123 research outputs found

    MLPnP - A Real-Time Maximum Likelihood Solution to the Perspective-n-Point Problem

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    In this paper, a statistically optimal solution to the Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem is presented. Many solutions to the PnP problem are geometrically optimal, but do not consider the uncertainties of the observations. In addition, it would be desirable to have an internal estimation of the accuracy of the estimated rotation and translation parameters of the camera pose. Thus, we propose a novel maximum likelihood solution to the PnP problem, that incorporates image observation uncertainties and remains real-time capable at the same time. Further, the presented method is general, as is works with 3D direction vectors instead of 2D image points and is thus able to cope with arbitrary central camera models. This is achieved by projecting (and thus reducing) the covariance matrices of the observations to the corresponding vector tangent space.Comment: Submitted to the ISPRS congress (2016) in Prague. Oral Presentation. Published in ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., III-3, 131-13

    Accurate and linear time pose estimation from points and lines

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    The final publication is available at link.springer.comThe Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem seeks to estimate the pose of a calibrated camera from n 3Dto-2D point correspondences. There are situations, though, where PnP solutions are prone to fail because feature point correspondences cannot be reliably estimated (e.g. scenes with repetitive patterns or with low texture). In such scenarios, one can still exploit alternative geometric entities, such as lines, yielding the so-called Perspective-n-Line (PnL) algorithms. Unfortunately, existing PnL solutions are not as accurate and efficient as their point-based counterparts. In this paper we propose a novel approach to introduce 3D-to-2D line correspondences into a PnP formulation, allowing to simultaneously process points and lines. For this purpose we introduce an algebraic line error that can be formulated as linear constraints on the line endpoints, even when these are not directly observable. These constraints can then be naturally integrated within the linear formulations of two state-of-the-art point-based algorithms, the OPnP and the EPnP, allowing them to indistinctly handle points, lines, or a combination of them. Exhaustive experiments show that the proposed formulation brings remarkable boost in performance compared to only point or only line based solutions, with a negligible computational overhead compared to the original OPnP and EPnP.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dimensional Measurement of Objects in Single Images Independent from Restrictive Camera Parameters

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    Recent advances in microelectronics have produced new generations of digital cameras with variable focal lengths and pixel sizes which facilitate automatic and high-quality imaging. However, without knowing the values of these critical camera parameters, it is difficult to measure objects in images using existing algorithms. This work investigates this important problem aiming at dimensional measurements (e.g., diameter, length, width and height) of regularly shaped physical objects in a single 2-D image free from restrictive camera parameters. Traditionally, such measurements usually require determinations of the poses of a certain reference feature, i.e., the location and orientation of the feature relative to the camera, in order to establish a geometric model for the dimensional calculation. Points or lines associated with certain shapes (including triangles and rectangles) are often used as reference features for the pose estimation. However, with only a single image as the input, these methods assume the availability of 3-D spatial relationships of the points or lines, which limits the applications of these methods to practical problems where this knowledge is unavailable or difficult to estimate, such as in the problem of image-based food portion size estimation in dietary assessment. In addition to points and lines, the circle has also been used as a reference feature because it has a single elliptic perspective projection in images. However, almost all the existing approaches treat the parameters of focal length and pixel size as the necessary prior information. Here, we propose a new approach to dimensional estimation based on single image input using the circular reference feature and a pin-hole model without considering camera distortion. Without knowing the focal length and pixel size, our approach provides a closed-form solution for the orientation estimation of the circular feature. With additional information provided, such as the size of the circular reference feature, analytical solutions are provided for physical length estimation between an arbitrary pair of points on the reference plane. Studies using both synthetic and actual objects have been conducted to evaluate this new method, which exhibited satisfactory results. This method has also been applied to the measurement of food dimensions based on digital pictures of foods in circular dining plates

    Minimal Solvers for Monocular Rolling Shutter Compensation under Ackermann Motion

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    Modern automotive vehicles are often equipped with a budget commercial rolling shutter camera. These devices often produce distorted images due to the inter-row delay of the camera while capturing the image. Recent methods for monocular rolling shutter motion compensation utilize blur kernel and the straightness property of line segments. However, these methods are limited to handling rotational motion and also are not fast enough to operate in real time. In this paper, we propose a minimal solver for the rolling shutter motion compensation which assumes known vertical direction of the camera. Thanks to the Ackermann motion model of vehicles which consists of only two motion parameters, and two parameters for the simplified depth assumption that lead to a 4-line algorithm. The proposed minimal solver estimates the rolling shutter camera motion efficiently and accurately. The extensive experiments on real and simulated datasets demonstrate the benefits of our approach in terms of qualitative and quantitative results.Comment: Submitted to WACV 201

    Analysis of camera pose estimation using 2D scene features for augmented reality applications

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    La réalité augmentée (RA) a récemment eu un impact énorme sur les ingénieurs civils et les travailleurs de l'industrie de la construction, ainsi que sur leur interaction avec les plans ar-chitecturaux. La RA introduit une superposition du modèle 3D d'un bâtiment sur une image 2D non seulement comme une image globale, mais aussi potentiellement comme une repré-sentation complexe de ce qui va être construit et qui peut être visualisée par l'utilisateur. Pour insérer un modèle 3D, la caméra doit être localisée par rapport à son environnement. La lo-calisation de la caméra consiste à trouver les paramètres extérieurs de la caméra (i.e. sa po-sition et son orientation) par rapport à la scène observée et ses caractéristiques. Dans ce mémoire, des méthodes d'estimation de la pose de la caméra (position et orientation) par rapport à la scène utilisant des correspondances cercle-ellipse et lignes droites-lignes droites sont explorées. Les cercles et les lignes sont deux des caractéristiques géométriques qui sont principalement présentes dans les structures et les bâtiments. En fonction de la rela-tion entre les caractéristiques 3D et leurs images 2D correspondantes détectées dans l'image, la position et l'orientation de la caméra sont estimées.Augmented reality (AR) had recently made a huge impact on field engineers and workers in construction industry, as well as the way they interact with architectural plans. AR brings in a superimposition of the 3D model of a building onto the 2D image not only as the big picture, but also as an intricate representation of what is going to be built. In order to insert a 3D model, the camera has to be localized regarding its surroundings. Camera localization con-sists of finding the exterior parameters (i.e. its position and orientation) of the camera with respect to the viewed scene and its characteristics. In this thesis, camera pose estimation methods using circle-ellipse and straight line corre-spondences has been investigated. Circles and lines are two of the geometrical features that are mostly present in structures and buildings. Based on the relationship between the 3D features and their corresponding 2D data detected in the image, the position and orientation of the camera is estimated

    Hybrid Scene Compression for Visual Localization

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    Localizing an image wrt. a 3D scene model represents a core task for many computer vision applications. An increasing number of real-world applications of visual localization on mobile devices, e.g., Augmented Reality or autonomous robots such as drones or self-driving cars, demand localization approaches to minimize storage and bandwidth requirements. Compressing the 3D models used for localization thus becomes a practical necessity. In this work, we introduce a new hybrid compression algorithm that uses a given memory limit in a more effective way. Rather than treating all 3D points equally, it represents a small set of points with full appearance information and an additional, larger set of points with compressed information. This enables our approach to obtain a more complete scene representation without increasing the memory requirements, leading to a superior performance compared to previous compression schemes. As part of our contribution, we show how to handle ambiguous matches arising from point compression during RANSAC. Besides outperforming previous compression techniques in terms of pose accuracy under the same memory constraints, our compression scheme itself is also more efficient. Furthermore, the localization rates and accuracy obtained with our approach are comparable to state-of-the-art feature-based methods, while using a small fraction of the memory.Comment: Published at CVPR 201
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