15,455 research outputs found

    Jordan's Inequality: Refinements, Generalizations, Applications and Related Problems

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    This is an expository article. Some developments on refinements, generalizations, applications of Jordan’s inequality and related problems, including some estimates for three classes of complete elliptic integrals and several proofs of Wilker’s inequality, are summarized

    A General Generalization of Jordan's Inequality and a Refinement of L. Yang's Inequality

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    Combinatorial modulus and type of graphs

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    Let a AA be the 1-skeleton of a triangulated topological annulus. We establish bounds on the combinatorial modulus of a refinement A′A', formed by attaching new vertices and edges to AA, that depend only on the refinement and not on the structure of AA itself. This immediately applies to showing that a disk triangulation graph may be refined without changing its combinatorial type, provided the refinement is not too wild. We also explore the type problem in terms of disk growth, proving a parabolicity condition based on a superlinear growth rate, which we also prove optimal. We prove our results with no degree restrictions in both the EEL and VEL settings and examine type problems for more general complexes and dual graphs.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Mean asymptotic behaviour of radix-rational sequences and dilation equations (Extended version)

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    The generating series of a radix-rational sequence is a rational formal power series from formal language theory viewed through a fixed radix numeration system. For each radix-rational sequence with complex values we provide an asymptotic expansion for the sequence of its Ces\`aro means. The precision of the asymptotic expansion depends on the joint spectral radius of the linear representation of the sequence; the coefficients are obtained through some dilation equations. The proofs are based on elementary linear algebra

    Artinian algebras and Jordan type

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    The Jordan type of an element ℓ\ell of the maximal ideal of an Artinian k-algebra A acting on an A-module M of k-dimension n, is the partition of n given by the Jordan block decomposition of the multiplication map mℓm_\ell on M. In general the Jordan type has more information than whether the pair (ℓ,M)(\ell,M) is strong or weak Lefschetz. We develop basic properties of the Jordan type and their loci for modules over graded or local Artinian algebras. We as well study the relation of generic Jordan type of AA to the Hilbert function of AA. We introduce and study a finer invariant, the Jordan degree type. In our last sections we give an overview of topics such as the Jordan types for Nagata idealizations, for modular tensor products, and for free extensions, including examples and some new results. We as well propose open problems.Comment: 53 pages. Added results, examples for Jordan degree type (Section 2.4) and Jordan type and initial ideal (Section 2.5

    Expanding Thurston Maps

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    We study the dynamics of Thurston maps under iteration. These are branched covering maps ff of 2-spheres S2S^2 with a finite set post(f)\mathop{post}(f) of postcritical points. We also assume that the maps are expanding in a suitable sense. Every expanding Thurston map f S2→S2f\: S^2 \to S^2 gives rise to a type of fractal geometry on the underlying sphere S2S^2. This geometry is represented by a class of \emph{visual metrics} ϱ\varrho that are associated with the map. Many dynamical properties of the map are encoded in the geometry of the corresponding {\em visual sphere}, meaning S2S^2 equipped with a visual metric ϱ\varrho. For example, we will see that an expanding Thurston map is topologically conjugate to a rational map if and only if (S2,ϱ)(S^2, \varrho) is quasisymmetrically equivalent to the Riemann sphere C^\widehat{\mathbf{C}}. We also obtain existence and uniqueness results for ff-invariant Jordan curves C⊂S2\mathcal{C}\subset S^2 containing the set post(f)\mathop{post}(f). Furthermore, we obtain several characterizations of Latt\`{e}s maps.Comment: 492 pages, 51 figure
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