389,163 research outputs found

    Spectrum occupancy measurements and lessons learned in the context of cognitive radio

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    Various measurement campaigns have shown that numerous spectrum bands are vacant even though licenses have been issued by the regulatory agencies. Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) based on Cognitive Radio (CR) has been regarded as a prospective solution to improve spectrum utilization for wireless communications. Empirical measurement of the radio environment to promote understanding of the current spectrum usage of the different wireless services is the first step towards deployment of future CR networks. In this paper we present our spectrum measurement setup and discuss lessons learned during our measurement activities. The main contribution of the paper is to introduce global spectrum occupancy measurements and address the major drawbacks of previous spectrum occupancy studies by providing a unifying methodological framework for future spectrum measurement campaigns

    Software radios: unifying the reconfiguration process over heterogeneous platforms

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    Future radio transceivers supporting the software radio concept will provide increased features for radio access networks. However, the reconfiguration of radio equipment requires the existence of architecture, a common framework, which allows the flexible management of software running on radio processors. Such a framework must take into account the heterogeneity of hardware devices and platforms for radio applications. Since the flexibility has a cost in terms of added overhead, a conceptually simple but efficient structure that allows powerful mechanisms to develop and deploy software radio applications is required. This paper describes our approach, the reasons that motivated it, and some implementation issues. The proposed framework is essentially based on four items: an abstraction layer which hides any platform-dependent issue, a simple time-driven software structure, a delimited interface format for software blocks which does not actually constrain communication, and a global time-reference mechanism to guarantee real-time behavior.Peer Reviewe

    A Privacy Preserving Framework for RFID Based Healthcare Systems

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    RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) is anticipated to be a core technology that will be used in many practical applications of our life in near future. It has received considerable attention within the healthcare for almost a decade now. The technology’s promise to efficiently track hospital supplies, medical equipment, medications and patients is an attractive proposition to the healthcare industry. However, the prospect of wide spread use of RFID tags in the healthcare area has also triggered discussions regarding privacy, particularly because RFID data in transit may easily be intercepted and can be send to track its user (owner). In a nutshell, this technology has not really seen its true potential in healthcare industry since privacy concerns raised by the tag bearers are not properly addressed by existing identification techniques. There are two major types of privacy preservation techniques that are required in an RFID based healthcare system—(1) a privacy preserving authentication protocol is required while sensing RFID tags for different identification and monitoring purposes, and (2) a privacy preserving access control mechanism is required to restrict unauthorized access of private information while providing healthcare services using the tag ID. In this paper, we propose a framework (PriSens-HSAC) that makes an effort to address the above mentioned two privacy issues. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first framework to provide increased privacy in RFID based healthcare systems, using RFID authentication along with access control technique

    Toward Open Integrated Access and Backhaul with O-RAN

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) communications has been recently standardized for use in the fifth generation (5G) of cellular networks, fulfilling the promise of multi-gigabit mobile throughput of current and future mobile radio network generations. In this context, the network densification required to overcome the difficult mmWave propagation will result in increased deployment costs. Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) has been proposed as an effective mean of reducing densification costs by deploying a wireless mesh network of base stations, where backhaul and access transmissions share the same radio technology. However, IAB requires sophisticated control mechanisms to operate efficiently and address the increased complexity. The Open Radio Access Network (RAN) paradigm represents the ideal enabler of RAN intelligent control, but its current specifications are not compatible with IAB. In this work, we discuss the challenges of integrating IAB into the Open RAN ecosystem, detailing the required architectural extensions that will enable dynamic control of 5G IAB networks. We implement the proposed integrated architecture into the first publiclyavailable Open-RAN-enabled experimental framework, which allows prototyping and testing Open-RAN-based solutions over end-to-end 5G IAB networks. Finally, we validate the framework with both ideal and realistic deployment scenarios exploiting the large-scale testing capabilities of publicly available experimental platforms

    Enhancing user fairness in OFDMA radio access networks through machine learning

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    The problem of radio resource scheduling subject to fairness satisfaction is very challenging even in future radio access networks. Standard fairness criteria aim to find the best trade-off between overall throughput maximization and user fairness satisfaction under various types of network conditions. However, at the Radio Resource Management (RRM) level, the existing schedulers are rather static being unable to react according to the momentary networking conditions so that the user fairness measure is maximized all time. This paper proposes a dynamic scheduler framework able to parameterize the proportional fair scheduling rule at each Transmission Time Interval (TTI) to improve the user fairness. To deal with the framework complexity, the parameterization decisions are approximated by using the neural networks as non-linear functions. The actor-critic Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm is used to learn the best set of non-linear functions that approximate the best fairness parameters to be applied in each momentary state. Simulations results reveal that the proposed framework outperforms the existing fairness adaptation techniques as well as other types of RL-based schedulers
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