2,433 research outputs found

    Relativistic Constraints for a Naturalistic Metaphysics of Time

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    The traditional metaphysical debate between static and dynamic views in the philosophy of time is examined in light of considerations concerning the nature of time in physical theory. Adapting the formalism of Rovelli (1995, 2004), I set out a precise framework in which to characterise the formal structure of time that we find in physical theory. This framework is used to provide a new perspective on the relationship between the metaphysics of time and the special theory of relativity by emphasising the dual representations of time that we find in special relativity. I extend this analysis to the general theory of relativity with a view to prescribing the constraints that must be heeded for a metaphysical theory of time to remain within the bounds of a naturalistic metaphysics

    Geodesic Tracking via New Data-driven Connections of Cartan Type for Vascular Tree Tracking

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    We introduce a data-driven version of the plus Cartan connection on the homogeneous space M2\mathbb{M}_2 of 2D positions and orientations. We formulate a theorem that describes all shortest and straight curves (parallel velocity and parallel momentum, respectively) with respect to this new data-driven connection and corresponding Riemannian manifold. Then we use these shortest curves for geodesic tracking of complex vasculature in multi-orientation image representations defined on M2\mathbb{M}_{2}. The data-driven Cartan connection characterizes the Hamiltonian flow of all geodesics. It also allows for improved adaptation to curvature and misalignment of the (lifted) vessel structure that we track via globally optimal geodesics. We compute these geodesics numerically via steepest descent on distance maps on M2\mathbb{M}_2 that we compute by a new modified anisotropic fast-marching method. Our experiments range from tracking single blood vessels with fixed endpoints to tracking complete vascular trees in retinal images. Single vessel tracking is performed in a single run in the multi-orientation image representation, where we project the resulting geodesics back onto the underlying image. The complete vascular tree tracking requires only two runs and avoids prior segmentation, placement of extra anchor points, and dynamic switching between geodesic models. Altogether we provide a geodesic tracking method using a single, flexible, transparent, data-driven geodesic model providing globally optimal curves which correctly follow highly complex vascular structures in retinal images. All experiments in this article can be reproduced via documented Mathematica notebooks available at GitHub (https://github.com/NickyvdBerg/DataDrivenTracking)

    Orthogonal polynomial ensembles in probability theory

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    We survey a number of models from physics, statistical mechanics, probability theory and combinatorics, which are each described in terms of an orthogonal polynomial ensemble. The most prominent example is apparently the Hermite ensemble, the eigenvalue distribution of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), and other well-known ensembles known in random matrix theory like the Laguerre ensemble for the spectrum of Wishart matrices. In recent years, a number of further interesting models were found to lead to orthogonal polynomial ensembles, among which the corner growth model, directed last passage percolation, the PNG droplet, non-colliding random processes, the length of the longest increasing subsequence of a random permutation, and others. Much attention has been paid to universal classes of asymptotic behaviors of these models in the limit of large particle numbers, in particular the spacings between the particles and the fluctuation behavior of the largest particle. Computer simulations suggest that the connections go even farther and also comprise the zeros of the Riemann zeta function. The existing proofs require a substantial technical machinery and heavy tools from various parts of mathematics, in particular complex analysis, combinatorics and variational analysis. Particularly in the last decade, a number of fine results have been achieved, but it is obvious that a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the matter is still lacking. Hence, it seems an appropriate time to provide a surveying text on this research area.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/154957805100000177 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Recurrence networks - A novel paradigm for nonlinear time series analysis

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    This paper presents a new approach for analysing structural properties of time series from complex systems. Starting from the concept of recurrences in phase space, the recurrence matrix of a time series is interpreted as the adjacency matrix of an associated complex network which links different points in time if the evolution of the considered states is very similar. A critical comparison of these recurrence networks with similar existing techniques is presented, revealing strong conceptual benefits of the new approach which can be considered as a unifying framework for transforming time series into complex networks that also includes other methods as special cases. It is demonstrated that there are fundamental relationships between the topological properties of recurrence networks and the statistical properties of the phase space density of the underlying dynamical system. Hence, the network description yields new quantitative characteristics of the dynamical complexity of a time series, which substantially complement existing measures of recurrence quantification analysis

    Non-existence of multiple-black-hole solutions close to Kerr-Newman

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    We show that a stationary asymptotically flat electro-vacuum solution of Einstein's equations that is everywhere locally "almost isometric" to a Kerr-Newman solution cannot admit more than one event horizon. Axial symmetry is not assumed. In particular this implies that the assumption of a single event horizon in Alexakis-Ionescu-Klainerman's proof of perturbative uniqueness of Kerr black holes is in fact unnecessary.Comment: Version 2: improved presentation; no changes to the result. Version 3: corrected an oversight in the historical review. Version 4: version accepted for publicatio
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