144 research outputs found

    Designing Mobile Friendly CAPTCHAs: An Exploratory Study.

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    CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart) are one of the most widely used authentication mechanisms that help to prevent online service abuse. With the advent of mobile computing, mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become the primary way people access the Internet. As a result, increasing attention has been paid to designing CAPTCHAs that are mobile friendly. Although such CAPTCHAs generally show their advantages over traditional ones, it is still unclear what the best practices are for designing a CAPTCHA scheme that is easy to use on mobile devices. In this paper, we present an exploratory study that focuses on developing a more holistic view of usability issues with interactive CAPTCHAs to inform design guidance. This is done through investigating the usability performance of seven mobile friendly CAPTCHA schemes representing five different CAPTCHA types

    BeCAPTCHA: Behavioral bot detection using touchscreen and mobile sensors benchmarked on HuMIdb

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    In this paper we study the suitability of a new generation of CAPTCHA methods based on smartphone interactions. The heterogeneous flow of data generated during the interaction with the smartphones can be used to model human behavior when interacting with the technology and improve bot detection algorithms. For this, we propose BeCAPTCHA, a CAPTCHA method based on the analysis of the touchscreen information obtained during a single drag and drop task in combination with the accelerometer data. The goal of BeCAPTCHA is to determine whether the drag and drop task was realized by a human or a bot. We evaluate the method by generating fake samples synthesized with Generative Adversarial Neural Networks and handcrafted methods. Our results suggest the potential of mobile sensors to characterize the human behavior and develop a new generation of CAPTCHAs. The experiments are evaluated with HuMIdb1 (Human Mobile Interaction database), a novel multimodal mobile database that comprises 14 mobile sensors acquired from 600 users. HuMIdb is freely available to the research communityThis work has been supported by projects: PRIMA, Spain (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860315), TRESPASS-ETN, Spain (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019-860813), BIBECA RTI2018-101248-B-I00 (MINECO/FEDER), and BioGuard, Spain (Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica 2017). Spanish Patent Application P20203006

    TAPCHA: An Invisible CAPTCHA Scheme

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    TAPCHA is a universal CAPTCHA scheme designed for touch-enabled smart devices such as smartphones, tablets and smartwatches. The main difference between TAPCHA and other CAPTCHA schemes is that TAPCHA retains its security by making the CAPTCHA test ‘invisible’ for the bot. It then utilises context effects to maintain the readability of the instruction for human users which eventually guarantees the usability of the scheme. Two reference designs, namely TAPCHA SHAPE & SHADE and TAPCHA MULTI are developed to demonstrate the use of this scheme

    A Novel Design of Audio CAPTCHA for Visually Impaired Users

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    CAPTCHAs are widely used by web applications for the purpose of security and privacy. However, traditional text-based CAPTCHAs are not suitable for sighted users much less users with visual impairments. To address the issue, this paper proposes a new mechanism for CAPTCHA called HearAct, which is a real-time audio-based CAPTCHA that enables easy access for users with visual impairments. The user listens to the sound of something (the “sound-maker”), and he/she must identify what the sound-maker is. After that, HearAct identifies a word and requires the user to analyze a word and determine whether it has the stated letter or not. If the word has the letter, the user must tap and if not, they swipe. This paper presents our HearAct pilot study conducted with thirteen blind users. The preliminary user study results suggest the new form of CAPTCHA has a lot of potential for both blind and visual users. The results also show that the HearAct CAPTCHA can be solved in a shorter time than the text-based CAPTCHAs because HearAct allows users to solve the CAPTCHA using gestures instead of typing. Thus, participants preferred HearAct over audio-based CAPTCHAs. The results of the study also show that the success rate of solving the HearAct CAPTCHA is 82.05% and 43.58% for audio CAPTCHA. A significant usability differences between the System Usability score for HearAct CAPTCHA method was 88.07 compared to audio CAPTCHA was 52.11%. Using gestures to solve the CAPTCHA challenge is the most preferable feature in the HearAct solution. To increase the security of HearAct, it is necessary to increase the number of sounds in the CAPTCHA. There is also a need to improve the CAPTCHA solution to cover wide range of users by adding corresponding image with each sound to meet deaf users’ needs; they then need to identify the spelling of the sound maker’s word

    An Accessible Web CAPTCHA Design for Visually Impaired Users

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    In the realm of computing, CAPTCHAs are used to determine if a user engaging with a system is a person or a bot. The most common CAPTCHAs are visual in nature, requiring users to recognize images comprising distorted characters or objects. For people with visual impairments, audio CAPTCHAs are accessible alternatives to standard visual CAPTCHAs. Users are required to enter or say the words in an audio-clip when using Audio CAPTCHAs. However, this approach is time-consuming and vulnerable to machine learning algorithms, since automated speech recognition (ASR) systems could eventually understand the content of audio with the improvement of the technique. While adding background noise may deceive ASR systems temporarily, it may cause people to have difficulties de- ciphering the information, thus reducing usability. To address this, we designed a more secure and accessible web CAPTCHA based on the capabilities of people with visually impairments, obviating the need for sight via the use of audio and movement, while also using object detection techniques to enhance the accessibility of the CAPTCHA

    Let the right one in : attestation as a usable CAPTCHA alternative

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    CAPTCHAs are necessary to protect websites from bots and malicious crawlers, yet are increasingly solvable by automated systems. This has led to more challenging tests that require greater human effort and cultural knowledge; they may prevent bots effectively but sacrifice usability and discourage the human users they are meant to admit.We propose a new class of challenge: a Cryptographic Attestation of Personhood (CAP) as the foundation of a usable, pro-privacy alternative. Our challenge is constructed using the open Web Authentication API (WebAuthn) that is supported in most browsers. We evaluated the CAP challenge through a public demo, with an accompanying user survey. Our evaluation indicates that CAP has a strong likelihood of adoption by users who possess the necessary hardware, showing good results for effectiveness and efficiency as well as a strong expressed preference for using CAP over traditional CAPTCHA solutions. In addition to demonstrating a mechanism for more usable challenge tests, we identify some areas for improvement for the WebAuthn user experience, and reflect on the difficult usable privacy problems in this domain and how they might be mitigated

    "I don’t like putting my face on the Internet!": An acceptance study of face biometrics as a CAPTCHA replacement

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    Biometric technologies have the potential to reduce the effort involved in securing personal activities online, such as purchasing goods and services. Verifying that a user session on a website is attributable to a real human is one candidate application, especially as the existing CAPTCHA technology is burdensome and can frustrate users. Here we examine the viability of biometrics as part of the consumer experience in this space. We invited 87 participants to take part in a lab study, using a realistic ticket-buying website with a range of human verification mechanisms including a face biometric technology. User perceptions and accep- tance of the various security technologies were explored through interviews and a range of questionnaires within the study. The results show that some users wanted reassurance that their personal image will be protected or discarded af- ter verifying, whereas others felt that if they saw enough people using face biometrics they would feel assured that it was trustworthy. Face biometrics were seen by some par- ticipants to be more suitable for high-security contexts, and by others as providing extra personal data that had unac- ceptable privacy implications