4,015 research outputs found

    Channel modelling for visible light communication systems

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    Visible Light Communications (VLCs) have been identified as a potential solution for mitigating the looming Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum crisis. Having the ability to provide illumination and communication at the same time, this technology has been considered as one of the most promising communication technologies for future wireless networks. VLCs are a viable candidate for short-range indoor applications with very high data rates. In terms of outdoor applications, Vehicular VLCs (VVLCs) play an important role in vehicular ad hoc networks and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Adopting visible light in vehicular networks offers a great potential to enhance road safety and traffic efficiency towards accident-free driving. For the sake of VLC system design and performance evaluation, it is indispensable to develop accurate, efficient, and flexible channel models, which can fully reflect the characteristics of VLC channels. In this thesis, we first give a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review of the most important indoor Optical Wireless Communications (OWCs) measurement campaigns and channel models, primarily for Wireless Infrared Communications (WIRCs) and VLCs. Consequently, we can identify that an appropriate channel model for VLC systems is currently missing in the literature. This Ph.D. project is therefore devoted to the modelling of VLC channels for both indoor and outdoor communication systems. Second, a new Two-Dimensional (2D) stationary Field of View (FoV) one-ring Regular-Shape Geometry Based Stochastic Model (RS-GBSM) for VLC Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) channels is proposed. The proposed model considers the Line-of-Sight (LoS) and Single-Bounce (SB) components. VLC channel characteristics are analysed based on different positions of the Photodetector (PD) and FoV constraint. Third, we propose a new 2D stationary multiple-bounce RS-GBSM for VLC SISO channels. The proposed model employs a combined two-ring and confocal ellipse model. This model is sufficiently generic and adaptable to a variety of indoor scenarios since the received signal is constructed as the summation of the LoS, SB, Double-Bounce (DB), and Triple-Bounce (TB) rays with different powers. Fourth, a new 2D mobile RS-GBSM for vehicular VLC SISO channels is proposed. The proposed model combines a two-ring model and a confocal ellipse model, and considers SB and DB components in addition to LoS component. Unlike conventional models, the proposed model considers the light that is reflected off moving vehicles around the Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx), as well as the light that is reflected off the stationary roadside environments. Vehicular VLC channel characteristics are analysed along different distance ranges between 0 and 70 m and different PD heights. Fifth, we propose a novel Three-Dimensional (3D) mobile RS-GBSM for vehicular VLC Multiple-Input Single-Output (MISO) channels. The proposed model combines two-sphere and elliptic-cylinder models. Both the LoS component and SB components, which are reflected off moving vehicles and stationary roadside environments, are considered. The proposed 3D RS-GBSM has the ability to study the impact of the vehicular traffic density on the received power and jointly considers the azimuth and elevation angles by using the von Mises-Fisher (VMF) distribution. In summary, this work proposes new realistic VLC channel models which are useful for the design, test, and performance evaluation of advanced indoor and outdoor VLC systems. Furthermore, it identifies important directions that can be considered in future research, and helps propose new applications that require the development of more realistic channel models before the actual implementation

    Mirror-aided non-LOS VLC channel characterizations with a time-efficient simulation model

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    The emerging cost-efficient visible light communication (VLC)-based indoor wireless network requires an economical solution for backhaul transmission. Non-line-of-sight (non-LOS) VLC links are generally applicable candidates to set up a backhaul network without rearrangement of existing lighting fixtures. Here, we describe non-LOS channels aided by the first-order specular reflection from mirrors, which can be used to overcome the multipath effect of purely diffuse non-LOS channels. Characterizations of purely diffuse and mirror-aided non-LOS channels are conducted with a time-efficient simulation model based on an iterative algorithm. Any bounce of reflections combined with specular and diffuse reflections can be simulated using the proposed iterative VLC model in polynomial time. Simulation results show that mirror-aided non-LOS channels outperform purely diffuse non-LOS links regardless of the link configuration. The effect of concentration and directionality of non-LOS VLC channels is also shown and discussed

    A Non-Stationary VVLC MIMO Channel Model for Street Corner Scenarios

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    In recent years, the application potential of visible light communication (VLC) technology as an alternative and supplement to radio frequency (RF) technology has attracted people's attention. The study of the underlying VLC channel is the basis for designing the VLC communication system. In this paper, a new non-stationary geometric street corner model is proposed for vehicular VLC (VVLC) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel. The proposed model takes into account changes in vehicle speed and direction. The category of scatterers includes fixed scatterers and mobile scatterers (MS). Based on the proposed model, we derive the channel impulse response (CIR) and explore the statistical characteristics of the VVLC channel. The channel gain and root mean square (RMS) delay spread of the VVLC channel are studied. In addition, the influence of velocity change on the statistical characteristics of the model is also investigated. The proposed channel model can guide future vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) optical communication system design

    Optical Wireless Communication Channel Measurements and Models

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    Simulation of impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D CAD models

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    n this article, a tool for simulating the channel impulse response for indoor visible light communications using 3D computer-aided design (CAD) models is presented. The simulation tool is based on a previous Monte Carlo ray-tracing algorithm for indoor infrared channel estimation, but including wavelength response evaluation. The 3D scene, or the simulation environment, can be defined using any CAD software in which the user specifies, in addition to the setting geometry, the reflection characteristics of the surface materials as well as the structures of the emitters and receivers involved in the simulation. Also, in an effort to improve the computational efficiency, two optimizations are proposed. The first one consists of dividing the setting into cubic regions of equal size, which offers a calculation improvement of approximately 50% compared to not dividing the 3D scene into sub-regions. The second one involves the parallelization of the simulation algorithm, which provides a computational speed-up proportional to the number of processors used

    A cross-layer heuristic algorithm for addressing shadowing problem in optical attocell networks

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    The performance of visible light communication (VLC)-based optical attocell networks degrades due to shadowing caused by opaque objects. In order to improve reliability, we propose a cross-layer algorithm to find the optimal routing and resource allocation schemes when shadowing occurs. Simulation results show that the optimal scheme found by the proposed algorithm significantly improves the performance of optical attocell networks with one randomly shadowed link

    Channel modeling and characterization for VLC-based medical body sensor networks: trends and challenges

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    Optical Wireless Communication (OWC) refers to transmission in unguided propagation media through the use of optical carriers, i.e., visible, Infrared (IR), and Ultraviolet (UV) bands. In this paper, we focus on indoor Visible Light Communication (VLC)-based Medical Body Sensor Networks (MBSNs) which allow the Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to communicate between on-body sensors/subdermal implants and on-body central hubs/monitoring devices while also serving as a luminaire. Since the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of the communication systems depends heavily on realistic channel modeling and characterization, this paper aims at presenting an up-to-date survey of works on channel modeling activities for MBSNs. The first part reviews existing IR-based MBSNs channel models based on which VLC channel models are derived. The second part of this review provides details on existing VLC-based MBSNs channel models according to the mobility of the MBSNs on the patient’s body. We also present a realistic channel modeling approach called site-specific ray tracing that considers the skin tissue for the MBSNs channel modeling for realistic hospital scenarios.Scientific Research Projects (BAP) (Grant Number: 20A204)Publisher's Versio

    The COST IRACON Geometry-based Stochastic Channel Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Intersections

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    Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless communications can improve traffic safety at road intersections and enable congestion avoidance. However, detailed knowledge about the wireless propagation channel is needed for the development and realistic assessment of V2V communication systems. We present a novel geometry-based stochastic MIMO channel model with support for frequencies in the band of 5.2-6.2 GHz. The model is based on extensive high-resolution measurements at different road intersections in the city of Berlin, Germany. We extend existing models, by including the effects of various obstructions, higher order interactions, and by introducing an angular gain function for the scatterers. Scatterer locations have been identified and mapped to measured multi-path trajectories using a measurement-based ray tracing method and a subsequent RANSAC algorithm. The developed model is parameterized, and using the measured propagation paths that have been mapped to scatterer locations, model parameters are estimated. The time variant power fading of individual multi-path components is found to be best modeled by a Gamma process with an exponential autocorrelation. The path coherence distance is estimated to be in the range of 0-2 m. The model is also validated against measurement data, showing that the developed model accurately captures the behavior of the measured channel gain, Doppler spread, and delay spread. This is also the case for intersections that have not been used when estimating model parameters.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Modeling Broadband Ocean Acoustic Transmissions with Time-Varying Sea Surfaces

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    Solutions to ocean acoustic scattering problems are often formulated in the frequency domain, which implies that the surface is frozen in time. This may be reasonable for short duration signals but breaks down if the surface changes appreciably over the transmission time. Frequency domain solutions are also impractical for source-receiver ranges and frequency bands typical for applications such as acoustic communications (e.g. hundreds to thousands of meters, 1-50 kHz band). In addition, a driving factor in the performance of certain acoustic systems is the Doppler spread, which is often introduced from sea-surface movement. The time-varying nature of the sea surface adds complexity and often leads to a statistical description for the variations in received signals. A purely statistical description likely limits the insight that modeling generally provides. In this paper, time-domain modeling approaches to the sea-surface scattering problem are described. As a benchmark for comparison, the Helmholtz integral equation is used for solutions to static, time-harmonic rough surface problems. The integral equation approach is not practical for time-evolving rough surfaces and two alternatives are formulated. The first approach is relatively simple using ray theory. This is followed with a ray-based formulation of the Helmholtz integral equation with a time-domain Kirchhoff approximation