2,865 research outputs found

    Neural Networks for Modeling and Control of Particle Accelerators

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    We describe some of the challenges of particle accelerator control, highlight recent advances in neural network techniques, discuss some promising avenues for incorporating neural networks into particle accelerator control systems, and describe a neural network-based control system that is being developed for resonance control of an RF electron gun at the Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology (FAST) facility, including initial experimental results from a benchmark controller.Comment: 21 p

    Exploring Non-Steady-State Charge Transport Dynamics in Information Processing: Insights from Reservoir Computing

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    Exploring nonlinear chemical dynamic systems for information processing has emerged as a frontier in chemical and computational research, seeking to replicate the brain's neuromorphic and dynamic functionalities. We have extensively explored the information processing capabilities of a nonlinear chemical dynamic system through theoretical modeling by integrating a non-steady-state proton-coupled charge transport system into reservoir computing (RC) architecture. Our system demonstrated remarkable success in tasks such as waveform recognition, voice identification and chaos system prediction. More importantly, through a quantitative study, we revealed the key role of the alignment between the signal processing frequency of the RC and the characteristic time of the dynamics of the nonlinear system, which dictates the efficiency of RC task execution, the reservoir states and the memory capacity in information processing. The system's information processing frequency range was further modulated by the characteristic time of the dynamic system, resulting in an implementation akin to a 'chemically-tuned band-pass filter' for selective frequency processing. Our study thus elucidates the fundamental requirements and dynamic underpinnings of the non-steady-state charge transport dynamic system for RC, laying a foundational groundwork for the application of dynamic molecular devices for in-materia computing.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures and 1 tabl

    Development of Neurofuzzy Architectures for Electricity Price Forecasting

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    In 20th century, many countries have liberalized their electricity market. This power markets liberalization has directed generation companies as well as wholesale buyers to undertake a greater intense risk exposure compared to the old centralized framework. In this framework, electricity price prediction has become crucial for any market player in their decision‐making process as well as strategic planning. In this study, a prototype asymmetric‐based neuro‐fuzzy network (AGFINN) architecture has been implemented for short‐term electricity prices forecasting for ISO New England market. AGFINN framework has been designed through two different defuzzification schemes. Fuzzy clustering has been explored as an initial step for defining the fuzzy rules while an asymmetric Gaussian membership function has been utilized in the fuzzification part of the model. Results related to the minimum and maximum electricity prices for ISO New England, emphasize the superiority of the proposed model over well‐established learning‐based models

    A Survey of Decentralized Adaptive Control

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    Neural Networks: Training and Application to Nonlinear System Identification and Control

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    This dissertation investigates training neural networks for system identification and classification. The research contains two main contributions as follow:1. Reducing number of hidden layer nodes using a feedforward componentThis research reduces the number of hidden layer nodes and training time of neural networks to make them more suited to online identification and control applications by adding a parallel feedforward component. Implementing the feedforward component with a wavelet neural network and an echo state network provides good models for nonlinear systems.The wavelet neural network with feedforward component along with model predictive controller can reliably identify and control a seismically isolated structure during earthquake. The network model provides the predictions for model predictive control. Simulations of a 5-story seismically isolated structure with conventional lead-rubber bearings showed significant reductions of all response amplitudes for both near-field (pulse) and far-field ground motions, including reduced deformations along with corresponding reduction in acceleration response. The controller effectively regulated the apparent stiffness at the isolation level. The approach is also applied to the online identification and control of an unmanned vehicle. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the wavelet neural network and the model predictive controller. 2. Training neural networks using trajectory based optimization approachesTraining neural networks is a nonlinear non-convex optimization problem to determine the weights of the neural network. Traditional training algorithms can be inefficient and can get trapped in local minima. Two global optimization approaches are adapted to train neural networks and avoid the local minima problem. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of the proposed methodology and its convergence in the presence of measurement errors. The first approach transforms the constraint satisfaction problem into unconstrained optimization. The constraints define a quotient gradient system (QGS) whose stable equilibrium points are local minima of the unconstrained optimization. The QGS is integrated to determine local minima and the local minimum with the best generalization performance is chosen as the optimal solution. The second approach uses the QGS together with a projected gradient system (PGS). The PGS is a nonlinear dynamical system, defined based on the optimization problem that searches the components of the feasible region for solutions. Lyapunov theory is used to prove the stability of PGS and QGS and their stability under presence of measurement noise

    Adaptive Critic Designs

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    We discuss a variety of adaptive critic designs (ACDs) for neurocontrol. These are suitable for learning in noisy, nonlinear, and nonstationary environments. They have common roots as generalizations of dynamic programming for neural reinforcement learning approaches. Our discussion of these origins leads to an explanation of three design families: heuristic dynamic programming, dual heuristic programming, and globalized dual heuristic programming (GDHP). The main emphasis is on DHP and GDHP as advanced ACDs. We suggest two new modifications of the original GDHP design that are currently the only working implementations of GDHP. They promise to be useful for many engineering applications in the areas of optimization and optimal control. Based on one of these modifications, we present a unified approach to all ACDs. This leads to a generalized training procedure for ACD

    Time series prediction and channel equalizer using artificial neural networks with VLSI implementation

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    The architecture and training procedure of a novel recurrent neural network (RNN), referred to as the multifeedbacklayer neural network (MFLNN), is described in this paper. The main difference of the proposed network compared to the available RNNs is that the temporal relations are provided by means of neurons arranged in three feedback layers, not by simple feedback elements, in order to enrich the representation capabilities of the recurrent networks. The feedback layers provide local and global recurrences via nonlinear processing elements. In these feedback layers, weighted sums of the delayed outputs of the hidden and of the output layers are passed through certain activation functions and applied to the feedforward neurons via adjustable weights. Both online and offline training procedures based on the backpropagation through time (BPTT) algorithm are developed. The adjoint model of the MFLNN is built to compute the derivatives with respect to the MFLNN weights which are then used in the training procedures. The Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) method with a trust region approach is used to update the MFLNN weights. The performance of the MFLNN is demonstrated by applying to several illustrative temporal problems including chaotic time series prediction and nonlinear dynamic system identification, and it performed better than several networks available in the literature

    Data-Driven Forecasting of High-Dimensional Chaotic Systems with Long Short-Term Memory Networks

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    We introduce a data-driven forecasting method for high-dimensional chaotic systems using long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks. The proposed LSTM neural networks perform inference of high-dimensional dynamical systems in their reduced order space and are shown to be an effective set of nonlinear approximators of their attractor. We demonstrate the forecasting performance of the LSTM and compare it with Gaussian processes (GPs) in time series obtained from the Lorenz 96 system, the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation and a prototype climate model. The LSTM networks outperform the GPs in short-term forecasting accuracy in all applications considered. A hybrid architecture, extending the LSTM with a mean stochastic model (MSM-LSTM), is proposed to ensure convergence to the invariant measure. This novel hybrid method is fully data-driven and extends the forecasting capabilities of LSTM networks.Comment: 31 page

    Review of dynamic positioning control in maritime microgrid systems

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    For many offshore activities, including offshore oil and gas exploration and offshore wind farm construction, it is essential to keep the position and heading of the vessel stable. The dynamic positioning system is a progressive technology, which is extensively used in shipping and other maritime structures. To maintain the vessels or platforms from displacement, its thrusters are used automatically to control and stabilize the position and heading of vessels in sea state disturbances. The theory of dynamic positioning has been studied and developed in terms of control techniques to achieve greater accuracy and reduce ship movement caused by environmental disturbance for more than 30 years. This paper reviews the control strategies and architecture of the DPS in marine vessels. In addition, it suggests possible control principles and makes a comparison between the advantages and disadvantages of existing literature. Some details for future research on DP control challenges are discussed in this paper