1,846 research outputs found

    A geometric protocol for cryptography with cards

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    In the generalized Russian cards problem, the three players Alice, Bob and Cath draw a,b and c cards, respectively, from a deck of a+b+c cards. Players only know their own cards and what the deck of cards is. Alice and Bob are then required to communicate their hand of cards to each other by way of public messages. The communication is said to be safe if Cath does not learn the ownership of any specific card; in this paper we consider a strengthened notion of safety introduced by Swanson and Stinson which we call k-safety. An elegant solution by Atkinson views the cards as points in a finite projective plane. We propose a general solution in the spirit of Atkinson's, although based on finite vector spaces rather than projective planes, and call it the `geometric protocol'. Given arbitrary c,k>0, this protocol gives an informative and k-safe solution to the generalized Russian cards problem for infinitely many values of (a,b,c) with b=O(ac). This improves on the collection of parameters for which solutions are known. In particular, it is the first solution which guarantees kk-safety when Cath has more than one card

    Perfectly secure data aggregation via shifted projections

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    We study a general scenario where confidential information is distributed among a group of agents who wish to share it in such a way that the data becomes common knowledge among them but an eavesdropper intercepting their communications would be unable to obtain any of said data. The information is modelled as a deck of cards dealt among the agents, so that after the information is exchanged, all of the communicating agents must know the entire deal, but the eavesdropper must remain ignorant about who holds each card. Valentin Goranko and the author previously set up this scenario as the secure aggregation of distributed information problem and constructed weakly safe protocols, where given any card cc, the eavesdropper does not know with certainty which agent holds cc. Here we present a perfectly safe protocol, which does not alter the eavesdropper's perceived probability that any given agent holds cc. In our protocol, one of the communicating agents holds a larger portion of the cards than the rest, but we show how for infinitely many values of aa, the number of cards may be chosen so that each of the mm agents holds more than aa cards and less than 2m2a2m^2a

    Secure aggregation of distributed information: How a team of agents can safely share secrets in front of a spy

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    We consider the generic problem of Secure Aggregation of Distributed Information (SADI), where several agents acting as a team have information distributed among them, modeled by means of a publicly known deck of cards distributed among the agents, so that each of them knows only her cards. The agents have to exchange and aggregate the information about how the cards are distributed among them by means of public announcements over insecure communication channels, intercepted by an adversary "eavesdropper", in such a way that the adversary does not learn who holds any of the cards. We present a combinatorial construction of protocols that provides a direct solution of a class of SADI problems and develop a technique of iterated reduction of SADI problems to smaller ones which are eventually solvable directly. We show that our methods provide a solution to a large class of SADI problems, including all SADI problems with sufficiently large size and sufficiently balanced card distributions

    Socially Optimal Mining Pools

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    Mining for Bitcoins is a high-risk high-reward activity. Miners, seeking to reduce their variance and earn steadier rewards, collaborate in pooling strategies where they jointly mine for Bitcoins. Whenever some pool participant is successful, the earned rewards are appropriately split among all pool participants. Currently a dozen of different pooling strategies (i.e., methods for distributing the rewards) are in use for Bitcoin mining. We here propose a formal model of utility and social welfare for Bitcoin mining (and analogous mining systems) based on the theory of discounted expected utility, and next study pooling strategies that maximize the social welfare of miners. Our main result shows that one of the pooling strategies actually employed in practice--the so-called geometric pay pool--achieves the optimal steady-state utility for miners when its parameters are set appropriately. Our results apply not only to Bitcoin mining pools, but any other form of pooled mining or crowdsourcing computations where the participants engage in repeated random trials towards a common goal, and where "partial" solutions can be efficiently verified
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