19 research outputs found

    A fuzzy data meta training system for ranking hub container terminals

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    The potential and critical aspects of any transport service can be highlighted through the estimation of appropriate performance indicators of the examined system. Commonly, container terminal analysis is based first on the evaluation and comparison of quantitative parameters that describe the level of service of the terminal and, on the other side by means of performance indicators related to terminal productivity. In this paper a Fuzzy Inference System for evaluation of a synthetic performance indicator is proposed. This tool could help planners and managers in terminals performances analysis and ranking as well as in assessing the effects of possible intervention on the systems. The proposed approach is suitable in the case of hub container ports. In fact this system is characterised by significant uncertainties and it is not always governed by certain rules, rational behaviour, so that it cannot be easily represented by traditional mathematical techniques and models. In our opinion, could be convenient to define the values of the considered parameters by explicitly define them in an approximate way, that is to say by fuzzy sets

    Using the fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approach for software requirements prioritization

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    To avoid breach of agreement or contract in software development projects, stakeholders converge to prioritize specified requirements. This is due to the fact that, not all the specified requirements can be implemented in a single release. Therefore, prioritization is the act of rating requirements according to their relative importance by project stakeholders in order to plan for software release phases. The problem of existing prioritization techniques includes computational complexities, ranking inaccuracy and large disparities between final ranks among others. Consequently, this paper presents an improved approach for prioritizing requirements for software projects requirements with stakeholders based on the limitations of existing prioritization techniques using fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making (FMCDM) approach

    Decision Support System for Container Port Selection using Multiple-Objective Decision Analysis

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    Ports are essential for maritime transportation and global supply chains since they are nodes that connect the sea- and land-based modes of transportation. With containerization and supply chains stimulating global trade, ports are challenged to adjust to changes in the market to create value to their customers. Therefore, this dissertation research focuses on the container port selection decision analysis to provide information to help shipping lines select the best port for their shipping networks. Since the problem is complex, dynamic, and involves multiple and conflicting criteria, the research proposes to use the multi-objective decision analysis with Value-Focused Thinking approach. The first chapter analyzes the port selection literature by timeline, journals, geographical location, and focus of the studies. Also, the research identifies the multiple criteria used in the port selection literature, as well as the models and approaches used for the analysis of the port selection decision problem. The second chapter develops a container port selection decision model for shipping lines using ports in West Africa. This model uses a multi-attribute value theory with valued-focused thinking and Alternative-Focused Thinking methodologies. The third chapter develops a port selection decision support system for shipping lines to select the best port in the U.S. Gulf Coast considering the impact of the Panama Canal’s expansion. The decision support system uses the multi-objective decision analysis with Value-Focused Thinking approach, incorporating the opinion of an industry expert for the development of the value model. It also includes a cost model to quantify the cost of the alternatives. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to help decision makers understand the value and cost risks of the decision. The contribution of this research is that it provides a tool to decision makers of the shipping lines industry to improve the decision making process to select the port that will add the most affordable value to the global supply chains of their customers. In addition, researchers can use the proposed methodology for future port selection studies in other regions and from the perspectives of other stakeholders

    A Fuzzy Modelling of a Hybrid MCDM Method for Supplier Selection = Egy hibrid MCDM-módszer fuzzy modellezése a beszållítók kivålasztåsåhoz

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    This article examines the significance of supplier selection in the procurement process, which has grown in prominence as a result of globalization and outsourcing. When selecting the best suppliers, supply chain managers must consider a variety of quantitative and qualitative aspects, as these have a substantial impact on supply chain performance. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approaches can help in this process by taking into account many competing considerations. However, due to uncertainties and ambiguity, supplier selection is a complex process, and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approaches can be used to determine the best supplier for the company's key operations. This research suggests a hybrid MCDM strategy that makes use of fuzzy modeling to help with complex decision-making processes. Organizations can improve their supply chain performance by selecting the best supplier based on numerous parameters such as cost, quality, delivery time, and supplier reputation. Jelen tanulmĂĄny a beszĂĄllĂ­tĂłk kivĂĄlasztĂĄsĂĄnak jelentƑsĂ©gĂ©t vizsgĂĄlja a beszerzĂ©si folyamatban, amely a globalizĂĄciĂł Ă©s a kiszervezĂ©s következtĂ©ben egyre nagyobb jelentƑsĂ©gre tett szert. A legjobb beszĂĄllĂ­tĂłk kivĂĄlasztĂĄsakor az ellĂĄtĂĄsi lĂĄnc vezetƑinek szĂĄmos mennyisĂ©gi Ă©s minƑsĂ©gi szempontot kell figyelembe venniĂŒk, mivel ezek jelentƑs hatĂĄssal vannak az ellĂĄtĂĄsi lĂĄnc teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©re. A többkritĂ©riumos döntĂ©shozatal (MCDM) megközelĂ­tĂ©sek szĂĄmos egymĂĄssal versengƑ szempont figyelembevĂ©telĂ©vel segĂ­thetnek ebben a folyamatban. A bizonytalansĂĄgok Ă©s a többĂ©rtelmƱsĂ©g miatt azonban a beszĂĄllĂ­tĂł kivĂĄlasztĂĄsa összetett folyamat, Ă©s a fuzzy többkritĂ©riumĂș döntĂ©shozatali megközelĂ­tĂ©sek segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel meghatĂĄrozhatĂł a vĂĄllalat kulcsfontossĂĄgĂș mƱveleteihez legmegfelelƑbb beszĂĄllĂ­tĂł. Ez a kutatĂĄs egy hibrid MCDM stratĂ©giĂĄt javasol, amely a fuzzy modellezĂ©st hasznĂĄlja fel a komplex döntĂ©shozatali folyamatok segĂ­tĂ©sĂ©re. A szervezetek szĂĄmos paramĂ©ter, pĂ©ldĂĄul a költsĂ©gek, a minƑsĂ©g, a szĂĄllĂ­tĂĄsi idƑ Ă©s a beszĂĄllĂ­tĂł hĂ­rneve alapjĂĄn a legjobb beszĂĄllĂ­tĂł kivĂĄlasztĂĄsĂĄval javĂ­thatjĂĄk ellĂĄtĂĄsi lĂĄncuk teljesĂ­tmĂ©nyĂ©t

    A multi-attribute decision making procedure using fuzzy numbers and hybrid aggregators

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    The classical Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has two limitations. Firstly, it disregards the aspect of uncertainty that usually embedded in the data or information expressed by human. Secondly, it ignores the aspect of interdependencies among attributes during aggregation. The application of fuzzy numbers aids in confronting the former issue whereas, the usage of Choquet Integral operator helps in dealing with the later issue. However, the application of fuzzy numbers into multi-attribute decision making (MADM) demands some additional steps and inputs from decision maker(s). Similarly, identification of monotone measure weights prior to employing Choquet Integral requires huge number of computational steps and amount of inputs from decision makers, especially with the increasing number of attributes. Therefore, this research proposed a MADM procedure which able to reduce the number of computational steps and amount of information required from the decision makers when dealing with these two aspects simultaneously. To attain primary goal of this research, five phases were executed. First, the concept of fuzzy set theory and its application in AHP were investigated. Second, an analysis on the aggregation operators was conducted. Third, the investigation was narrowed on Choquet Integral and its associate monotone measure. Subsequently, the proposed procedure was developed with the convergence of five major components namely Factor Analysis, Fuzzy-Linguistic Estimator, Choquet Integral, Mikhailov‘s Fuzzy AHP, and Simple Weighted Average. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed procedure was verified by solving a real MADM problem where the image of three stores located in Sabak Bernam, Selangor, Malaysia was analysed from the homemakers‘ perspective. This research has a potential in motivating more decision makers to simultaneously include uncertainties in human‘s data and interdependencies among attributes when solving any MADM problems

    Extension of Axiomatic Design Method for Fuzzy Linguistic Multiple Criteria Group Decision Making with Incomplete Weight Information

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    Axiomatic design (AD) provides a framework to describe design objects and a set of axioms to evaluate relations between intended functions and means by which they are achieved. It has been extended to evaluate alternatives in engineering under fuzzy environment. With respect to multiple criteria group decision making (MCDM) with incomplete weight information under fuzzy linguistic environment, a new method is proposed. In the method, the fuzzy axiomatic design based on triangle representation model is used to aggregate the linguistic evaluating information. In order to get the weight vector of the criteria, we establish a nonlinear optimization model based on the basic ideal of fuzzy axiomatic design (FAD), by which the criteria weights can be determined. It is based on the concept that the optimal alternative should have the least weighted information content. Then, the weighted information content is derived by summing weighted information content for each criterion. The alternative that has the least total weighted information content is the best. Finally, a numerical example is used to illustrate the availability of the proposed method

    Systematic Review of Port Choice Criteria for Evaluating Port Attractiveness Determinants (PART I): Bibliometric and Content Analyses

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    The aim of this systematic literature review is to identify the Port Attractiveness Determinants (PADs) and their attributes. These attributes have been extracted from 87 references published between 1970 and 2022. In addition to the conceptual contribution, this review has added value at the methodological and empirical levels. Split in two parts, Part I of this paper presents the findings about the nine PADs identified in the sample screened, which stem from both bibliometric and content analyses performed using software programs and an in-depth screening performed by four reviewers. Part II of this review details the 116 items measuring the PADs

    Investigation Root Causes of Labour Turnover Problem in Seaport Logistics Sector

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    Labor turnover is a phenomenon with negative consequences in the field of seaport handling and operations. This study aims at determining the causes of labor turnover and proposing alternative solutions for companies and logistic firms that are in charge of seaport cargo handling work. The causes and relations among the factors that are effective in labor turnover problem were determined using fuzzy DEMATEL and the related alternatives were analyzed by fuzzy TOPSIS technique. The results of the study revealed that some causes of labor turnover in seaports could be summarized as “low wages”, “unguaranteed jobs”, “limited career opportunities” and “unwelcomed managers”. As alternatives to the labor turnover problem; “bonus pay”, “career opportunities” and “offering partnership” may be considered to overcome the problem. The study is based on data from expert evaluations obtained from the questionnaires. Finally, some recommendations are made to diminish the labor turnover frequency in seaport companies