135 research outputs found

    On algebraic structures of numerical integration on vector spaces and manifolds

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    Numerical analysis of time-integration algorithms has been applying advanced algebraic techniques for more than fourty years. An explicit description of the group of characters in the Butcher-Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra first appeared in Butcher's work on composition of integration methods in 1972. In more recent years, the analysis of structure preserving algorithms, geometric integration techniques and integration algorithms on manifolds have motivated the incorporation of other algebraic structures in numerical analysis. In this paper we will survey structures that have found applications within these areas. This includes pre-Lie structures for the geometry of flat and torsion free connections appearing in the analysis of numerical flows on vector spaces. The much more recent post-Lie and D-algebras appear in the analysis of flows on manifolds with flat connections with constant torsion. Dynkin and Eulerian idempotents appear in the analysis of non-autonomous flows and in backward error analysis. Non-commutative Bell polynomials and a non-commutative Fa\`a di Bruno Hopf algebra are other examples of structures appearing naturally in the numerical analysis of integration on manifolds.Comment: 42 pages, final versio

    Hopf Algebras of m-permutations, (m+1)-ary trees, and m-parking functions

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    The m-Tamari lattice of F. Bergeron is an analogue of the clasical Tamari order defined on objects counted by Fuss-Catalan numbers, such as m-Dyck paths or (m+1)-ary trees. On another hand, the Tamari order is related to the product in the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebra of planar binary trees. We introduce new combinatorial Hopf algebras based on (m+1)-ary trees, whose structure is described by the m-Tamari lattices. In the same way as planar binary trees can be interpreted as sylvester classes of permutations, we obtain (m+1)-ary trees as sylvester classes of what we call m-permutations. These objects are no longer in bijection with decreasing (m+1)-ary trees, and a finer congruence, called metasylvester, allows us to build Hopf algebras based on these decreasing trees. At the opposite, a coarser congruence, called hyposylvester, leads to Hopf algebras of graded dimensions (m+1)^{n-1}, generalizing noncommutative symmetric functions and quasi-symmetric functions in a natural way. Finally, the algebras of packed words and parking functions also admit such m-analogues, and we present their subalgebras and quotients induced by the various congruences.Comment: 51 page

    Generalized bialgebras and triples of operads

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    We introduce the notion of generalized bialgebra, which includes the classical notion of bialgebra (Hopf algebra) and many others. We prove that, under some mild conditions, a connected generalized bialgebra is completely determined by its primitive part. This structure theorem extends the classical Poincar\'e-Birkhoff-Witt theorem and the Cartier-Milnor-Moore theorem, valid for cocommutative bialgebras, to a large class of generalized bialgebras. Technically we work in the theory of operads which permits us to give a conceptual proof of our main theorem. It unifies several results, generalizing PBW and CMM, scattered in the literature. We treat many explicit examples and suggest a few conjectures.Comment: Slight modification of the quotient triple proposition (3.1.1). Typos corrected. 110 page

    Selected Papers in Combinatorics - a Volume Dedicated to R.G. Stanton

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    Professor Stanton has had a very illustrious career. His contributions to mathematics are varied and numerous. He has not only contributed to the mathematical literature as a prominent researcher but has fostered mathematics through his teaching and guidance of young people, his organizational skills and his publishing expertise. The following briefly addresses some of the areas where Ralph Stanton has made major contributions

    The Partition Lattice in Many Guises

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    This dissertation is divided into four chapters. In Chapter 2 the equivariant homology groups of upper order ideals in the partition lattice are computed. The homology groups of these filters are written in terms of border strip Specht modules as well as in terms of links in an associated complex in the lattice of compositions. The classification is used to reproduce topological calculations of many well-studied subcomplexes of the partition lattice, including the d-divisible partition lattice and the Frobenius complex. In Chapter 3 the box polynomial B_{m,n}(x) is defined in terms of all integer partitions that fit in an m by n box. The real roots of the box polynomial are completely characterized, and an asymptotically tight bound on the norms of the complex roots is also given. An equivalent definition of the box polynomial is given via applications of the finite difference operator Delta to the monomial x^{m+n}. The box polynomials are also used to find identities counting set partitions with all even or odd blocks, respectively. Chapter 4 extends results from Chapter 3 to give combinatorial proofs for the ordinary generating function for set partitions with all even or all odd block sizes, respectively. This is achieved by looking at a multivariable generating function analog of the Stirling numbers of the second kind using restricted growth words. Chapter 5 introduces a colored variant of the ordered partition lattice, denoted Q_n^{\alpha}, as well an associated complex known as the alpha-colored permutahedron, whose face poset is Q_n^\alpha. Connections between the Eulerian polynomials and Stirling numbers of the second kind are developed via the fibers of a map from Q_n^{\alpha} to the symmetric group on n-element

    Renormalization in tensor field theory and the melonic fixed point

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    This thesis focuses on renormalization of tensor field theories. Its first part considers a quartic tensor model with O(N)3O(N)^3 symmetry and long-range propagator. The existence of a non-perturbative fixed point in any dd at large NN is established. We found four lines of fixed points parametrized by the so-called tetrahedral coupling. One of them is infrared attractive, strongly interacting and gives rise to a new kind of CFT, called melonic CFTs which are then studied in more details. We first compute dimensions of bilinears and OPE coefficients at the fixed point which are consistent with a unitary CFT at large NN. We then compute 1/N1/N corrections. At next-to-leading order, the line of fixed points collapses to one fixed point. However, the corrections are complex and unitarity is broken at NLO. Finally, we show that this model respects the FF-theorem. The next part of the thesis investigates sextic tensor field theories in rank 33 and 55. In rank 33, we found two IR stable real fixed points in short range and a line of IR stable real fixed points in long range. Surprisingly, the only fixed point in rank 55 is the Gaussian one. For the rank 33 model, in the short-range case, we still find two IR stable fixed points at NLO. However, in the long-range case, the corrections to the fixed points are non-perturbative and hence unreliable: we found no precursor of the large NN fixed point. The last part of the thesis investigates the class of model exhibiting a melonic large NN limit. We prove that models with tensors in an irreducible representation of O(N)O(N) or Sp(N)Sp(N) in rank 55 indeed admit a large NN limit. This generalization relies on recursive bounds derived from a detailed combinatorial analysis of Feynman graphs involved in the perturbative expansion of our model.Comment: PhD thesis, 277 pages. Based on papers: arXiv:1903.03578, arXiv:1909.07767, arXiv:1912.06641, arXiv:2007.04603, arXiv:2011.11276, arXiv:2104.03665, arXiv:2109.08034, arXiv:2111.1179