355 research outputs found

    A Modular Logic Approach for Expressing Web Services in XML Applying Dynamic Rules in XML

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    RuleML is considered to be a markup language for the semantic web. It allows the enrichment of web ontologies by adding definitions of derived concepts and it enhances interoperability among different systems and tools by publishing rules in an XML format. Moreover the in-creasing demand for interfaces that enhance information sharing has given rise to XML doc-uments that include embedded calls to web services. In this paper we propose a variation of RuleML that is based on modular logic programming. Our approach is based in a two level architecture. In the first level a modular logic language, called M-log, is presented. This lan-guage encompasses several mechanisms for invoking web services. In the second level we ex-ploit the semantics of M-log to present a variation of RuleML with rich modeling capabilities. Formal foundations for this variation are given through direct translation to M-log semantics.Knowledge Management, XML, Modular Logic Programming, E-Services

    Ontology Building: An Integrative View of Methodologies

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    Ontologies are being developed and used in many disciplines now a day and they have become a key tool of data integration and knowledge representation in different domains of interest. The ontology building process identifies the stages through which the ontology should go through during its development. There is a certain set of activities to be performed in each stage of the ontology development process and different methodologies have been proposed by researchers for formalizing the different stages. The present paper investigates the most representative methodologies used in the ontology development to look at the different activities that are performed during the process of ontology development. The paper further attempts to provide an integrative view of the most representative methodologies used in the ontology development to look at the set of different activities that can be performed during the process of the ontology development. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15076

    Methods Of Teaching To The Course Of Accounting Information Systems: Factors Of Preference

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    Accounting information systems (AIS) is a new course of accounting in the sense that the methods of teaching may differ from one school to another. There has been no such of a standard outline that best describes the important topics to be covered in the course of AIS (McCarthy 1999). Although much effort has been made towards the development of standard lists of topical materials, the space is widely open for research in this debate. It has been noted recently that AIS course textbooks include the relational database design and development as an important part adopted by instructors in teaching the course of AIS (Hollander et al. 2006; Romney and Steinbart 2006). This paper evaluates the current situation for teaching methods sued in the course of AIS and indicates several factors that may preference one method over another method of teaching to the AIS course. It reviews a variety of methods adopted in teaching AIS with emphasize on the data modeling approach using cardinalities and the documentation techniques of flowcharting. The study indicates that preference among variety of teaching methods is based on the method that may increase students' motivation and desire to study AIS, and the relevancy and reliability of the business system. It also indicates that improving students' ability to cope with the higher volatility of systems' requirements now days is another factor that may preference one over another methods of teaching to the course of the AIS

    UQJG: Identifying transactions that collaborate to violate an SQL assertion

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    An SQL assertion is a declarative statement about data that must always be satisfied in any database state. Assertions were introduced in the SQL92 standard but no commercial DBMS has implemented them so far. Some approaches have been proposed to incrementally determine whether a transaction violates an SQL assertion, but they assume that transactions are applied in isolation, hence not considering the problem of concurrent transaction executions that collaborate to violate an assertion. This is the main stopper for its commercial implementation. To handle this problem, we have developed a technique for efficiently serializing concurrent transactions that might interact to violate an SQL assertion.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An Introduction to Ontologies and Ontology Engineering

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    In the last decades, the use of ontologies in information systems has become more and more popular in various fields, such as web technologies, database integration, multi agent systems, natural language processing, etc. Artificial intelligent researchers have initially borrowed the word “ontology” from Philosophy, then the word spread in many scientific domain and ontologies are now used in several developments. The main goal of this chapter is to answer generic questions about ontologies, such as: Which are the different kinds of ontologies? What is the purpose of the use of ontologies in an application? Which methods can I use to build an ontology


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    Although the goals and means of rule-based and data-based systems are too different to be fully integrated at the present time, it seems appropriate to investigate a closer integration of language constructs and a better cooperation of execution models for both kinds of approaches. In this paper, we propose a new language construct called constructor that â when applied to a base relation â causes relation membership to become true for all tuples constructable through the predicates provided by the constructor definition. The approach is shown to provide expressive power at least equivalent to PROLOG's declarative semantics while blending well both with a strongly typed modular programming language and with a relational calculus query formalism. A three-step compilation, optimization, and evaluation methodology for expressions with constructed relations is described that integrates constructors with the surrounding database programming environment. In particular, many recursive queries can be evaluated more efficiently within the set-construction framework of database systems than with proof-oriented methods typical for a rule-based approach.Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    State-of-the-art on evolution and reactivity

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    This report starts by, in Chapter 1, outlining aspects of querying and updating resources on the Web and on the Semantic Web, including the development of query and update languages to be carried out within the Rewerse project. From this outline, it becomes clear that several existing research areas and topics are of interest for this work in Rewerse. In the remainder of this report we further present state of the art surveys in a selection of such areas and topics. More precisely: in Chapter 2 we give an overview of logics for reasoning about state change and updates; Chapter 3 is devoted to briefly describing existing update languages for the Web, and also for updating logic programs; in Chapter 4 event-condition-action rules, both in the context of active database systems and in the context of semistructured data, are surveyed; in Chapter 5 we give an overview of some relevant rule-based agents frameworks