5 research outputs found

    A graph-spectral approach to shape-from-shading

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    In this paper, we explore how graph-spectral methods can be used to develop a new shape-from-shading algorithm. We characterize the field of surface normals using a weight matrix whose elements are computed from the sectional curvature between different image locations and penalize large changes in surface normal direction. Modeling the blocks of the weight matrix as distinct surface patches, we use a graph seriation method to find a surface integration path that maximizes the sum of curvature-dependent weights and that can be used for the purposes of height reconstruction. To smooth the reconstructed surface, we fit quadrics to the height data for each patch. The smoothed surface normal directions are updated ensuring compliance with Lambert's law. The processes of height recovery and surface normal adjustment are interleaved and iterated until a stable surface is obtained. We provide results on synthetic and real-world imagery

    Shape-from-shading using the heat equation

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    This paper offers two new directions to shape-from-shading, namely the use of the heat equation to smooth the field of surface normals and the recovery of surface height using a low-dimensional embedding. Turning our attention to the first of these contributions, we pose the problem of surface normal recovery as that of solving the steady state heat equation subject to the hard constraint that Lambert's law is satisfied. We perform our analysis on a plane perpendicular to the light source direction, where the z component of the surface normal is equal to the normalized image brightness. The x - y or azimuthal component of the surface normal is found by computing the gradient of a scalar field that evolves with time subject to the heat equation. We solve the heat equation for the scalar potential and, hence, recover the azimuthal component of the surface normal from the average image brightness, making use of a simple finite difference method. The second contribution is to pose the problem of recovering the surface height function as that of embedding the field of surface normals on a manifold so as to preserve the pattern of surface height differences and the lattice footprint of the surface normals. We experiment with the resulting method on a variety of real-world image data, where it produces qualitatively good reconstructed surfaces

    A regularization approach for reconstruction and visualization of 3-D data

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    Esta tesis trata sobre reconstrucci贸n de superficies a partir de im谩genes de rango utilizando algunas extensiones de la Regularizaci贸n de Tikhonov, que produce Splines aplicables a datos en n dimensiones. La idea central es que estos splines se pueden obtener mediante la teor铆a de regularizaci贸n, utilizando un equilibrio entre la suavidad y la fidelidad a los datos, por tanto, ser谩n aplicables tanto en la interpolaci贸n como en la aproximaci贸n de datos exactos o ruidosos. En esta tesis proponemos un enfoque variacional que incluye los datos e informaci贸n a priori acerca de la soluci贸n, dada en forma de funcionales. Solucionamos problemas de optimizaci贸n que resultan ser una extensi贸n de la teor铆a de Tikhonov, con el prop贸sito de incluir funcionales con propiedades locales y globales que pueden ser ajustadas mediante par谩metros de regularizaci贸n. El a priori es analizado en t茅rminos de las propiedades f铆sicas y geom茅tricas de los funcionales para luego ser agregados a la formulaci贸n variacional. Los resultados obtenidos se prueban con datos para reconstrucci贸n de superficies, mostrando notables propiedades de reproducci贸n y aproximaci贸n. En particular, utilizamos la reconstrucci贸n de superficies para ilustrar las aplicaciones pr谩cticas, pero nuestro enfoque tiene muchas m谩s aplicaciones. En el centro de nuestra propuesta esta la teor铆a general de problemas inversos y las aplicaciones de algunas ideas provenientes del an谩lisis funcional. Los splines que obtenemos son combinaciones lineales de las soluciones fundamentales de ciertos operadores en derivadas parciales, frecuentes en la teor铆a de la elasticidad y no se hace ninguna suposici贸n previa sobre el modelo estad铆stico de los datos de entrada, de manera que se pueden tomar en t茅rminos de una inferencia estad铆stica no param茅trica. Estos splines son implementables en una forma muy estable y se pueden aplicar en problemas de interpolaci贸n y suavizado. / Abstract: This thesis is about surface reconstruction from range images using some extensions of Tikhonov regularization that produces splines applicable on n-dimensional data. The central idea is that these splines can be obtained by regularization theory, using a trade-off between fidelity to data and smoothness properties; as a consequence, they are applicable both in interpolation and approximation of exact or noisy data. We propose a variational framework that includes data and a priori information about the solution, given in the form of functionals. We solve optimization problems which are extensions of Tikhonov theory, in order to include functionals with local and global features that can be tuned by regularization parameters. The a priori is thought in terms of geometric and physical properties of functionals and then added to the variational formulation. The results obtained are tested on data for surface reconstruction, showing remarkable reproducing and approximating properties. In this case we use surface reconstruction to illustrate practical applications; nevertheless, our approach has many other applications. In the core of our approach is the general theory of inverse problems and the application of some abstract ideas from functional analysis. The splines obtained are linear combinations of certain fundamental solutions of partial differential operators from elasticity theory and no prior assumption is made on a statistical model for the input data, so it can be thought in terms of nonparametric statistical inference. They are implementable in a very stable form and can be applied for both interpolation and smoothing problems.Doctorad

    A graph spectral approach to shape-from-shading

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