45 research outputs found

    Mengenal pasti tahap motivasi dan kecenderungan keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar semester akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal : satu tinjauan di KUiTTHO

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    Keusahawanan merupakan bidang yang mencabar dan tidak ramai yang mahu menceburi bidang ini tenitaraa lulusan bidang kejnriiteraan. Mereka ini mempunyai elemen keusahawanan nntuk menjadi usahawan yang beijaya. Oleh itu, timbul persoalan mengapakah pelajar-pelajar ini kurang berminat dengan bidang keusahawanan?. Bersesuaian dengan pennasalahan tersebut, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untnk meninjau tahap motivasi bagi memberikan pendedalian dan menarik kecenderungan pelajar kejuruteraan terliadap bidang keusahawanan. Objektif kajian ini berdasarkan kepada beberapa aspek iaitn taliap pengetahuan keusahawanan, motivasi, kecenderungan terhadap bidang keusahawanan dan keperluan subjek atau elemen keusahawanan dalam jumsan kejuruteraan. Kajian yang telah dijalankan adalah kajian deskriptif berbentuk tinjauan yang menggunakan soal selidik sebagai instrumen untuk mendapatkan data. Dengan menggimakan persampelan rawak mudah, seramai 99 orang pelajar semester akhir ijazah Saijana Muda Kejuruteraan Mekanikal telah dipilih sebagai responden kajian. Instrumen kajian adalah soal selidik dan data-data yang diperolehi telah dianalisis menggimakan perisian Statistical Package For Social Science versi 11.0 untuk mendapatkan nilai min dan peratus. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pelajar-pelajai' ini mempunyai kecenderungan terhadap bidang keusahawanan dengan skor min keseluruhan 3.573 dan taliap motivasi keusahawanan yang tinggi dengan skor min keseluaihan 3.965 tetapi kekurangan pengetahuan dalam bidang keusahawanan dengan skor min 3.16. Oleh itu. adalah perlu elemen-elemen keusahawanan diterapkan ke dalam kuriknlum kursus kejuaiteraan

    Experimental study of heat transfer enhancement by inserting metal chain in heat exchanger tube

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    Heat transfer augmentation in heat exchangers is important in many large industrial applications and many studies have been conducted on this subject. In this paper, an experimental study was used to verify the increased heat transfer of a circular heat exchanger tube with the insertion of metal chains, under turbulent flow conditions. A rig was designed and fabricated to investigate the effects of using the metal chain as turbulators inside the heat exchanger pipe, on heat transfer performance and on fluid flow behavior. The metal chains used were of different lengths of chain ring and different diameters of ring wire. Five ring length/tube diameter ratios (P/D) were used, (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). Two wire diameter /tube diameter ratios (t/D) were used in this work (0.1 and 0.15). Heavy fuel oil (HFO) was used inside the tube, flowing at 30 °C with uniform tube wall temperature. The Reynolds numbers tested were between 5,000 and 15,000. The results showed the thermal enhancement factor (η) decreased with increasing Reynolds number for all cases, depending on lengths of chain ring (P) and thickness the weir chain (t) values. A maximum thermal enhancement factor (η) was found with a metal chain at P/D=3 and t/D= 0.15. The results also show that P/D=1 and t= 4mm, give the highest Nusselt number

    Multi-Criteria Decision Making in software development:a systematic literature review

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    Abstract. Multiple Criteria Decision Making is a formal approach to assist decision makers to select the best solutions among multiple alternatives by assessing criteria which are relatively precise but generally conflicting. The utilization of MCDM are quite popular and common in software development process. In this study, a systematic literature review which includes creating review protocol, selecting primary study, making classification schema, extracting data and other relevant steps was conducted. The objective of this study are making a summary about the state-of-the-art of MCDM in software development process and identifying the MCDM methods and MCDM problems in software development by systematically structuring and analyzing the literature on those issues. A total of 56 primary studies were identified after the review, and 33 types of MCDM methods were extracted from those primary studies. Among them, AHP was defined as the most frequent used MCDM methods in software development process by ranking the number of primary studies which applied it in their studies, and Pareto optimization was ranked in the second place. Meanwhile, 33 types of software development problems were identified. Components selection, design concepts selection and performance evaluation became the three most frequent occurred problems which need to be resolved by MCDM methods. Most of those MCDM problems were found in software design phase. There were many limitations to affect the quality of this study; however, the strictly-followed procedures of SLR and mass data from thousands of literature can still ensure the validity of this study, and this study is also able to provide the references when decision makers want to select the appropriate technique to cope with the MCDM problems

    The Development Of A Human-centric Fuzzy Mathematical Measure Of Human Engagement In Interactive Multimedia Systems And Applications

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    The utilization of fuzzy mathematical modeling for the quantification of the Human Engagement is an innovative approach within Interactive Multimedia applications (mainly video-based games designed to entertain or train participants on intended topics of interest) that can result in measurable and repeatable results. These results can then be used to generate a cogent Human Engagement definition. This research is designed to apply proven quantification techniques and Industrial/Systems Engineering methodologies to nontraditional environments such as Interactive Multimedia. The outcomes of this research will provide the foundation, initial steps and preliminary validation for the development of a systematic fuzzy theoretical model to be applied for the quantification of Human Engagement. Why is there a need for Interactive Multimedia applications in commercial and educational environments including K-20 educational systems and industry? In the latter case, the debate over education reform has drawn from referenced areas within the Industrial Engineering community including quality, continuous improvement, benchmarking and metrics development, data analysis, and scientific/systemic justification requirements. In spite of these applications, the literature does not reflect a consistent and broad application of these techniques in addressing the evaluation and quantification of Human Engagement in Interactive Multimedia. It is strongly believed that until an administrative based Human Engagement definition is created and accepted, the benefits of Interactive Multimedia may not be fully realized. The influence of gaming on society is quite apparent. For example, the increased governmental appropriations for iv Simulations & Modeling development as well as the estimated multi-billion dollar consumer PC/console game market are evidence of Interactive Multimedia opportunity. This body of work will identify factors that address the actual and perceived levels of Human Engagement in Interactive Multimedia systems and Virtual Environments and factor degrees of existence necessary to quantify and measure Human Engagement. Finally, the research will quantify the inputs and produce a model that provides a numeric value that defines the level of Human Engagement as it is evaluated within the interactive multimedia application area. This Human Engagement definition can then be used as the basis of study within other application areas of interest

    Opening up early or late? The effect of open innovation before and after product launch on new product market performance

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    Despite a growing literature on open innovation in new product development (NPD), little is known about when openness is most beneficial during the innovation process. This study investigates the effectiveness of opening up NPD projects early or late, or before or after product launch, leading to four intertemporal NPD strategies: closed-closed, closed-open, open-closed, and open-open. Utilizing novel data of product innovation and market performance of 536 digital games, the authors study the effects of intertemporal NPD strategies on new product market performance under moderating effects of technological capability, marketing capability, and project complexity. The results indicate that the early open (open-closed) NPD strategy outperforms the late open (closed-open) strategy. Furthermore, the positive effect of open NPD strategies is stronger when technological capability is high, but weaker when marketing capability is high and when projects are complex. This study contributes to the literature by proposing a typology of NPD strategies that conceptualizes open innovation before and after product launch, and by demonstrating that NPD benefits from early openness, although firms decide to close the NPD project after launch. Managerially, this study offers empirical evidence that open NPD strategies with a consideration of project contingencies are important predictors of new product success

    Opportunities and Barriers to the Adoption of Blockchain-Based Games in an Online Gaming Company in Thailand

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    This research aims to explore potential opportunities and barriers related to the adoption of blockchain-based games in an online gaming company in Thailand. The identified opportunities are classified under the benefits framework proposed by Shang and Seddon [1], and the identified barriers are classified under the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework. Based on the knowledge and experience of experts in the case company, all the opportunities and barriers are then assessed using the concept of Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), which is further improved using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) by assigning a relative weight to each element of the FMEA before being used to find the priority number (PN). Next, the Pareto principle is applied to reveal the critical opportunities and barriers. As a result, a total of 21 critical opportunities are revealed and categorised into 5 dimensions: 4 operational opportunities; 3 managerial opportunities; 7 strategic opportunities; 4 infrastructure opportunities; and 3 organisational opportunities, and a total of 19 critical barriers are revealed and categorised into 3 dimensions: 7 technological barriers; 6 organisational barriers; and 6 environmental barriers. The TOWS matrix is then used to formulate possible strategies for the case company to exploit the opportunities and address the barriers to the adoption of blockchain-based games. As a result, a total of 7 SO, 12 ST, 5 WO, and 1 WT strategies are proposed. Based on the PNs and the interview with experts, a roadmap including short-, medium-, and long-term action plans is also developed to facilitate the adoption of blockchain-based games

    Pokemon Go: A Study on Fit in Virtual-Reality Integration

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    Augmented reality has become a trend today. The effects of Pokémon Go, the most popular smart phone game recently, on medicine and tourism have been explored in many studies. However, few studies on the cognition and the consistence between emotions and the integration of virtuality (the Pokémon projected in the game) and reality (information quality) have been done. With the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model as the framework, this study aims to explore the fit (cognitive/emotional) and reactions (user satisfaction) of the user in the virtuality-reality integration. According to the findings of this study, information quality and virtual features have significant influence on cognitive and emotional fit and emotional fit has significant influence on user satisfaction; however, cognitive fit doesn’t have significant influence on user satisfaction. It has been found that the user pays much attention to his/her feelings when playing games. Therefore, we should get acquainted with the types and emotions of game players in addition to maintaining the quality of games

    A Digital Game Maturity Model

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    Game development is an interdisciplinary concept that embraces artistic, software engineering, management, and business disciplines. Game development is considered as one of the most complex tasks in software engineering. Hence, for successful development of good-quality games, the game developers must consider and explore all related dimensions as well as discussing them with the stakeholders involved. This research facilitates a better understanding of important dimensions of digital game development methodology. The increased popularity of digital games, the challenges faced by game development organizations in developing quality games, and severe competition in the digital game industry demand a game development process maturity assessment. Consequently, this study presents a Digital Game Maturity Model to evaluate the current development methodology in an organization. The objective is first to identify key factors in the game development process, then to classify these factors into target groups, and eventually to use this grouping as a theoretical basis for proposing a maturity model for digital game development. In doing so, the research focuses on three major stakeholders in game development: developers, consumers, and business management. The framework of the proposed model consists of assessment questionnaires made up of key identified factors from three empirical studies, a performance scale, and a rating method. The main goal of the questionnaires is to collect information about current processes and practices. This research contributes towards formulating a comprehensive and unified strategy for game development process maturity assessment. The proposed model was evaluated with two case studies from the digital game industry

    Machine learning applied to the context of Poker

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    A combinação de princípios da teoria de jogo e metodologias de machine learning aplicados ao contexto de formular estratégias ótimas para jogos está a angariar interesse por parte de uma porção crescentemente significativa da comunidade científica, tornando-se o jogo do Poker num candidato de estudo popular devido à sua natureza de informação imperfeita. Avanços nesta área possuem vastas aplicações em cenários do mundo real, e a área de investigação de inteligência artificial demonstra que o interesse relativo a este objeto de estudo está longe de desaparecer, com investigadores do Facebook e Carnegie Mellon a apresentar, em 2019, o primeiro agente de jogo autónomo de Poker provado como ganhador num cenário com múltiplos jogadores, uma conquista relativamente à anterior especificação do estado da arte, que fora desenvolvida para jogos de apenas 2 jogadores. Este estudo pretende explorar as características de jogos estocásticos de informação imperfeita, recolhendo informação acerca dos avanços nas metodologias disponibilizados por parte de investigadores de forma a desenvolver um agente autónomo de jogo que se pretende inserir na classificação de "utility-maximizing decision-maker".The combination of game theory principles and machine learning methodologies applied to encountering optimal strategies for games is garnering interest from an increasing large portion of the scientific community, with the game of Poker being a popular study subject due to its imperfect information nature. Advancements in this area have a wide array of applications in real-world scenarios, and the field of artificial intelligent studies show that the interest regarding this object of study is yet to fade, with researchers from Facebook and Carnegie Mellon presenting, in 2019, the world’s first autonomous Poker playing agent that is proven to be profitable while confronting multiple players at a time, an achievement in relation to the previous state of the art specification, which was developed for two player games only. This study intends to explore the characteristics of stochastic games of imperfect information, gathering information regarding the advancements in methodologies made available by researchers in order to ultimately develop an autonomous agent intended to adhere to the classification of a utility-maximizing decision-maker