35 research outputs found

    Query Driven Conceptual Browsing : A Semi-Automated Approach for Building and Exploring Concepts on the Web

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    The presence of communities, which are groups of highly cross referenced pages together representing a single concept, is a striking feature of the World Wide Web. Quite often a group of communities, each topically coherent within itself, may be related through a common concept manifested in each of them. Motivated by this observation, we present a method for query-driven conceptual browsing for exploring concepts on the Web starting from a userspecified query. We show how this idea is related to prior work on learning concept maps and on Web Mining, and discuss the application of conceptual browsing for user-driven exploration and discovery of new concepts on the Web

    Cluster Generation and Cluster Labelling for Web Snippets: A Fast and Accurate Hierarchical Solution

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    This paper describes Armil, a meta-search engine that groups into disjoint labelled clusters the Web snippets returned by auxiliary search engines. The cluster labels generated by Armil provide the user with a compact guide to assessing the relevance of each cluster to her information need. Strik- ing the right balance between running time and cluster well- formedness was a key point in the design of our system. Both the clustering and the labelling tasks are performed on the ?y by processing only the snippets provided by the auxil- iary search engines, and use no external sources of knowl- edge. Clustering is performed by means of a fast version of the furthest-point-?rst algorithm for metric k-center cluster- ing. Cluster labelling is achieved by combining intra-cluster and inter-cluster term extraction based on a variant of the information gain measure. We have tested the clustering ef- fectiveness of Armil against Vivisimo, the de facto industrial standard in Web snippet clustering, using as benchmark a comprehensive set of snippets obtained from the Open Di- rectory Project hierarchy. According to two widely accepted external\u27 metrics of clustering quality, Armil achieves bet- ter performance levels by 10%. We also report the results of a thorough user evaluation of both the clustering and the cluster labelling algorithms. On a standard 1GHz ma- chine, Armil performs clustering and labelling altogether in less than one second

    Refinement of Document Clustering by Using NMF

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    PACLIC 21 / Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea / November 1-3, 200

    Learn from web search logs to organize search results

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    Rapid Exploitation and Analysis of Documents

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