7,490 research outputs found

    High-resolution mapping of cancer cell networks using co-functional interactions.

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    Powerful new technologies for perturbing genetic elements have recently expanded the study of genetic interactions in model systems ranging from yeast to human cell lines. However, technical artifacts can confound signal across genetic screens and limit the immense potential of parallel screening approaches. To address this problem, we devised a novel PCA-based method for correcting genome-wide screening data, bolstering the sensitivity and specificity of detection for genetic interactions. Applying this strategy to a set of 436 whole genome CRISPR screens, we report more than 1.5 million pairs of correlated "co-functional" genes that provide finer-scale information about cell compartments, biological pathways, and protein complexes than traditional gene sets. Lastly, we employed a gene community detection approach to implicate core genes for cancer growth and compress signal from functionally related genes in the same community into a single score. This work establishes new algorithms for probing cancer cell networks and motivates the acquisition of further CRISPR screen data across diverse genotypes and cell types to further resolve complex cellular processes

    Transcriptomic signatures of neuronal differentiation and their association with risk genes for autism spectrum and related neuropsychiatric disorders.

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    Genes for autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are also implicated in fragile X syndrome (FXS), intellectual disabilities (ID) or schizophrenia (SCZ), and converge on neuronal function and differentiation. The SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line, the most widely used system to study neurodevelopment, is currently discussed for its applicability to model cortical development. We implemented an optimal neuronal differentiation protocol of this system and evaluated neurodevelopment at the transcriptomic level using the CoNTeXT framework, a machine-learning algorithm based on human post-mortem brain data estimating developmental stage and regional identity of transcriptomic signatures. Our improved model in contrast to currently used SH-SY5Y models does capture early neurodevelopmental processes with high fidelity. We applied regression modelling, dynamic time warping analysis, parallel independent component analysis and weighted gene co-expression network analysis to identify activated gene sets and networks. Finally, we tested and compared these sets for enrichment of risk genes for neuropsychiatric disorders. We confirm a significant overlap of genes implicated in ASD with FXS, ID and SCZ. However, counterintuitive to this observation, we report that risk genes affect pathways specific for each disorder during early neurodevelopment. Genes implicated in ASD, ID, FXS and SCZ were enriched among the positive regulators, but only ID-implicated genes were also negative regulators of neuronal differentiation. ASD and ID genes were involved in dendritic branching modules, but only ASD risk genes were implicated in histone modification or axonal guidance. Only ID genes were over-represented among cell cycle modules. We conclude that the underlying signatures are disorder-specific and that the shared genetic architecture results in overlaps across disorders such as ID in ASD. Thus, adding developmental network context to genetic analyses will aid differentiating the pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders

    DRUG-NEM: Optimizing drug combinations using single-cell perturbation response to account for intratumoral heterogeneity.

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    An individual malignant tumor is composed of a heterogeneous collection of single cells with distinct molecular and phenotypic features, a phenomenon termed intratumoral heterogeneity. Intratumoral heterogeneity poses challenges for cancer treatment, motivating the need for combination therapies. Single-cell technologies are now available to guide effective drug combinations by accounting for intratumoral heterogeneity through the analysis of the signaling perturbations of an individual tumor sample screened by a drug panel. In particular, Mass Cytometry Time-of-Flight (CyTOF) is a high-throughput single-cell technology that enables the simultaneous measurements of multiple ([Formula: see text]40) intracellular and surface markers at the level of single cells for hundreds of thousands of cells in a sample. We developed a computational framework, entitled Drug Nested Effects Models (DRUG-NEM), to analyze CyTOF single-drug perturbation data for the purpose of individualizing drug combinations. DRUG-NEM optimizes drug combinations by choosing the minimum number of drugs that produce the maximal desired intracellular effects based on nested effects modeling. We demonstrate the performance of DRUG-NEM using single-cell drug perturbation data from tumor cell lines and primary leukemia samples

    Multivariate Models and Algorithms for Systems Biology

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    Rapid advances in high-throughput data acquisition technologies, such as microarraysand next-generation sequencing, have enabled the scientists to interrogate the expression levels of tens of thousands of genes simultaneously. However, challenges remain in developingeffective computational methods for analyzing data generated from such platforms. In thisdissertation, we address some of these challenges. We divide our work into two parts. Inthe first part, we present a suite of multivariate approaches for a reliable discovery of geneclusters, often interpreted as pathway components, from molecular profiling data with replicated measurements. We translate our goal into learning an optimal correlation structure from replicated complete and incomplete measurements. In the second part, we focus on thereconstruction of signal transduction mechanisms in the signaling pathway components. Wepropose gene set based approaches for inferring the structure of a signaling pathway.First, we present a constrained multivariate Gaussian model, referred to as the informed-case model, for estimating the correlation structure from replicated and complete molecular profiling data. Informed-case model generalizes previously known blind-case modelby accommodating prior knowledge of replication mechanisms. Second, we generalize theblind-case model by designing a two-component mixture model. Our idea is to strike anoptimal balance between a fully constrained correlation structure and an unconstrained one.Third, we develop an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to infer the underlying correlation structure from replicated molecular profiling data with missing (incomplete) measurements.We utilize our correlation estimators for clustering real-world replicated complete and incompletemolecular profiling data sets. The above three components constitute the first partof the dissertation. For the structural inference of signaling pathways, we hypothesize a directed signal pathway structure as an ensemble of overlapping and linear signal transduction events. We then propose two algorithms to reverse engineer the underlying signaling pathway structure using unordered gene sets corresponding to signal transduction events. Throughout we treat gene sets as variables and the associated gene orderings as random.The first algorithm has been developed under the Gibbs sampling framework and the secondalgorithm utilizes the framework of simulated annealing. Finally, we summarize our findingsand discuss possible future directions

    Towards Personalized Medicine Using Systems Biology And Machine Learning

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    The rate of acquiring biological data has greatly surpassed our ability to interpret it. At the same time, we have started to understand that evolution of many diseases such as cancer, are the results of the interplay between the disease itself and the immune system of the host. It is now well accepted that cancer is not a single disease, but a “complex collection of distinct genetic diseases united by common hallmarks”. Understanding the differences between such disease subtypes is key not only in providing adequate treatments for known subtypes but also identifying new ones. These unforeseen disease subtypes are one of the main reasons high-profile clinical trials fail. To identify such cases, we proposed a classification technique, based on Support Vector Machines, that is able to automatically identify samples that are dissimilar from the classes used for training. We assessed the performance of this approach both with artificial data and data from the UCI machine learning repository. Moreover, we showed in a leukemia experiment that our method is able to identify 65% of the MLL patients when it was trained only on AML vs. ALL. In addition, to augment our ability to understand the disease mechanism in each subgroup, we proposed a systems biology approach able to consider all measured gene expressing changes, thus eliminating the possibility that small but important gene changes (e.g. transcription factors) are omitted from the analysis. We showed that this approach provides consistent results that do not depend on the choice of an arbitrary threshold for the differential regulation. We also showed in a multiple sclerosis study that this approach is able to obtain consistent results across multiple experiments performed by different groups on different technologies, that could not be achieved based solely using differential expression. The cut-off free impact analysis was released as part of the ROntoTools Bioconductor package

    Multivariate Models and Algorithms for Systems Biology

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    Rapid advances in high-throughput data acquisition technologies, such as microarraysand next-generation sequencing, have enabled the scientists to interrogate the expression levels of tens of thousands of genes simultaneously. However, challenges remain in developingeffective computational methods for analyzing data generated from such platforms. In thisdissertation, we address some of these challenges. We divide our work into two parts. Inthe first part, we present a suite of multivariate approaches for a reliable discovery of geneclusters, often interpreted as pathway components, from molecular profiling data with replicated measurements. We translate our goal into learning an optimal correlation structure from replicated complete and incomplete measurements. In the second part, we focus on thereconstruction of signal transduction mechanisms in the signaling pathway components. Wepropose gene set based approaches for inferring the structure of a signaling pathway.First, we present a constrained multivariate Gaussian model, referred to as the informed-case model, for estimating the correlation structure from replicated and complete molecular profiling data. Informed-case model generalizes previously known blind-case modelby accommodating prior knowledge of replication mechanisms. Second, we generalize theblind-case model by designing a two-component mixture model. Our idea is to strike anoptimal balance between a fully constrained correlation structure and an unconstrained one.Third, we develop an Expectation-Maximization algorithm to infer the underlying correlation structure from replicated molecular profiling data with missing (incomplete) measurements.We utilize our correlation estimators for clustering real-world replicated complete and incompletemolecular profiling data sets. The above three components constitute the first partof the dissertation. For the structural inference of signaling pathways, we hypothesize a directed signal pathway structure as an ensemble of overlapping and linear signal transduction events. We then propose two algorithms to reverse engineer the underlying signaling pathway structure using unordered gene sets corresponding to signal transduction events. Throughout we treat gene sets as variables and the associated gene orderings as random.The first algorithm has been developed under the Gibbs sampling framework and the secondalgorithm utilizes the framework of simulated annealing. Finally, we summarize our findingsand discuss possible future directions

    Data-driven modelling of biological multi-scale processes

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    Biological processes involve a variety of spatial and temporal scales. A holistic understanding of many biological processes therefore requires multi-scale models which capture the relevant properties on all these scales. In this manuscript we review mathematical modelling approaches used to describe the individual spatial scales and how they are integrated into holistic models. We discuss the relation between spatial and temporal scales and the implication of that on multi-scale modelling. Based upon this overview over state-of-the-art modelling approaches, we formulate key challenges in mathematical and computational modelling of biological multi-scale and multi-physics processes. In particular, we considered the availability of analysis tools for multi-scale models and model-based multi-scale data integration. We provide a compact review of methods for model-based data integration and model-based hypothesis testing. Furthermore, novel approaches and recent trends are discussed, including computation time reduction using reduced order and surrogate models, which contribute to the solution of inference problems. We conclude the manuscript by providing a few ideas for the development of tailored multi-scale inference methods.Comment: This manuscript will appear in the Journal of Coupled Systems and Multiscale Dynamics (American Scientific Publishers

    A Path to Implement Precision Child Health Cardiovascular Medicine.

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    Congenital heart defects (CHDs) affect approximately 1% of live births and are a major source of childhood morbidity and mortality even in countries with advanced healthcare systems. Along with phenotypic heterogeneity, the underlying etiology of CHDs is multifactorial, involving genetic, epigenetic, and/or environmental contributors. Clear dissection of the underlying mechanism is a powerful step to establish individualized therapies. However, the majority of CHDs are yet to be clearly diagnosed for the underlying genetic and environmental factors, and even less with effective therapies. Although the survival rate for CHDs is steadily improving, there is still a significant unmet need for refining diagnostic precision and establishing targeted therapies to optimize life quality and to minimize future complications. In particular, proper identification of disease associated genetic variants in humans has been challenging, and this greatly impedes our ability to delineate gene-environment interactions that contribute to the pathogenesis of CHDs. Implementing a systematic multileveled approach can establish a continuum from phenotypic characterization in the clinic to molecular dissection using combined next-generation sequencing platforms and validation studies in suitable models at the bench. Key elements necessary to advance the field are: first, proper delineation of the phenotypic spectrum of CHDs; second, defining the molecular genotype/phenotype by combining whole-exome sequencing and transcriptome analysis; third, integration of phenotypic, genotypic, and molecular datasets to identify molecular network contributing to CHDs; fourth, generation of relevant disease models and multileveled experimental investigations. In order to achieve all these goals, access to high-quality biological specimens from well-defined patient cohorts is a crucial step. Therefore, establishing a CHD BioCore is an essential infrastructure and a critical step on the path toward precision child health cardiovascular medicine

    Systems Biology Approaches For The Analysis Of High-Throughput Biological Data

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    The identification of biological processes involved with a certain phenotype, such as a disease or drug treatment, is the goal of the majority of life sciences experiments. Pathway analysis methods are used to interpret high-throughput biological data to identify such processes by incorporating information on biological systems to translate data into biological knowledge. Although widely used, current methods share a number of limitations. First, they do not take into account the individual contribution of each gene to the phenotype in analysis. Second, most of the methods include parameters of difficult interpretation, often arbitrarily set. Third, the results of all methods are affected by the fact that pathways are not independent entities, but communicate with each other by a phenomenon referred to as crosstalk. Crosstalk effects heavily influence the results of pathway analysis methods, adding a number of false positives and false negatives, making them difficult to interpret. We developed methods that address these limitations by i) allowing for the incorporation of individual gene contributions, ii) developing objective methods for the estimation of parameters of pathway analysis methods, and iii) developing an approach able to detect, quantify, and correct for crosstalk effects. We show on a number of real and simulated data that our approaches increase specificity and sensitivity of pathway analysis, allowing for a more effective identification of the processes and mechanisms underlying biological phenomena

    Are we there yet? : reliably estimating the completeness of plant genome sequences

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    Genome sequencing is becoming cheaper and faster thanks to the introduction of next-generation sequencing techniques. Dozens of new plant genome sequences have been released in recent years, ranging from small to gigantic repeat-rich or polyploid genomes. Most genome projects have a dual purpose: delivering a contiguous, complete genome assembly and creating a full catalog of correctly predicted genes. Frequently, the completeness of a species' gene catalog is measured using a set of marker genes that are expected to be present. This expectation can be defined along an evolutionary gradient, ranging from highly conserved genes to species-specific genes. Large-scale population resequencing studies have revealed that gene space is fairly variable even between closely related individuals, which limits the definition of the expected gene space, and, consequently, the accuracy of estimates used to assess genome and gene space completeness. We argue that, based on the desired applications of a genome sequencing project, different completeness scores for the genome assembly and/or gene space should be determined. Using examples from several dicot and monocot genomes, we outline some pitfalls and recommendations regarding methods to estimate completeness during different steps of genome assembly and annotation
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