48 research outputs found

    TSN-FlexTest: Flexible TSN Measurement Testbed (Extended Version)

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    Robust, reliable, and deterministic networks are essential for a variety of applications. In order to provide guaranteed communication network services, Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) unites a set of standards for time-synchronization, flow control, enhanced reliability, and management. We design the TSN-FlexTest testbed with generic commodity hardware and open-source software components to enable flexible TSN measurements. We have conducted extensive measurements to validate the TSN-FlexTest testbed and to examine TSN characteristics. The measurements provide insights into the effects of TSN configurations, such as increasing the number of synchronization messages for the Precision Time Protocol, indicating that a measurement accuracy of 15 ns can be achieved. The TSN measurements included extensive evaluations of the Time-aware Shaper (TAS) for sets of Tactile Internet (TI) packet traffic streams. The measurements elucidate the effects of different scheduling and shaping approaches, while revealing the need for pervasive network control that synchronizes the sending nodes with the network switches. We present the first measurements of distributed TAS with synchronized senders on a commodity hardware testbed, demonstrating the same Quality-of-Service as with dedicated wires for high-priority TI streams despite a 200% over-saturation cross traffic load. The testbed is provided as an open-source project to facilitate future TSN research.Comment: 30 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables, IEEE TNSM, in print, 2024. Shorter version in print in IEEE Trans. on Network and Service Management (see related DOI below

    The future roadmap of in-vehicle network processing: a HW-centric (R-)evolution

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The automotive industry is undergoing a deep revolution. With the race towards autonomous driving, the amount of technologies, sensors and actuators that need to be integrated in the vehicle increases exponentially. This imposes new great challenges in the vehicle electric/electronic (E/E) architecture and, especially, in the In-Vehicle Network (IVN). In this work, we analyze the evolution of IVNs, and focus on the main network processing platform integrated in them: the Gateway (GW). We derive the requirements of Network Processing Platforms that need to be fulfilled by future GW controllers focusing on two perspectives: functional requirements and structural requirements. Functional requirements refer to the functionalities that need to be delivered by these network processing platforms. Structural requirements refer to design aspects which ensure the feasibility, usability and future evolution of the design. By focusing on the Network Processing architecture, we review the available options in the state of the art, both in industry and academia. We evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each architecture in terms of the coverage provided for the functional and structural requirements. In our analysis, we detect a gap in this area: there is currently no architecture fulfilling all the requirements of future automotive GW controllers. In light of the available network processing architectures and the current technology landscape, we identify Hardware (HW) accelerators and custom processor design as a key differentiation factor which boosts the devices performance. From our perspective, this points to a need - and a research opportunity - to explore network processing architectures with a strong HW focus, unleashing the potential of next-generation network processors and supporting the demanding requirements of future autonomous and connected vehicles.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation

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    In diesem Open Access-Tagungsband sind die besten Beiträge des 11. Jahreskolloquiums "Kommunikation in der Automation" (KommA 2020) und des 7. Jahreskolloquiums "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation" (BVAu 2020) enthalten. Die Kolloquien fanden am 28. und 29. Oktober 2020 statt und wurden erstmalig als digitale Webveranstaltung auf dem Innovation Campus Lemgo organisiert. Die vorgestellten neuesten Forschungsergebnisse auf den Gebieten der industriellen Kommunikationstechnik und Bildverarbeitung erweitern den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und Technik. Die in den Beiträgen enthaltenen anschauliche Anwendungsbeispiele aus dem Bereich der Automation setzen die Ergebnisse in den direkten Anwendungsbezug

    Automotive Ethernet architecture and security: challenges and technologies

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    Vehicle infrastructure must address the challenges posed by today's advances toward connected and autonomous vehicles. To allow for more flexible architectures, high-bandwidth connections and scalability are needed to connect many sensors and electronic control units (ECUs). At the same time, deterministic and low latency is a critical and significant design requirement to support urgent real-time applications in autonomous vehicles. As a recent solution, the time-sensitive network (TSN) was introduced as Ethernet-based amendments in IEEE 802.1 TSN standards to meet those needs. However, it had hurdle to be overcome before it can be used effectively. This paper discusses the latest studies concerning the automotive Ethernet requirements, including transmission delay studies to improve worst-case end-to-end delay and end-to-end jitter. Also, the paper focuses on the securing Ethernet-based in-vehicle networks (IVNs) by reviewing new encryption and authentication methods and approaches

    Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation

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    Packet scheduling algorithms for a software-defined manufacturing environment

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    With the vision of Industry 4.0, Internet of things (IoT) and Internet of Services (IoS) are making their way to the modern manufacturing systems and industrial automation. As a consequence, modern day manufacturing systems need wider product variation and customization to meet the customer's demands and survive in the competitive markets. Traditional, dedicated systems like assembly lines cannot adapt the rapidly changing requirement of today's manufacturing industries. A flexible and highly scalable infrastructure is needed to support such systems. However, most of the applications in manufacturing systems require strict QoS guarantees. For instance, time-sensitive networks like in industrial automation and smart factories need hard real-time guarantees. Deterministic networks with bounded delay and jitter are essential requirement for such systems. To support such systems, non-deterministic queueing delay has to be eliminated from the network. To this end, we present Time-Sensitive Software-Defined Networks (TSSDN) with a logically centralized controller which computes transmission schedules based on the global view of the network. SDN control logic computes optimized transmission schedules for the end hosts to avoid in network queueing delay. To compute transmission schedules, we present Integer Linear Programming and Routing and Scheduling Algorithms with heuristics that schedule and route unicast and multicast flows. Our evaluations show that it is possible to compute near optimal transmission schedules for TSSDN and bound network delays and jitter

    Rede sensível ao tempo: um estudo do mapeamento sistemático

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    The time sensitive network (TSN) is a technology that aims to provide a whole new level of determinism. It is made up of a set of standards, which are still being developed by the IEEE 802.1 working group. Its goal is to provide a network with extremely small packet loss in addition to calculable latencies and jitter. Because it is fairly recent, there is a certain di culty nding relevant materials for conducting research or developing it. Based on this problem this problem, the objective of this work is to perform a survey, gathering the important information about this new technology. The TSN is a set of several mechanisms. Each of them belongs to the 802.1 standard group. The work done here, talks about eight of the main mechanisms. In this way, a reader who has some level of information about networks, is able to understand the most relevant mechanisms and therefore can understand how the time sensitive network works, and its full potential.A rede sensível ao tempo (TSN) é uma tecnologia que visa fornecer um nível de determinismo totalmente novo. Ela é formada por um conjunto de padrões, os quais ainda estão sendo desenvolvidos pelo grupo de trabalho IEEE 802.1. Eles visam fornecer uma rede com perda de pacotes extremamente pequena alem de latências calculáveis e jitter limitado. Por ser razoavelmente recente, ha uma certa dificuldade de encontrar materiais relevantes para a realização uma pesquisa ou para o desenvolvimento da mesma. Visando essa problemática, o objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um mapeamento sistemático reunindo as informações importantes sobre esta nova tecnologia. A TSN é um conjunto de vários mecanismos. Cada um deles pertence a um padrão do grupo 802.1. O trabalho realizado aqui, fala sobre oito dos principais mecanismos. Deste modo o leitor, que possua algum nível de informação sobre redes, é capaz de compreender os mecanismos mais relevantes e por conseguinte entender como a rede sensível ao tempo funciona e todo o seu potencial