3 research outputs found

    A Gossip Protocol for Dynamic Resource Management in Large Cloud Environments

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    A Gossiping Protocol for Detecting Global Threshold Crossings

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    We investigate the use of gossip protocols for the detection of network-wide threshold crossings. Our design goals are low protocol overhead, small detection delay, low probability of false positives and negatives, scalability, robustness to node failures and controllability of the trade-off between overhead and detection delay. Based on push-synopses, a gossip protocol introduced by Kempe et al., we present a protocol that indicates whether a global aggregate of static local values is above or below a given threshold. For this protocol, we prove correctness and show that it converges to a state with no overhead when the aggregate is sufficiently far from the threshold. Then, we introduce an extension we call TG-GAP, a protocol that (1) executes in a dynamic network environment where local values change and (2) implements hysteresis behavior with upper and lower thresholds. Key elements of its design are the construction of snapshots of the global aggregate for threshold detection and a mechanism for synchronizing local states, both of which are realized through the underlying gossip protocol. Simulation studies suggest that TG-GAP is efficient in that the protocol overhead is minimal when the aggregate is sufficiently far from the threshold, that its overhead and the detection delay are largely independent on the system size, and that the tradeoff between overhead and detection quality can be effectively controlled. Lastly, we perform a comparative evaluation of TG-GAP against a tree-based protocol. We conclude that, for detecting global threshold crossings in the type of scenarios investigated, the tree-based protocol incurs a significantly lower overhead and a smaller detection delay than a gossip protocol such as TG-GAP.© 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. QC 20120215</p

    Flexible und leistungsfähige Nutzung Dienst-spezifischer Netze auf Endsystemen

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    Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Lösungen für eine flexible und leistungsfähige Nutzung Dienst-spezifischer Netze auf Endsystemen entwickelt. Dabei wurde ein flexibles Zugriffsverfahren für Dienst-spezifische Netze, ein Hierarchisches Knoten-Management für die Verwaltung der auf Endsystemen für Dienst-spezifische Netze benötigten Netz-, Speicher-, und CPU-Ressourcen und ein leistungsfähiges Rahmenwerk, das Flexibilität mit dem Erreichen hoher Datenraten kombiniert, entworfen