564 research outputs found

    Shapely monads and analytic functors

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    In this paper, we give precise mathematical form to the idea of a structure whose data and axioms are faithfully represented by a graphical calculus; some prominent examples are operads, polycategories, properads, and PROPs. Building on the established presentation of such structures as algebras for monads on presheaf categories, we describe a characteristic property of the associated monads---the shapeliness of the title---which says that "any two operations of the same shape agree". An important part of this work is the study of analytic functors between presheaf categories, which are a common generalisation of Joyal's analytic endofunctors on sets and of the parametric right adjoint functors on presheaf categories introduced by Diers and studied by Carboni--Johnstone, Leinster and Weber. Our shapely monads will be found among the analytic endofunctors, and may be characterised as the submonads of a universal analytic monad with "exactly one operation of each shape". In fact, shapeliness also gives a way to define the data and axioms of a structure directly from its graphical calculus, by generating a free shapely monad on the basic operations of the calculus. In this paper we do this for some of the examples listed above; in future work, we intend to do so for graphical calculi such as Milner's bigraphs, Lafont's interaction nets, or Girard's multiplicative proof nets, thereby obtaining canonical notions of denotational model

    A Categorical Approach to DIBI Models

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    The logic of Dependence and Independence Bunched Implications (DIBI) is a logic to reason about conditional independence (CI); for instance, DIBI formulas can characterise CI in probability distributions and relational databases, using the probabilistic and relational DIBI models, respectively. Despite the similarity of the probabilistic and relational models, a uniform, more abstract account remains unsolved. The laborious case-by-case verification of the frame conditions required for constructing new models also calls for such a treatment. In this paper, we develop an abstract framework for systematically constructing DIBI models, using category theory as the unifying mathematical language. In particular, we use string diagrams -- a graphical presentation of monoidal categories -- to give a uniform definition of the parallel composition and subkernel relation in DIBI models. Our approach not only generalises known models, but also yields new models of interest and reduces properties of DIBI models to structures in the underlying categories. Furthermore, our categorical framework enables a logical notion of CI, in terms of the satisfaction of specific DIBI formulas. We compare it with string diagrammatic approaches to CI and show that it is an extension of string diagrammatic CI under reasonable conditions.Comment: 33 page

    Preservation of Equations by Monoidal Monads

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    If a monad T is monoidal, then operations on a set X can be lifted canonically to operations on TX. In this paper we study structural properties under which T preserves equations between those operations. It has already been shown that any monoidal monad preserves linear equations; affine monads preserve drop equations (where some variable appears only on one side, such as x? y = y) and relevant monads preserve dup equations (where some variable is duplicated, such as x ? x = x). We start the paper by showing a converse: if the monad at hand preserves a drop equation, then it must be affine. From this, we show that the problem whether a given (drop) equation is preserved is undecidable. A converse for relevance turns out to be more subtle: preservation of certain dup equations implies a weaker notion which we call n-relevance. Finally, we identify a subclass of equations such that their preservation is equivalent to relevance