22 research outputs found

    A fuzzy multi-objective programming for optimization of fire station locations through genetic algorithms

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    Location of fire stations is an important factor in its fire protection capability. This paper aims to determine the optimal location of fire station facilities. The proposed method is the combination of a fuzzy multi-objective programming and a genetic algorithm. The original fuzzy multiple objectives are appropriately converted to a single unified 'min-max' goal, which makes it easy to apply a genetic algorithm for the problem solving. Compared with the existing methods of fire station location our approach has three distinguish features: (1) considering fuzzy nature of a decision maker (DM) in the location optimization model; (2) fully considering the demands for the facilities from the areas with various fire risk categories; (3) being more understandable and practical to DM. The case study was based on the data collected from the Derbyshire fire and rescue service and used to illustrate the application of the method for the optimization of fire station locations. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Multi-objective model for the location of distribution centres with cost evaluation, road access and insecurity

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    This paper presents an alternative to the location of distribution centres considering a multi-objective model minimising insecurity cost and road access for a case study in the City of Barranquilla (Colombia). For the solution of the model, 15 different scenarios of variation of the importance of the proposed objectives are considered. As a basis for the design of the modelling, the characterisation and classification of the variables with the highest incidence in the location of distribution centres or warehouses are posed. It is possible to demonstrate the impact of the evaluation and analysis of the mathematical model for the location of this type of facility

    A taxonomy for emergency service station location problem

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    The emergency service station (ESS) location problem has been widely studied in the literature since 1970s. There has been a growing interest in the subject especially after 1990s. Various models with different objective functions and constraints have been proposed in the academic literature and efficient solution techniques have been developed to provide good solutions in reasonable times. However, there is not any study that systematically classifies different problem types and methodologies to address them. This paper presents a taxonomic framework for the ESS location problem using an operations research perspective. In this framework, we basically consider the type of the emergency, the objective function, constraints, model assumptions, modeling, and solution techniques. We also analyze a variety of papers related to the literature in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the taxonomy and to get insights for possible research directions

    Fire station location selection for İstanbul

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    Makale Endüstri Mühendisliği dergisinin "YA/EM 2009 özel sayısı"nda yayımlanmıştır.Özellikle acil hizmetler veren polis, hastane, itfaiye gibi kurumlar için yer seçimi büyük önem taşımaktadır. Uygun bir yer seçimi gerçekleştirilmediği takdirde bunun sonuçları insan hayatını tehlikeye atabilir niteliktedir. İstanbul gibi büyük metropollerde, artan nüfus ve trafik yoğunluğunun yanı sıra bir de metropolün deprem kuşağında olması durumunda, itfaiye araçlarının olay yerine en hızlı şekilde ulaşması hayati önem taşımakta; bu da itfaiye istasyonu yerinin etkin seçimine kritik bir rol yüklemektedir. Bu çalışma; İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi tarafından kararlaştırıldığı gibi, itfaiye teşkilatının her bölgeye en çok beş dakikada erişebilmesi ve kapsama alanının %100 olması hedeflenerek yeni kurulacak olan itfaiye istasyonlarının küme kapsama modeli yardımıyla konumlandırılmasını içermektedir. Bu amaçla bir tamsayı programlama modeli kurulmuş, coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinden elde edilen verilerle model çözülmüş, seçilen yerler için itfaiye kurulması durumunda yangın hizmet düzeyinin değişimi incelenmiştir.For emergency services such as ambulance systems and fire departments, location selection plays a critical role due to the direct impact of these services on human lives. Timeliness plays a primary role in location selection decision of fire stations for large metropolitan cities such as Istanbul with increasing population with a high level of congestion coupled with an imminent earthquake risk. This study is based on a set-covering model for locating new fire stations, which target to serve each area at most in five minutes and improve their coverage area to 100% for Istanbul Municipality Fire Department. Accordingly, a set-covering model is built and solved using the data retrieved from geographical information systems. Finally the change in service level with proposed fire station locations is investigated and further suggestions are provided

    Locating fire-stations: an integrated approach for Belgium

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    This paper demonstrates the potential of a decision-support system developed for Belgium by a consortium of universities and a private firm, in the framework of a public call by the Ministry of the Interior. The system is designed to provide the Belgian emergency management administration with a complete decision-aid tool for the location of fire-stations. The originality of the project is that it includes a risk-modeling approach developed at a national scale. This analysis involves a multiscale GIS system which includes a thorough representation of the physical, human and economic spatial realities, a risk modeling approach, an adequate optimal location and allocation model (taking into account both queuing and staffing problems). The final result is an interactive operational tool for defining locations, equipment allocations, staffing, response times, the cost/efficiency trade-off, etc. which can be used in an assessment as well as a prospective context. It has numerous functionalities including rapid modification of the modeling conditions to allow for quick scenario analysis, multiscale analysis, and prospective analysis.ocation-allocations, GIS, fire-stations, Belgium

    Finding the adequate location scenario after the merger of fire brigades thanks to Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Methods

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    This paper addresses the issue of selecting a suitable location for a fire station in canton of Fribourg, as a result of a fire brigades’merger, by applying Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) methods. Solving the problem of determining fire station locations through various methods has been analyzed in-­‐depth by researchers. However, a different approach, based on application of methods like ELECTRE and PROMETHEE is advanced in this paper. The selection of the most suitable fire station site is obtained by applying the designated methods to five distinctive alternatives (called scenarios), taking into consideration the relatively limited information and specifics, and the extensive number of relevant criteria that summed up to seventy-­‐ eight. Taking the merger of the three local fire departments as an example, the proposed methods for selecting a suitable location for the fire station demonstrate and justify the reason behind this choice. Research shows that the applied methods have been proven to be useful and powerful tools that exhibited acceptable levels of consistency when selecting the best project. The main finding is that one scenario in particular proved to be strongly dominant over the others and most suitable in determining the fire station location

    Nash Game Model for Optimizing Market Strategies, Configuration of Platform Products in a Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) Supply Chain for a Product Family

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    This paper discusses how a manufacturer and its retailers interact with each other to optimize their product marketing strategies, platform product configuration and inventory policies in a VMI (Vendor Managed Inventory) supply chain. The manufacturer procures raw materials from multiple suppliers to produce a family of products sold to multiple retailers. Multiple types of products are substitutable each other to end customers. The manufacturer makes its decision on raw materials’ procurement, platform product configuration, product replenishment policies to retailers with VMI, price discount rate, and advertising investment to maximize its profit. Retailers in turn consider the optimal local advertising and retail price to maximize their profits. This problem is modeled as a dual simultaneous non-cooperative game (as a Nash game) model with two sub-games. One is between the retailers serving in competing retail markets and the other is between the manufacturer and the retailers. This paper combines analytical, iterative and GA (genetic algorithm) methods to develop a game solution algorithm to find the Nash equilibrium. A numerical example is conducted to test the proposed model and algorithm, and gain managerial implications.supply chain management;nash game model;vendor managed inventory