3,508 research outputs found

    A complete solution to the infinite Oberwolfach problem

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    Let FF be a 22-regular graph of order vv. The Oberwolfach problem, OP(F)OP(F), asks for a 22-factorization of the complete graph on vv vertices in which each 22-factor is isomorphic to FF. In this paper, we give a complete solution to the Oberwolfach problem over infinite complete graphs, proving the existence of solutions that are regular under the action of a given involution free group GG. We will also consider the same problem in the more general contest of graphs FF that are spanning subgraphs of an infinite complete graph K\mathbb{K} and we provide a solution when FF is locally finite. Moreover, we characterize the infinite subgraphs LL of FF such that there exists a solution to OP(F)OP(F) containing a solution to OP(L)OP(L)

    The Hamilton-Waterloo Problem with even cycle lengths

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    The Hamilton-Waterloo Problem HWP(v;m,n;α,β)(v;m,n;\alpha,\beta) asks for a 2-factorization of the complete graph KvK_v or KvIK_v-I, the complete graph with the edges of a 1-factor removed, into α\alpha CmC_m-factors and β\beta CnC_n-factors, where 3m<n3 \leq m < n. In the case that mm and nn are both even, the problem has been solved except possibly when 1{α,β}1 \in \{\alpha,\beta\} or when α\alpha and β\beta are both odd, in which case necessarily v2(mod4)v \equiv 2 \pmod{4}. In this paper, we develop a new construction that creates factorizations with larger cycles from existing factorizations under certain conditions. This construction enables us to show that there is a solution to HWP(v;2m,2n;α,β)(v;2m,2n;\alpha,\beta) for odd α\alpha and β\beta whenever the obvious necessary conditions hold, except possibly if β=1\beta=1; β=3\beta=3 and gcd(m,n)=1\gcd(m,n)=1; α=1\alpha=1; or v=2mn/gcd(m,n)v=2mn/\gcd(m,n). This result almost completely settles the existence problem for even cycles, other than the possible exceptions noted above

    A Generalization of the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem on Complete Equipartite Graphs

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    The Hamilton-Waterloo problem asks for which ss and rr the complete graph KnK_n can be decomposed into ss copies of a given 2-factor F1F_1 and rr copies of a given 2-factor F2F_2 (and one copy of a 1-factor if nn is even). In this paper we generalize the problem to complete equipartite graphs K(n:m)K_{(n:m)} and show that K(xyzw:m)K_{(xyzw:m)} can be decomposed into ss copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length xzmxzm; and rr copies of a 2-factor consisting of cycles of length yzmyzm, whenever mm is odd, s,r1s,r\neq 1, gcd(x,z)=gcd(y,z)=1\gcd(x,z)=\gcd(y,z)=1 and xyz0(mod4)xyz\neq 0 \pmod 4. We also give some more general constructions where the cycles in a given two factor may have different lengths. We use these constructions to find solutions to the Hamilton-Waterloo problem for complete graphs

    Quadratic forms and linear algebraic groups

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    Topics discussed at the workshop Quadratic Forms and Linear Algebraic Groups included besides the algebraic theory of quadratic and Hermitian forms and their Witt groups several aspects of the theory of linear algebraic groups and homogeneous varieties, as well as some arithmetic aspects pertaining to the theory of quadratic forms over function fields over local fields