9,380 research outputs found

    Optimal maintenance of multi-component systems: a review

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    In this article we give an overview of the literature on multi-component maintenance optimization. We focus on work appearing since the 1991 survey "A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems" by Cho and Parlar. This paper builds forth on the review article by Dekker et al. (1996), which focusses on economic dependence, and the survey of maintenance policies by Wang (2002), in which some group maintenance and some opportunistic maintenance policies are considered. Our classification scheme is primarily based on the dependence between components (stochastic, structural or economic). Next, we also classify the papers on the basis of the planning aspect (short-term vs long-term), the grouping of maintenance activities (either grouping preventive or corrective maintenance, or opportunistic grouping) and the optimization approach used (heuristic, policy classes or exact algorithms). Finally, we pay attention to the applications of the models.literature review;economic dependence;failure interaction;maintenance policies;grouping maintenance;multi-component systems;opportunistic maintenance;maintencance optimization;structural dependence

    Shocks in homogeneous and heterogeneous populations

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    A system subject to a point process of shocks is considered. Shocks occur in accordance with a nonhomogeneous Poisson process. Different criterions of system failures are discussed in a homogeneous case. Two natural settings are analyzed. Heterogeneity is modeled by an unobserved univariate random variable (frailty). It is shown that reliability (safety) analysis for a heterogeneous case can differ dramatically from that for a homogeneous setting. A shock burn-in procedure for a heterogeneous population is described. The corresponding bounds for the failure rates are obtained.

    Optimal Periodic Inspection of a Stochastically Degrading System

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    This thesis develops and analyzes a procedure to determine the optimal inspection interval that maximizes the limiting average availability of a stochastically degrading component operating in a randomly evolving environment. The component is inspected periodically, and if the total observed cumulative degradation exceeds a fixed threshold value, the component is instantly replaced with a new, statistically identical component. Degradation is due to a combination of continuous wear caused by the component\u27s random operating environment, as well as damage due to randomly occurring shocks of random magnitude. In order to compute an optimal inspection interval and corresponding limiting average availability, a nonlinear program is formulated and solved using a direct search algorithm in conjunction with numerical Laplace transform inversion. Techniques are developed to significantly decrease the time required to compute the approximate optimal solutions. The mathematical programming formulation and solution techniques are illustrated through a series of increasingly complex example problems

    Reliability and Condition-Based Maintenance Analysis of Deteriorating Systems Subject to Generalized Mixed Shock Model

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    For successful commercialization of evolving devices (e.g., micro-electro-mechanical systems, and biomedical devices), there must be new research focusing on reliability models and analysis tools that can assist manufacturing and maintenance of these devices. These advanced systems may experience multiple failure processes that compete against each other. Two major failure processes are identified to be deteriorating or degradation processes (e.g., wear, fatigue, erosion, corrosion) and random shocks. When these failure processes are dependent, it is a challenging problem to predict reliability of complex systems. This research aims to develop reliability models by exploring new aspects of dependency between competing risks of degradation-based and shock-based failure considering a generalized mixed shock model, and to develop new and effective condition-based maintenance policies based on the developed reliability models. In this research, different aspects of dependency are explored to accurately estimate the reliability of complex systems. When the degradation rate is accelerated as a result of withstanding a particular shock pattern, we develop reliability models with a changing degradation rate for four different shock patterns. When the hard failure threshold reduces due to changes in degradation, we investigate reliability models considering the dependence of the hard failure threshold on the degradation level for two different scenarios. More generally, when the degradation rate and the hard failure threshold can simultaneously transition multiple times, we propose a rich reliability model for a new generalized mixed shock model that is a combination of extreme shock model, δ-shock model and run shock model. This general assumption reflects complex behaviors associated with modern systems and structures that experience multiple sources of external shocks. Based on the developed reliability models, we introduce new condition-based maintenance strategies by including various maintenance actions (e.g., corrective replacement, preventive replacement, and imperfect repair) to minimize the expected long-run average maintenance cost rate. The decisions for maintenance actions are made based on the health condition of systems that can be observed through periodic inspection. The reliability and maintenance models developed in this research can provide timely and effective tools for decision-makers in manufacturing to economically optimize operational decisions for improving reliability, quality and productivity.Industrial Engineering, Department o

    Optimal maintenance of multi-component systems: a review

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    In this article we give an overview of the literature on multi-component maintenance optimization. We focus on work appearing since the 1991 survey "A survey of maintenance models for multi-unit systems" by Cho and Parlar. This paper builds forth on the review article by Dekker et al. (1996), which focusses on economic dependence, and the survey of maintenance policies by Wang (2002), in which some group maintenance and some opportunistic maintenance policies are considered. Our classification scheme is primarily based on the dependence between components (stochastic, structural or economic). Next, we also classify the papers on the basis of the planning aspect (short-term vs long-term), the grouping of maintenance activities (either grouping preventive or corrective maintenance, or opportunistic grouping) and the optimization approach used (heuristic, policy classes or exact algorithms). Finally, we pay attention to the applications of the models

    Reform and backlash to reform : economic effects of ageing and retirement policy

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    Using a stochastic general equilibrium model with overlapping generations, this paper studies (i) the effects on both extensive and intensive labor supply responses to changes in fertility rates, and (ii) the potential of a retirement reform to mitigate the effects of fertility changes on labor supply. In order to neutralize the effects on effective labor supply of a fertility decline, a retirement reform, designed to increase labor supply at the extensive margin, is found to simultaneously reduce labor supply at the intensive margin. This backlash to retirement reform requires the statutory retirement age to increase more than proportionally to fertility changes in order to compensate for endogenous responses of the intensity of labor supply. The robustness of this result is checked against alternative model specifications and calibrations relevant to an economic region such as Europe.Labor Policies,Labor Markets,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Economic Theory&Research,Population Policies

    A unified methodology of maintenance management for repairable systems based on optimal stopping theory

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    This dissertation focuses on the study of maintenance management for repairable systems based on optimal stopping theory. From reliability engineering’s point of view, all systems are subject to deterioration with age and usage. System deterioration can take various forms, including wear, fatigue, fracture, cracking, breaking, corrosion, erosion and instability, any of which may ultimately cause the system to fail to perform its required function. Consequently, controlling system deterioration through maintenance and thus controlling the risk of system failure becomes beneficial or even necessary. Decision makers constantly face two fundamental problems with respect to system maintenance. One is whether or when preventive maintenance should be performed in order to avoid costly failures. The other problem is how to make the choice among different maintenance actions in response to a system failure. The whole purpose of maintenance management is to keep the system in good working condition at a reasonably low cost, thus the tradeoff between cost and condition plays a central role in the study of maintenance management, which demands rigorous optimization. The agenda of this research is to develop a unified methodology for modeling and optimization of maintenance systems. A general modeling framework with six classifying criteria is to be developed to formulate and analyze a wide range of maintenance systems which include many existing models in the literature. A unified optimization procedure is developed based on optimal stopping, semi-martingale, and lambda-maximization techniques to solve these models contained in the framework. A comprehensive model is proposed and solved in this general framework using the developed procedure which incorporates many other models as special cases. Policy comparison and policy optimality are studied to offer further insights. Along the theoretical development, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the applicability of the methodology. The main contribution of this research is that the unified modeling framework and systematic optimization procedure structurize the pool of models and policies, weed out non-optimal policies, and establish a theoretical foundation for further development

    Obsolescence of Durable Goods and Optimal Consumption

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    We study a model with a durable good subject to abrupt, periodic obsolescence, and characterize the optimal purchasing policy. Consumers optimally synchronize new purchases with the arrival of new durable models. Hence, some agents use a "flexible" optimal replacement rule that switches between two adjacent replacement frequencies at irregular intervals. These agents react to wealth shocks by changing the timing of future purchases. The model has distinct comparative statics on obsolescence and durability and can explain how durables with high depreciation rates may have more volatile expenditure. The model also predicts how demand fluctuations respond to a change in product variety. These predictions match the observed changes in volatility of the US auto sales after the introduction of smaller foreign cars in the 1970sOptimal consumption, durable goods, volatility

    Blade loss transient dynamics analysis, volume 1. Task 1: Survey and perspective

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    An analytical technique was developed to predict the behavior of a rotor system subjected to sudden unbalance. The technique is implemented in the Turbine Engine Transient Rotor Analysis (TETRA) computer program using the component element method. The analysis was particularly aimed toward blade-loss phenomena in gas turbine engines. A dual-rotor, casing, and pylon structure can be modeled by the computer program. Blade tip rubs, Coriolis forces, and mechanical clearances are included. The analytical system was verified by modeling and simulating actual test conditions for a rig test as well as a full-engine, blade-release demonstration

    A complex multi-state k-out-of-n: G system with preventive maintenance and loss of units

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    In this study, a multi-state k-out-of-n: G system subject to multiple events is modeled through a Markovian Arrival Process with marked arrivals. The system is composed initially of n units and is active when at least k units are operational. Each unit is multi-state, each of which is classified as minor or major according to the level of degradation presented. Each operational unit may undergo internal repairable or non-repairable failures, external shocks and/or random inspections. An external shock can provoke extreme failure, while cumulative external damage can deteriorate internal performance. This situation can produce repairable and non-repairable failures. When a repairable failure occurs the unit is sent to a repair facility for corrective repair. If the failure is non-repairable, the unit is removed. When the system has insufficient units with which to operate, it is restarted. Preventive maintenance is employed in response to random inspection. The system is modeled in an algorithmic and computational form. Several interesting measures of performance are considered. Costs and rewards are included in the system. All measures are obtained for transient and stationary regimes. A numerical example is analyzed to determine whether preventive maintenance is profitable, financially and in terms of performance.Junta de Andalucía (Spain) FQM-307Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) MTM2017-88708-PEuropean Regional Development Fund (ERDF