72 research outputs found

    Botnet Detection Using Graph Based Feature Clustering

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    Detecting botnets in a network is crucial because bot-activities impact numerous areas such as security, finance, health care, and law enforcement. Most existing rule and flow-based detection methods may not be capable of detecting bot-activities in an efficient manner. Hence, designing a robust botnet-detection method is of high significance. In this study, we propose a botnet-detection methodology based on graph-based features. Self-Organizing Map is applied to establish the clusters of nodes in the network based on these features. Our method is capable of isolating bots in small clusters while containing most normal nodes in the big-clusters. A filtering procedure is also developed to further enhance the algorithm efficiency by removing inactive nodes from bot detection. The methodology is verified using real-world CTU-13 and ISCX botnet datasets and benchmarked against classification-based detection methods. The results show that our proposed method can efficiently detect the bots despite their varying behaviors

    Graph-theoretic characterization of cyber-threat infrastructures

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    In this paper, we investigate cyber-threats and the underlying infrastructures. More precisely, we detect and analyze cyber-threat infrastructures for the purpose of unveiling key players (owners, domains, IPs, organizations, malware families, etc.) and the relationships between these players. To this end, we propose metrics to measure the badness of different infrastructure elements using graph theoretic concepts such as centrality concepts and Google PageRank. In addition, we quantify the sharing of infrastructure elements among different malware samples and families to unveil potential groups that are behind specific attacks. Moreover, we study the evolution of cyber-threat infrastructures over time to infer patterns of cyber-criminal activities. The proposed study provides the capability to derive insights and intelligence about cyber-threat infrastructures. Using one year dataset, we generate notable results regarding emerging threats and campaigns, important players behind threats, linkages between cyber-threat infrastructure elements, patterns of cyber-crimes, etc

    Systematizing Decentralization and Privacy: Lessons from 15 Years of Research and Deployments

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    Decentralized systems are a subset of distributed systems where multiple authorities control different components and no authority is fully trusted by all. This implies that any component in a decentralized system is potentially adversarial. We revise fifteen years of research on decentralization and privacy, and provide an overview of key systems, as well as key insights for designers of future systems. We show that decentralized designs can enhance privacy, integrity, and availability but also require careful trade-offs in terms of system complexity, properties provided, and degree of decentralization. These trade-offs need to be understood and navigated by designers. We argue that a combination of insights from cryptography, distributed systems, and mechanism design, aligned with the development of adequate incentives, are necessary to build scalable and successful privacy-preserving decentralized systems

    BotChase: Graph-Based Bot Detection Using Machine Learning

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    Bot detection using machine learning (ML), with network flow-level features, has been extensively studied in the literature. However, existing flow-based approaches typically incur a high computational overhead and do not completely capture the network communication patterns, which can expose additional aspects of malicious hosts. Recently, bot detection systems which leverage communication graph analysis using ML have gained traction to overcome these limitations. A graph-based approach is rather intuitive, as graphs are true representations of network communications. In this thesis, we propose BotChase, a two-phased graph-based bot detection system that leverages both unsupervised and supervised ML. The first phase prunes presumable benign hosts, while the second phase achieves bot detection with high precision. Our prototype implementation of BotChase detects multiple types of bots and exhibits robustness to zero-day attacks. It also accommodates different network topologies and is suitable for large-scale data. Compared to the state-of-the-art, BotChase outperforms an end-to-end system that employs flow-based features and performs particularly well in an online setting

    Leveraging Conventional Internet Routing Protocol Behavior to Defeat DDoS and Adverse Networking Conditions

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    The Internet is a cornerstone of modern society. Yet increasingly devastating attacks against the Internet threaten to undermine the Internet\u27s success at connecting the unconnected. Of all the adversarial campaigns waged against the Internet and the organizations that rely on it, distributed denial of service, or DDoS, tops the list of the most volatile attacks. In recent years, DDoS attacks have been responsible for large swaths of the Internet blacking out, while other attacks have completely overwhelmed key Internet services and websites. Core to the Internet\u27s functionality is the way in which traffic on the Internet gets from one destination to another. The set of rules, or protocol, that defines the way traffic travels the Internet is known as the Border Gateway Protocol, or BGP, the de facto routing protocol on the Internet. Advanced adversaries often target the most used portions of the Internet by flooding the routes benign traffic takes with malicious traffic designed to cause widespread traffic loss to targeted end users and regions. This dissertation focuses on examining the following thesis statement. Rather than seek to redefine the way the Internet works to combat advanced DDoS attacks, we can leverage conventional Internet routing behavior to mitigate modern distributed denial of service attacks. The research in this work breaks down into a single arc with three independent, but connected thrusts, which demonstrate that the aforementioned thesis is possible, practical, and useful. The first thrust demonstrates that this thesis is possible by building and evaluating Nyx, a system that can protect Internet networks from DDoS using BGP, without an Internet redesign and without cooperation from other networks. This work reveals that Nyx is effective in simulation for protecting Internet networks and end users from the impact of devastating DDoS. The second thrust examines the real-world practicality of Nyx, as well as other systems which rely on real-world BGP behavior. Through a comprehensive set of real-world Internet routing experiments, this second thrust confirms that Nyx works effectively in practice beyond simulation as well as revealing novel insights about the effectiveness of other Internet security defensive and offensive systems. We then follow these experiments by re-evaluating Nyx under the real-world routing constraints we discovered. The third thrust explores the usefulness of Nyx for mitigating DDoS against a crucial industry sector, power generation, by exposing the latent vulnerability of the U.S. power grid to DDoS and how a system such as Nyx can protect electric power utilities. This final thrust finds that the current set of exposed U.S. power facilities are widely vulnerable to DDoS that could induce blackouts, and that Nyx can be leveraged to reduce the impact of these targeted DDoS attacks

    Evidence-based Cybersecurity: Data-driven and Abstract Models

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    Achieving computer security requires both rigorous empirical measurement and models to understand cybersecurity phenomena and the effectiveness of defenses and interventions. To address the growing scale of cyber-insecurity, my approach to protecting users employs principled and rigorous measurements and models. In this dissertation, I examine four cybersecurity phenomena. I show that data-driven and abstract modeling can reveal surprising conclusions about longterm, persistent problems, like spam and malware, and growing threats like data-breaches and cyber conflict. I present two data-driven statistical models and two abstract models. Both of the data-driven models show that the presence of heavy-tailed distributions can make naive analysis of trends and interventions misleading. First, I examine ten years of publicly reported data breaches and find that there has been no increase in size or frequency. I also find that reported and perceived increases can be explained by the heavy-tailed nature of breaches. In the second data-driven model, I examine a large spam dataset, analyzing spam concentrations across Internet Service Providers. Again, I find that the heavy-tailed nature of spam concentrations complicates analysis. Using appropriate statistical methods, I identify unique risk factors with significant impact on local spam levels. I then use the model to estimate the effect of historical botnet takedowns and find they are frequently ineffective at reducing global spam concentrations and have highly variable local effects. Abstract models are an important tool when data are unavailable. Even without data, I evaluate both known and hypothesized interventions used by search providers to protect users from malicious websites. I present a Markov model of malware spread and study the effect of two potential interventions: blacklisting and depreferencing. I find that heavy-tailed traffic distributions obscure the effects of interventions, but with my abstract model, I showed that lowering search rankings is a viable alternative to blacklisting infected pages. Finally, I study how game-theoretic models can help clarify strategic decisions in cyber-conflict. I find that, in some circumstances, improving the attribution ability of adversaries may decrease the likelihood of escalating cyber conflict

    Revealing Malicious Contents Hidden In The Internet

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    In this age of ubiquitous communication in which we can stay constantly connected with the rest of the world, for most of the part, we have to be grateful for one particular invention - the Internet. But as the popularity of Internet connectivity grows, it has become a very dangerous place where objects of malicious content and intent can be hidden in plain sight. In this dissertation, we investigate different ways to detect and capture these malicious contents hidden in the Internet. First, we propose an automated system that mimics high-risk browsing activities such as clicking on suspicious online ads, and as a result collects malicious executable files for further analysis and diagnosis. Using our system we crawled over the Internet and collected a considerable amount of malicious executables with very limited resources. Malvertising has been one of the major recent threats against cyber security. Malvertisers apply a variety of evasion techniques to evade detection, whereas the ad networks apply inspection techniques to reveal the malicious ads. However, both the malvertiser and the ad network are under the constraints of resource and time. In the second part of this dissertation, we propose a game theoretic approach to formulate the problem of inspecting the malware inserted by the malvertisers into the Web-based advertising system. During malware collection, we used the online multi-AV scanning service VirusTotal to scan and analyze the samples, which can only generate an aggregation of antivirus scan reports. We need a multi-scanner solution that can accurately determine the maliciousness of a given sample. In the third part of this dissertation, we introduce three theoretical models, which enable us to predict the accuracy levels of different combination of scanners and determine the optimum configuration of a multi-scanner detection system to achieve maximum accuracy. Malicious communication generated by malware also can reveal the presence of it. In the case of botnets, their command and control (C&C) communication is good candidate for it. Among the widely used C&C protocols, HTTP is becoming the most preferred one. However, detecting HTTP-based C&C packets that constitute a minuscule portion of everyday HTTP traffic is a formidable task. In the final part of this dissertation, we present an anomaly detection based approach to detect HTTP-based C&C traffic using statistical features based on client generated HTTP request packets and DNS server generated response packets

    Feature Space Modeling for Accurate and Efficient Learning From Non-Stationary Data

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    A non-stationary dataset is one whose statistical properties such as the mean, variance, correlation, probability distribution, etc. change over a specific interval of time. On the contrary, a stationary dataset is one whose statistical properties remain constant over time. Apart from the volatile statistical properties, non-stationary data poses other challenges such as time and memory management due to the limitation of computational resources mostly caused by the recent advancements in data collection technologies which generate a variety of data at an alarming pace and volume. Additionally, when the collected data is complex, managing data complexity, emerging from its dimensionality and heterogeneity, can pose another challenge for effective computational learning. The problem is to enable accurate and efficient learning from non-stationary data in a continuous fashion over time while facing and managing the critical challenges of time, memory, concept change, and complexity simultaneously. Feature space modeling is one of the most effective solutions to address this problem. For non-stationary data, selecting relevant features is even more critical than stationary data due to the reduction of feature dimension which can ensure the best use a computational resource to produce higher accuracy and efficiency by data mining algorithms. In this dissertation, we investigated a variety of feature space modeling techniques to improve the overall performance of data mining algorithms. In particular, we built Relief based feature sub selection method in combination with data complexity iv analysis to improve the classification performance using ovarian cancer image data collected in a non-stationary batch mode. We also collected time series health sensor data in a streaming environment and deployed feature space transformation using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This led to reduced dimensionality of feature space resulting in better accuracy and efficiency produced by Density Ration Estimation Method in identifying potential change points in data over time. We have also built an unsupervised feature space modeling using matrix factorization and Lasso Regression which was successfully deployed in conjugate with Relative Density Ratio Estimation to address the botnet attacks in a non-stationary environment. Relief based feature model improved 16% accuracy of Fuzzy Forest classifier. For change detection framework, we observed 9% improvement in accuracy for PCA feature transformation. Due to the unsupervised feature selection model, for 2% and 5% malicious traffic ratio, the proposed botnet detection framework exhibited average 20% better accuracy than One Class Support Vector Machine (OSVM) and average 25% better accuracy than Autoencoder. All these results successfully demonstrate the effectives of these feature space models. The fundamental theme that repeats itself in this dissertation is about modeling efficient feature space to improve both accuracy and efficiency of selected data mining models. Every contribution in this dissertation has been subsequently and successfully employed to capitalize on those advantages to solve real-world problems. Our work bridges the concepts from multiple disciplines ineffective and surprising ways, leading to new insights, new frameworks, and ultimately to a cross-production of diverse fields like mathematics, statistics, and data mining
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