and Computed Rate Coefficients for N2 Dissociation

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    Physics-based modeling of hypersonic flows is predicated on the availability of chemical reaction rate coefficients and cross sections for the collisional processes. This approach has been built around the use of quantum mechanical calculations to describe the interaction between the colliding particles. In this approach a potential energy surface (PES) is computed by solving the electronic Schrdinger equation and collision cross sections are determined for that PES using classical, semiclassical or quantum mechanical scattering methods. The rate coefficients are computed by integrating the thermally weighted cross sections. State-to-state rate coefficients are determined by only integrating over a thermal distribution of collisional energies. Finally, thermal rate coefficients are determined by summation of the state-to-state rate coefficients for reactions of molecules in all relevant ro-vibrational energy levels. If the flow is in thermal non-equilibrium, the translational, vibrational and rotational energy modes can be represented in different ways: three unique temperatures can be used to describe the distributions, the populations of individual ro-vibrational energy levels can be determined by solving the Master Equation, or through the use of direct simulation in particle-based Monte Carlo sampling. The PES-to-rate coefficient approach had been proposed and attempted in the early days of digital computing, but it is only in the last 15 years that computer hardware and software have been up to the task of calculating accurate interatomic and intermolecular potentials

    Molecular Physics of Elementary Processes relevant to Hypersonics: atom-molecule, molecule-molecule and atom-surface processes.

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    In the present chapter some prototype gas and gas-surface processes occurring within the hypersonic flow layer surrounding spacecrafts at planetary entry are discussed. The discussion is based on microscopic dynamical calculations of the detailed cross sections and rate coefficients performed using classical mechanics treatments for atoms, molecules and surfaces. Such treatment allows the evaluation of the efficiency of thermal processes (both at equilibrium and nonequilibrium distributions) based on state-to-state and state specific calculations properly averaged over the population of the initial states. The dependence of the efficiency of the considered processes on the initial partitioning of energy among the various degrees of freedom is discussed

    Comparison of Quantum Mechanical and Empirical Potential Energy Surfaces and Computed Rate Coefficients for N2 Dissociation

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    Comparisons are made between potential energy surfaces (PES) for N2 + N and N2 + N2 collisions and between rate coefficients for N2 dissociation that were computed using the quasiclassical trajectory method (QCT) on these PESs. For N2 + N we compare the Laganas empirical LEPS surface with one from NASA Ames Research Center based on ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. For N2 + N2 we compare two ab initio PESs (from NASA Ames and from the University of Minnesota). These use different methods for computing the ground state electronic energy for N4, but give similar results. Thermal N2 dissociation rate coefficients, for the 10,000K-30,000K temperature range, have been computed using each PES and the results are in excellent agreement. Quasi-stationary state (QSS) rate coefficients using both PESs have been computed at these temperatures using the Direct Molecular Simulation of Schwartentruber and coworkers. The QSS rate coefficients are up to a factor of 5 lower than the thermal ones and the thermal and QSS values bracket the results of shock-tube experiments. We conclude that the combination of ab initio quantum chemistry PESs and QCT calculations provides an attractive approach for the determination of accurate high-temperature rate coefficients for use in aerothermodynamics modeling

    Molecular dynamics of CH4/N2 mixtures on a flexible graphene layer: adsorption and selectivity case study

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    We theoretically investigate graphene layers, proposing them as membranes of subnanometer size suitable for CH4/N2 separation and gas uptake. The observed potential energy surfaces, representing the intermolecular interactions within the CH4/N2 gaseous mixtures and between these and the graphene layers, have been formulated by adopting the so-called Improved Lennard-Jones (ILJ) potential, which is far more accurate than the traditional Lennard-Jones potential. Previously derived ILJ force fields are used to perform extensive molecular dynamics simulations on graphene's ability to separate and adsorb the CH4/N2 mixture. Furthermore, the intramolecular interactions within graphene were explicitly considered since they are responsible for its flexibility and the consequent out-of-plane movements of the constituting carbon atoms. The effects on the adsorption capacity of graphene caused by introducing its flexibility in the simulations are assessed via comparison of different intramolecular force fields giving account of flexibility against a simplified less realistic model that considers graphene to be rigid. The accuracy of the potentials guarantees a quantitative description of the interactions and trustable results for the dynamics, as long as the appropriate set of intramolecular and intermolecular force fields is chosen. In particular it is shown that only if the flexibility of graphene is explicitly taken into account, a simple united-atom interaction potential can provide correct predictions. Conversely, when using an atomistic model, neglecting in the simulations the intrinsic flexibility of the graphene sheet has a minor effect. From a practical point of view, the global analysis of the whole set of results proves that these nanostructures are versatile materials competitive with other carbon-based adsorbing membranes suitable to cope with CH4 and N2 adsorption

    Full Dimensional Potential Energy Function and Calculation of State-Specific Properties of the CO+N2 Inelastic Processes Within an Open Molecular Science Cloud Perspective

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    A full dimensional Potential Energy Surface (PES) of the CO + N2 system has been generated by extending an approach already reported in the literature and applied to N2-N2 (Cappelletti et al., 2008), CO2-CO2 (Bartolomei et al., 2012), and CO2-N2 (Lombardi et al., 2016b) systems. The generation procedure leverages at the same time experimental measurements and high-level ab initio electronic structure calculations. The procedure adopts an analytic formulation of the PES accounting for the dependence of the electrostatic and non-electrostatic components of the intermolecular interaction on the deformation of the monomers. In particular, the CO and N2 molecular multipole moments and electronic polarizabilities, the basic physical properties controlling the behavior at intermediate and long-range distances of the interaction components, were made to depend on relevant internal coordinates. The formulated PES exhibits substantial advantages when used for structural and dynamical calculations. This makes it also well suited for reuse in Open Molecular Science Cloud services

    Utilizing High Throughput Computing Techniques for the Predictions of Spectroscopic Properties of Astrophysically Relevant Molecules

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    Here, we utilize Quantum Chemistry (QC) approaches to predict the structures, vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities and Raman activities of unusual molecular species using the General Atomic and Molecular Structure System (GAMESS(US)) package. A Python-based software, AutoGAMESS, was developed to automate the workflow and take advantage of High Throughput Computing (HTC) techniques enabling the automated generation of spectroscopic data from hundreds of calculations. This approach was utilized to determine these properties for a series of carbon oxides (C2On; n = 3 to 4), anticipated to be produced during the radiation of pure carbon dioxide ices, under conditions relevant to the interstellar medium. Beyond generating predicted spectroscopic results, we additionally performed a benchmark study of 70 different basis sets across multiple levels of theory (including Density Functional Theory, Moller鈥揚lesset, and Coupled Cluster calculations), in QC to identify the method with the best balance between obtaining the lowest error in predictions while being mindful of the computation resources required