2,877 research outputs found

    Multi-target detection and recognition by UAVs using online POMDPs

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    This paper tackles high-level decision-making techniques for robotic missions, which involve both active sensing and symbolic goal reaching, under uncertain probabilistic environments and strong time constraints. Our case study is a POMDP model of an online multi-target detection and recognition mission by an autonomous UAV.The POMDP model of the multi-target detection and recognition problem is generated online from a list of areas of interest, which are automatically extracted at the beginning of the flight from a coarse-grained high altitude observation of the scene. The POMDP observation model relies on a statistical abstraction of an image processing algorithm's output used to detect targets. As the POMDP problem cannot be known and thus optimized before the beginning of the flight, our main contribution is an ``optimize-while-execute'' algorithmic framework: it drives a POMDP sub-planner to optimize and execute the POMDP policy in parallel under action duration constraints. We present new results from real outdoor flights and SAIL simulations, which highlight both the benefits of using POMDPs in multi-target detection and recognition missions, and of our`optimize-while-execute'' paradigm

    A distributed agent architecture for real-time knowledge-based systems: Real-time expert systems project, phase 1

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    We propose a distributed agent architecture (DAA) that can support a variety of paradigms based on both traditional real-time computing and artificial intelligence. DAA consists of distributed agents that are classified into two categories: reactive and cognitive. Reactive agents can be implemented directly in Ada to meet hard real-time requirements and be deployed on on-board embedded processors. A traditional real-time computing methodology under consideration is the rate monotonic theory that can guarantee schedulability based on analytical methods. AI techniques under consideration for reactive agents are approximate or anytime reasoning that can be implemented using Bayesian belief networks as in Guardian. Cognitive agents are traditional expert systems that can be implemented in ART-Ada to meet soft real-time requirements. During the initial design of cognitive agents, it is critical to consider the migration path that would allow initial deployment on ground-based workstations with eventual deployment on on-board processors. ART-Ada technology enables this migration while Lisp-based technologies make it difficult if not impossible. In addition to reactive and cognitive agents, a meta-level agent would be needed to coordinate multiple agents and to provide meta-level control

    POMDP-based online target detection and recognition for autonomous UAVs

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    This paper presents a target detection and recognition mission by an autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicule (UAV) modeled as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP). The POMDP model deals in a single framework with both perception actions (controlling the camera's view angle), and mission actions (moving between zones and flight levels, landing) needed to achieve the goal of the mission, i.e. landing in a zone containing a car whose model is recognized as a desired target model with sufficient belief. We explain how we automatically learned the probabilistic observation POMDP model from statistical analysis of the image processing algorithm used on-board the UAV to analyze objects in the scene. We also present our "optimize-while-execute" framework, which drives a POMDP sub-planner to optimize and execute the POMDP policy in parallel under action duration constraints, reasoning about the future possible execution states of the robotic system. Finally, we present experimental results, which demonstrate that Artificial Intelligence techniques like POMDP planning can be successfully applied in order to automatically control perception and mission actions hand-in-hand for complex time-constrained UAV missions

    Planning for perception and perceiving for decision: POMDP-like online optimization in large complex robotics missions

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    This ongoing phD work aims at proposing a unified framework to optimize both perception and task planning using extended Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs). Targeted applications are large complex aerial robotics missions where the problem is too large to be solved off-line, and acquiring information about the environment is as important as achieving some symbolic goals. Challenges of this work include: (1) optimizing a dual objective in a single decision-theoretic framework, i.e. environment perception and goal achievement ; (2) properly dealing with action preconditions on belief states in order to guarantee safety constraints or physical limitations, what is crucial in aerial robotics ; (3) modeling the symbolic output of image processing algorithms as input of the POMDP's observation function ; (4) parallel optimization and execution of POMDP policies in constrained time. A global view of each of these topics are presented, as well as some ongoing experimental results

    Planning for perception and perceiving for decision: POMDP-like online target detection and recognition for autonomous UAVs

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    This paper studies the use of POMDP-like techniques to tackle an online multi-target detection and recognition mission by an autonomous rotorcraft UAV. Such robotics missions are complex and too large to be solved off-line, and acquiring information about the environment is as important as achieving some symbolic goals. The POMDP model deals in a single framework with both perception actions (controlling the camera's view angle), and mission actions (moving between zones and flight levels, landing) needed to achieve the goal of the mission, i.e. landing in a zone containing a car whose model is recognized as a desired target model with sufficient belief. We explain how we automatically learned the probabilistic observation POMDP model from statistical analysis of the image processing algorithm used on-board the UAV to analyze objects in the scene. We also present our "optimize-while-execute" framework, which drives a POMDP sub-planner to optimize and execute the POMDP policy in parallel under action duration constraints, reasoning about the future possible execution states of the robotic system. Finally, we present experimental results, which demonstrate that Artificial Intelligence techniques like POMDP planning can be successfully applied in order to automatically control perception and mission actions hand-in-hand for complex time-constrained UAV missions

    Crossmodal content binding in information-processing architectures

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    Operating in a physical context, an intelligent robot faces two fundamental problems. First, it needs to combine information from its different sensors to form a representation of the environment that is more complete than any of its sensors on its own could provide. Second, it needs to combine high-level representations (such as those for planning and dialogue) with its sensory information, to ensure that the interpretations of these symbolic representations are grounded in the situated context. Previous approaches to this problem have used techniques such as (low-level) information fusion, ontological reasoning, and (high-level) concept learning. This paper presents a framework in which these, and other approaches, can be combined to form a shared representation of the current state of the robot in relation to its environment and other agents. Preliminary results from an implemented system are presented to illustrate how the framework supports behaviours commonly required of an intelligent robot

    AMPLE: an anytime planning and execution framework for dynamic and uncertain problems in robotics

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    Acting in robotics is driven by reactive and deliberative reasonings which take place in the competition between execution and planning processes. Properly balancing reactivity and deliberation is still an open question for harmonious execution of deliberative plans in complex robotic applications. We propose a flexible algorithmic framework to allow continuous real-time planning of complex tasks in parallel of their executions. Our framework, named AMPLE, is oriented towards robotic modular architectures in the sense that it turns planning algorithms into services that must be generic, reactive, and valuable. Services are optimized actions that are delivered at precise time points following requests from other modules that include states and dates at which actions are needed. To this end, our framework is divided in two concurrent processes: a planning thread which receives planning requests and delegates action selection to embedded planning softwares in compliance with the queue of internal requests, and an execution thread which orchestrates these planning requests as well as action execution and state monitoring. We show how the behavior of the execution thread can be parametrized to achieve various strategies which can differ, for instance, depending on the distribution of internal planning requests over possible future execution states in anticipation of the uncertain evolution of the system, or over different underlying planners to take several levels into account. We demonstrate the flexibility and the relevance of our framework on various robotic benchmarks and real experiments that involve complex planning problems of different natures which could not be properly tackled by existing dedicated planning approaches which rely on the standard plan-then-execute loop