3 research outputs found

    Large conductance CaÂČâș-activated Kâș (BK) channels promote secretagogue-induced transition from spiking to bursting in murine anterior pituitary corticotrophs

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    KEY POINTS: Corticotroph cells of the anterior pituitary are electrically excitable and are an integral component of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis which governs the neuroendocrine response to stress. Corticotrophs display predominantly single spike activity under basal conditions that transition to complex bursting behaviours upon stimulation by the hypothalamic secretagogues corticotrophin‐releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP); however, the underlying mechanisms controlling bursting are unknown. In this study, we show that CRH and AVP induce different patterns of corticotroph electrical activity, and we use an electrophysiological approach combined with mathematical modelling to show the ionic mechanisms for these differential effects. The data reveal that secretagogue‐induced bursting is dependent on large conductance Ca(2+)‐activated K(+) (BK) channels and is driven primarily by CRH whereas AVP promotes an increase in single‐spike frequency through BK‐independent pathways involving activation of non‐selective cation conductances. As corticotroph excitability is differentially regulated by CRH and AVP this may allow corticotrophs to respond appropriately to different stressors. ABSTRACT: Anterior pituitary corticotroph cells are a central component of the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal (HPA) axis essential for the neuroendocrine response to stress. Corticotrophs are excitable cells that receive input from two hypothalamic secretagogues, corticotrophin‐releasing hormone (CRH) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) to control the release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Although corticotrophs are spontaneously active and increase in excitability in response to CRH and AVP the patterns of electrical excitability and underlying ionic conductances are poorly understood. In this study, we have used electrophysiological, pharmacological and genetic approaches coupled with mathematical modelling to investigate whether CRH and AVP promote distinct patterns of electrical excitability and to interrogate the role of large conductance calcium‐ and voltage‐activated potassium (BK) channels in spontaneous and secretagogue‐induced activity. We reveal that BK channels do not play a significant role in the generation of spontaneous activity but are critical for the transition to bursting in response to CRH. In contrast, AVP promotes an increase in single spike frequency, a mechanism independent of BK channels but dependent on background non‐selective conductances. Co‐stimulation with CRH and AVP results in complex patterns of excitability including increases in both single spike frequency and bursting. The ability of corticotroph excitability to be differentially regulated by hypothalamic secretagogues provides a mechanism for differential control of corticotroph excitability in response to different stressors

    Geometric singular perturbation analysis of mixed-mode dynamics in pituitary cells

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    Pseudo-plateau bursting is a type of oscillatory waveform associated with mixed mode dynamics in slow/fast systems and commonly found in neural bursting models. In a recent model for the electrical activity in a pituitary lactotroph, two types of pseudo-plateau bursts were discovered: one in which the calcium drives the bursts and another in which the calcium simply follows them. Multiple methods from dynamical systems theory have been used to understand the bursting. The classic 2-timescale approach treats the calcium concentration as a slowly varying parameter and considers a parametrized family of fast subsystems. A more novel and successful 2-timescale approach divides the system so that there is only one fast variable and shows that the bursting arises from canard dynamics. Both methods can be effective analytic tools but there has been little justification for one approach over the other. In the first part of this thesis, we demonstrate that the two analysis techniques are different unfoldings of a 3-timescale system. We show that elementary applications of geometric singular perturbation theory and bifurcation theory in the 2-timescale and 3- timescale methods provides us with substantial predictive power. We use that predictive power to explain the transient and long-term dynamics of the pituitary lactotroph model. The canard phenomenon occurs generically in singular perturbation problems with at least two slow variables. Canards are closely associated with folded singularities and in the case of folded nodes, lead to a local twisting of invariant manifolds. Folded node canards and folded saddle canards (and their bifurcations) have been studied extensively in 3 dimensions. The folded saddle-node (FSN) is the codimension-1 bifurcation that gives rise to folded nodes and folded saddles. There are two types of FSN. In the FSN type I, the center manifold of the FSN is tangent to the curve of fold bifurcations of the fast subsystem. In the FSN II, the center manifold of the FSN is transverse to the curve of fold bifurcations of the fast subsystem. Both types of FSN bifurcation are ubiquitous in applications and are typically the organizing centers for delay phenomena. In particular, the FSN I and FSN II demarcate the bursting regions in parameter space. Their dynamics however, are not completely understood. Recent studies have unravelled the local dynamics of the FSN II. In the second part of this thesis, we extend canard theory into the FSN I regime by combining methods from geometric singular perturbation theory (blow-up), and the theory of dynamic bifurcations (analytic continuation into the plane of complex time). We prove the existence of canards and faux canards near the FSN I, and study the associated delayed loss of stability