4,987 research outputs found

    A graph-based aspect interference detection approach for UML-based aspect-oriented models

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    Aspect Oriented Modeling (AOM) techniques facilitate separate modeling of concerns and allow for a more flexible composition of these than traditional modeling technique. While this improves the understandability of each submodel, in order to reason about the behavior of the composed system and to detect conflicts among submodels, automated tool support is required. Current techniques for conflict detection among aspects generally have at least one of the following weaknesses. They require to manually model the abstract semantics for each system; or they derive the system semantics from code assuming one specific aspect-oriented language. Defining an extra semantics model for verification bears the risk of inconsistencies between the actual and the verified design; verifying only at implementation level hinders fixng errors in earlier phases. We propose a technique for fully automatic detection of conflicts between aspects at the model level; more specifically, our approach works on UML models with an extension for modeling pointcuts and advice. As back-end we use a graph-based model checker, for which we have defined an operational semantics of UML diagrams, pointcuts and advice. In order to simulate the system, we automatically derive a graph model from the diagrams. The result is another graph, which represents all possible program executions, and which can be verified against a declarative specification of invariants.\ud To demonstrate our approach, we discuss a UML-based AOM model of the "Crisis Management System" and a possible design and evolution scenario. The complexity of the system makes con°icts among composed aspects hard to detect: already in the case of two simulated aspects, the state space contains 623 di®erent states and 9 different execution paths. Nevertheless, in case the right pruning methods are used, the state-space only grows linearly with the number of aspects; therefore, the automatic analysis scales

    Static and Dynamic Detection of Behavioral Conflicts Between Aspects

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    Aspects have been successfully promoted as a means to improve the modularization of software in the presence of crosscutting concerns. The so-called aspect interference problem is considered to be one of the remaining challenges of aspect-oriented software development: aspects may interfere with the behavior of the base code or other aspects. Especially interference between aspects is difficult to prevent, as this may be caused solely by the composition of aspects that behave correctly in isolation. A typical situation where this may occur is when multiple advices are applied at a shared, join point.\ud In [1] we explained the problem of behavioral conflicts between aspects at shared join points. We presented an approach for the detection of behavioral conflicts. This approach is based on a novel abstraction model for representing the behavior of advice. This model allows the expression of both primitive and complex behavior in a simple manner. This supports automatic conflict detection. The presented approach employs a set of conflict detection rules, which can be used to detect generic, domain specific and application specific conflicts. The approach is implemented in Compose*, which is an implementation of Composition Filters. This application shows that a declarative advice language can be exploited for aiding automated conflict detection.\ud This paper discusses the need for a runtime extension to the described static approach. It also presents a possible implementation approach of such an extension in Compose*. This allows us to reason efficiently about the behavior of aspects. It also enables us to detect these conflicts with minimal overhead at runtime

    Modeling and Reasoning over Distributed Systems using Aspect-Oriented Graph Grammars

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    Aspect-orientation is a relatively new paradigm that introduces abstractions to modularize the implementation of system-wide policies. It is based on a composition operation, called aspect weaving, that implicitly modifies a base system by performing related changes within the system modules. Aspect-oriented graph grammars (AOGG) extend the classic graph grammar formalism by defining aspects as sets of rule-based modifications over a base graph grammar. Despite the advantages of aspect-oriented concepts regarding modularity, the implicit nature of the aspect weaving operation may also introduce issues when reasoning about the system behavior. Since in AOGGs aspect weaving is characterized by means of rule-based rewriting, we can overcome these problems by using known analysis techniques from the graph transformation literature to study aspect composition. In this paper, we present a case study of a distributed client-server system with global policies, modeled as an aspect-oriented graph grammar, and discuss how to use the AGG tool to identify potential conflicts in aspect weaving

    Modelling and Analysis Using GROOVE

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    In this paper we present case studies that describe how the graph transformation tool GROOVE has been used to model problems from a wide variety of domains. These case studies highlight the wide applicability of GROOVE in particular, and of graph transformation in general. They also give concrete templates for using GROOVE in practice. Furthermore, we use the case studies to analyse the main strong and weak points of GROOVE

    Resource-based Verification for Robust Composition of Aspects

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    Aspect Oriented Software Development has been proposed as a means to improve modularization of software in the presence of crosscutting concerns. Compared to object-oriented or procedural approaches, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) has not yet been applied in many industrial applications. In this thesis we investigate the application of AOP within an industrial context and propose a novel solution to the problem of behavioral conflicts between aspects. We report on our experience transferring an aspect-oriented solution to a company called Advanced Semi-conductor Material Lithography (ASML). We investigate the acceptance criteria for AOP in industry, based on two industrial cases studies. We present a process that includes quantification of the benefits of AOP and elicitation of key worries expressed by stakeholders. We conducted a controlled experiment to assess the advantages and disadvantages of an aspect-based approach using a tracing example. Twenty developers from ASML were requested to carry out five maintenance scenarios. This experiment has shown that, in case the tracing concern is implemented using an AOP implementation instead of a procedural language, the development effort is on average 6% reduced while the impact of errors is reduced by 77%, for maintaining code related to tracing. For a subset of the scenarios, the results were statistically significant on a confidence interval of 95%. The so-called aspect interference problem is one of the major concerns in introducing AOP. Aspects can be developed independently and behave correct in isolation. However, due to intended or unintended composition of aspects, undesired behavior can emerge. In this thesis we focus on behavioral conflicts between aspects at shared join points. These are illustrated by a realistic example based on crosscutting concerns from ASML. We present an approach for the detection of behavioral interference that is based on a novel abstraction of the behavior of aspects, using resources and operations. This abstraction enables the expression of behavior in a simple manner that is suitable for automated detection of interference among aspects. The approach employs a set of conflict detection rules that can be used to detect both generic conflicts as well as domain specific conflicts. Our approach is general for AOP languages, its application to one specific AOP language Composition Filters is also illustrated in this thesis. The application to Composition Filters demonstrates how the use of a declarative advice language can be exploited for automated conflict detection. We detail the analysis process and discuss what information is required from the aspect developer to be able perform the analysis. We also discuss when static analysis is insufficient for detecting behavioral conflicts. We present a run time extension aiming at detecting dynamic conflicts. We discuss optimizations for this run time approach, which exploits the static verification results. Finally, we propose three improvements to the Composition Filters model to support automated and manual reasoning even further. The first improvement separates what behavior is executed from when this behavior is executed. Secondly, we introduce atomic filters that can be used to build more complex filters. The semantics of these filters are well defined. Although this approach has clear benefits from an automated reasoning perspective, the introduction of atomic filters results in the definition of numerous filters for specifying more complex behavior. Therefore, we introduce a filter composition language that enables the declarative composition of (atomic) filters, such that composed filter behavior can be reused elsewhere

    Aspects of Assembly and Cascaded Aspects of Assembly: Logical and Temporal Properties

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    Highly dynamic computing environments, like ubiquitous and pervasive computing environments, require frequent adaptation of applications. This has to be done in a timely fashion, and the adaptation process must be as fast as possible and mastered. Moreover the adaptation process has to ensure a consistent result when finished whereas adaptations to be implemented cannot be anticipated at design time. In this paper we present our mechanism for self-adaptation based on the aspect oriented programming paradigm called Aspect of Assembly (AAs). Using AAs: (1) the adaptations process is fast and its duration is mastered; (2) adaptations' entities are independent of each other thanks to the weaver logical merging mechanism; and (3) the high variability of the software infrastructure can be managed using a mono or multi-cycle weaving approach.Comment: 14 pages, published in International Journal of Computer Science, Volume 8, issue 4, Jul 2011, ISSN 1694-081

    Catalogue of unexpected interactions between aspects

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Aspect-Oriented State Machines

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    UML state machines are a widely used language for modeling software behavior. They are considered to be simple and intuitively comprehensible, and are hence one of the most popular languages for modeling reactive components. However, this seeming ease to use vanishes rapidly as soon as the complexity of the system to model increases. In fact, even state machines modeling ``almost trivial'' behavior may get rather hard to understand and error-prone. In particular, synchronization of parallel regions and history-based features are often difficult to model in UML state machines. We therefore propose High-Level Aspect (HiLA), a new, aspect-oriented extension of UML state machines, which can improve the modularity, thus the comprehensibility and reusability of UML state machines considerably. Aspects are used to define additional or alternative system behaviors at certain ``interesting'' points of time in the execution of the state machine, and achieve a high degree of separation of concerns. The distinguishing feature of HiLA w.r.t. other approaches of aspect-oriented state machines is that HiLA aspects are defined on a high, i.e. semantic level as opposed to a low, i.e. syntactic level. This semantic approach makes \HiLA aspects often simpler and better comprehensible than aspects of syntactic approaches. The contributions of this thesis include 1) the abstract and the concrete syntax of HiLA, 2) the weaving algorithms showing how the (additional or alternative) behaviors, separately modeled in aspects, are composed with the base state machine, giving the complete behavior of the system, 3) a formal semantics for HiLA aspects to define how the aspects are activated and (after the execution) left. We also discuss what conflicts between HiLA aspects are possible and how to detect them. The practical applicability of HiLA is shown in a case study of a crisis management system

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications