531 research outputs found

    A credit-based approach to scalable video transmission over a peer-to-peer social network

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    PhDThe objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to study scalable video transmission over peer-to-peer networks. In particular, we analyse how a credit-based approach and exploitation of social networking features can play a significant role in the design of such systems. Peer-to-peer systems are nowadays a valid alternative to the traditional client-server architecture for the distribution of multimedia content, as they transfer the workload from the service provider to the final user, with a subsequent reduction of management costs for the former. On the other hand, scalable video coding helps in dealing with network heterogeneity, since the content can be tailored to the characteristics or resources of the peers. First of all, we present a study that evaluates subjective video quality perceived by the final user under different transmission scenarios. We also propose a video chunk selection algorithm that maximises received video quality under different network conditions. Furthermore, challenges in building reliable peer-to-peer systems for multimedia streaming include optimisation of resource allocation and design mechanisms based on rewards and punishments that provide incentives for users to share their own resources. Our solution relies on a credit-based architecture, where peers do not interact with users that have proven to be malicious in the past. Finally, if peers are allowed to build a social network of trusted users, they can share the local information they have about the network and have a more complete understanding of the type of users they are interacting with. Therefore, in addition to a local credit, a social credit or social reputation is introduced. This thesis concludes with an overview of future developments of this research work

    EGOIST: Overlay Routing Using Selfish Neighbor Selection

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    A foundational issue underlying many overlay network applications ranging from routing to P2P file sharing is that of connectivity management, i.e., folding new arrivals into an existing overlay, and re-wiring to cope with changing network conditions. Previous work has considered the problem from two perspectives: devising practical heuristics for specific applications designed to work well in real deployments, and providing abstractions for the underlying problem that are analytically tractable, especially via game-theoretic analysis. In this paper, we unify these two thrusts by using insights gleaned from novel, realistic theoretic models in the design of Egoist – a prototype overlay routing system that we implemented, deployed, and evaluated on PlanetLab. Using measurements on PlanetLab and trace-based simulations, we demonstrate that Egoist's neighbor selection primitives significantly outperform existing heuristics on a variety of performance metrics, including delay, available bandwidth, and node utilization. Moreover, we demonstrate that Egoist is competitive with an optimal, but unscalable full-mesh approach, remains highly effective under significant churn, is robust to cheating, and incurs minimal overhead. Finally, we discuss some of the potential benefits Egoist may offer to applications.National Science Foundation (CISE/CSR 0720604, ENG/EFRI 0735974, CISE/CNS 0524477, CNS/NeTS 0520166, CNS/ITR 0205294; CISE/EIA RI 0202067; CAREER 04446522); European Commission (RIDS-011923

    A Comprehensive Analysis of Swarming-based Live Streaming to Leverage Client Heterogeneity

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    Due to missing IP multicast support on an Internet scale, over-the-top media streams are delivered with the help of overlays as used by content delivery networks and their peer-to-peer (P2P) extensions. In this context, mesh/pull-based swarming plays an important role either as pure streaming approach or in combination with tree/push mechanisms. However, the impact of realistic client populations with heterogeneous resources is not yet fully understood. In this technical report, we contribute to closing this gap by mathematically analysing the most basic scheduling mechanisms latest deadline first (LDF) and earliest deadline first (EDF) in a continuous time Markov chain framework and combining them into a simple, yet powerful, mixed strategy to leverage inherent differences in client resources. The main contributions are twofold: (1) a mathematical framework for swarming on random graphs is proposed with a focus on LDF and EDF strategies in heterogeneous scenarios; (2) a mixed strategy, named SchedMix, is proposed that leverages peer heterogeneity. The proposed strategy, SchedMix is shown to outperform the other two strategies using different abstractions: a mean-field theoretic analysis of buffer probabilities, simulations of a stochastic model on random graphs, and a full-stack implementation of a P2P streaming system.Comment: Technical report and supplementary material to http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7497234

    Network coding meets multimedia: a review

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    While every network node only relays messages in a traditional communication system, the recent network coding (NC) paradigm proposes to implement simple in-network processing with packet combinations in the nodes. NC extends the concept of "encoding" a message beyond source coding (for compression) and channel coding (for protection against errors and losses). It has been shown to increase network throughput compared to traditional networks implementation, to reduce delay and to provide robustness to transmission errors and network dynamics. These features are so appealing for multimedia applications that they have spurred a large research effort towards the development of multimedia-specific NC techniques. This paper reviews the recent work in NC for multimedia applications and focuses on the techniques that fill the gap between NC theory and practical applications. It outlines the benefits of NC and presents the open challenges in this area. The paper initially focuses on multimedia-specific aspects of network coding, in particular delay, in-network error control, and mediaspecific error control. These aspects permit to handle varying network conditions as well as client heterogeneity, which are critical to the design and deployment of multimedia systems. After introducing these general concepts, the paper reviews in detail two applications that lend themselves naturally to NC via the cooperation and broadcast models, namely peer-to-peer multimedia streaming and wireless networkin

    Analysis of scale effects in peer-to-peer networks

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    In this paper, we study both positive and negative scale effects on the operations of peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing networks and propose the optimal sizing (number of peers) and grouping (number of directory intermediary) decisions. Using analytical models and simulation, we evaluate various performance metrics to investigate the characteristics of a P2P network. Our results show that increasing network scale has a positive effect on the expected content availability and transmission cost, but a negative effect on the expected provision and search costs. We propose an explicit expression for the overall utility of a content sharing P2P community that incorporates tradeoffs among all of the performance measures. This utility function is maximized numerically to obtain the optimal network size (or scale). We also investigate the impact of various P2P network parameters on the performance measures as well as optimal scaling decisions. Furthermore, we extend the model to examine the grouping decision in networks with symmetric interconnection structures and compare the performance between random- and location-based grouping policies. © 2008 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Smart PIN: performance and cost-oriented context-aware personal information network

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    The next generation of networks will involve interconnection of heterogeneous individual networks such as WPAN, WLAN, WMAN and Cellular network, adopting the IP as common infrastructural protocol and providing virtually always-connected network. Furthermore, there are many devices which enable easy acquisition and storage of information as pictures, movies, emails, etc. Therefore, the information overload and divergent content’s characteristics make it difficult for users to handle their data in manual way. Consequently, there is a need for personalised automatic services which would enable data exchange across heterogeneous network and devices. To support these personalised services, user centric approaches for data delivery across the heterogeneous network are also required. In this context, this thesis proposes Smart PIN - a novel performance and cost-oriented context-aware Personal Information Network. Smart PIN's architecture is detailed including its network, service and management components. Within the service component, two novel schemes for efficient delivery of context and content data are proposed: Multimedia Data Replication Scheme (MDRS) and Quality-oriented Algorithm for Multiple-source Multimedia Delivery (QAMMD). MDRS supports efficient data accessibility among distributed devices using data replication which is based on a utility function and a minimum data set. QAMMD employs a buffer underflow avoidance scheme for streaming, which achieves high multimedia quality without content adaptation to network conditions. Simulation models for MDRS and QAMMD were built which are based on various heterogeneous network scenarios. Additionally a multiple-source streaming based on QAMMS was implemented as a prototype and tested in an emulated network environment. Comparative tests show that MDRS and QAMMD perform significantly better than other approaches

    Enabling Multipath and Multicast Data Transmission in Legacy and Future Internet

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    The quickly growing community of Internet users is requesting multiple applications and services. At the same time the structure of the network is changing. From the performance point of view, there is a tight interplay between the application and the network design. The network must be constructed to provide an adequate performance of the target application. In this thesis we consider how to improve the quality of users' experience concentrating on two popular and resource-consuming applications: bulk data transfer and real-time video streaming. We share our view on the techniques which enable feasibility and deployability of the network functionality leading to unquestionable performance improvement for the corresponding applications. Modern mobile devices, equipped with several network interfaces, as well as multihomed residential Internet hosts are capable of maintaining multiple simultaneous attachments to the network. We propose to enable simultaneous multipath data transmission in order to increase throughput and speed up such bandwidth-demanding applications as, for example, file download. We design an extension for Host Identity Protocol (mHIP), and propose a multipath data scheduling solution on a wedge layer between IP and transport, which effectively distributes packets from a TCP connection over available paths. We support our protocol with a congestion control scheme and prove its ability to compete in a friendly manner against the legacy network protocols. Moreover, applying game-theoretic analytical modelling we investigate how the multihomed HIP multipath-enabled hosts coexist in the shared network. The number of real-time applications grows quickly. Efficient and reliable transport of multimedia content is a critical issue of today's IP network design. In this thesis we solve scalability issues of the multicast dissemination trees controlled by the hybrid error correction. We propose a scalable multicast architecture for potentially large overlay networks. Our techniques address suboptimality of the adaptive hybrid error correction (AHEC) scheme in the multicast scenarios. A hierarchical multi-stage multicast tree topology is constructed in order to improve the performance of AHEC and guarantee QoS for the multicast clients. We choose an evolutionary networking approach that has the potential to lower the required resources for multimedia applications by utilizing the error-correction domain separation paradigm in combination with selective insertion of the supplementary data from parallel networks, when the corresponding content is available. Clearly both multipath data transmission and multicast content dissemination are the future Internet trends. We study multiple problems related to the deployment of these methods.Internetin nopeasti kasvava käyttäjäkunta vaatii verkolta yhä enemmän sovelluksia ja palveluita. Samaan aikaan verkon rakenne muuttuu. Suorituskyvyn näkökulmasta on olemassa selvä vuorovaikutussovellusten ja verkon suunnittelun välillä. Verkko on rakennettava siten, että se pystyy takaamaan riittävän suorituskyvyn halutuille palveluille. Tässä väitöskirjassa pohditaan, miten verkon käyttökokemusta voidaan parantaa keskittyen kahteen suosittuun ja resursseja vaativaan sovellukseen: tiedonsiirtoon ja reaaliaikaiseen videon suoratoistoon. Esitämme näkemyksemme tekniikoista, jotka mahdollistavat tarvittavien verkkotoiminnallisuuksien helpon toteuttavuuden sekä kiistatta parantavat sovelluksien suorityskykyä. Nykyaikaiset mobiililaitteet monine verkkoyhteyksineen, kuten myös kotitietokoneet, pystyvät ylläpitämään monta internet-yhteyttä samanaikaisesti. Siksi ehdotamme monikanavaisen tiedonsiirron käyttöä suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi ja etenkin vaativien verkkosovelluksien, kuten tiedostonsiirron, nopeuttamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa suunnitellaan Host Identity Protocol (mHIP) -laajennus, sekä esitetään tiedonsiirron vuorotteluratkaisu, joka hajauttaa TCP-yhteyden tiedonsiirtopaketit käytettävissä oleville kanaville. Protokollamme tueksi luomme myös ruuhkautumishallinta-algoritmin ja näytämme sen pystyvän toimimaan yhteen nykyisien verkkoprotokollien kanssa. Tämän lisäksi tutkimme peliteoreettista mallinnusta käyttäen, miten monikanavaiset HIP-verkkopäätteet toimivat muiden kanssa jaetuissa verkoissa. Reaaliaikaisten sovellusten määrä kasvaa nopeasti. Tehokas ja luotettava multimediasisällön siirto on olennainen vaatimus nykypäivän IP-verkoissa. Tässä työssä ratkaistaan monilähetyksen (multicast) jakelustruktuurin skaalautuvuuteen liittyviä ongelmia. Ehdotamme skaalautuvaa monilähetysarkkitehtuuria suurille peiteverkoille. Ratkaisumme puuttuu adaptiivisen virhekorjauksen (Adaptive Hybrid Error Correction, AHEC) alioptimaalisuuteen monilähetystilanteissa. Luomme hierarkisen monivaiheisen monilähetyspuutopologian parantaaksemme AHECin suorituskykyä, sekä taataksemme monilähetysasiakkaiden palvelun laadun. Valitsimme evoluutiomaisen lähestymistavan, jolla on potentiaalia keventää multimediasovelluksien verkkoresurssivaatimuksia erottamalla virhekorjauksen omaksi verkkotunnuksekseen, sekä käyttämällä valikoivaa täydentävää tiedonlisäystä rinnakkaisverkoista vastaavan sisällön ollessa saatavilla. Sekä monikanava- että monilähetystiedonsiirto ovat selvästi osa internetin kehityssuuntaa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkimme monia ongelmia näiden tekniikoiden käyttöönottoon liittyen