163 research outputs found

    JHAE: A Novel Permutation-Based Authenticated Encryption Mode Based on the Hash Mode JH

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    In this paper JHAE, an authenticated encryption (AE) mode, was presented based on the JH hash mode. JHAE is an on-line and single-pass dedicated AE mode based on permutation that supports optional associated data (AD). It was proved that this mode, based on ideal permutation, achieved privacy and integrity up to O(2n=2) queries where the length of the used permutation was 2n. To decrypt, JHAE did not require the inverse of its underlying permutation and therefore saved area space. JHAE has been used by Artemia, one of the CAESAR candidates

    Design and Cryptanalysis of a Customizable Authenticated Encryption Algorithm

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    It is common knowledge that encryption is a useful tool for providing confidentiality. Authentication, however, is often overlooked. Authentication provides data integrity; it helps ensure that any tampering with or corruption of data is detected. It also provides assurance of message origin. Authenticated encryption (AE) algorithms provide both confidentiality and integrity / authenticity by processing plaintext and producing both ciphertext and a Message Authentication Code (MAC). It has been shown too many times throughout history that encryption without authentication is generally insecure. This has recently culminated in a push for new authenticated encryption algorithms. There are several authenticated encryption algorithms in existence already. However, these algorithms are often difficult to use correctly in practice. This is a significant problem because misusing AE constructions can result in reduced security in many cases. Furthermore, many existing algorithms have numerous undesirable features. For example, these algorithms often require two passes of the underlying cryptographic primitive to yield the ciphertext and MAC. This results in a longer runtime. It is clear that new easy-to-use, single-pass, and highly secure AE constructions are needed. Additionally, a new AE algorithm is needed that meets stringent requirements for use in the military and government sectors. This thesis explores the design and cryptanalysis of a novel, easily customizable AE algorithm based on the duplex construction. Emphasis is placed on designing a secure pseudorandom permutation (PRP) for use within the construction. A survey of state of the art cryptanalysis methods is performed and the resistance of our algorithm against such methods is considered. The end result is an algorithm that is believed to be highly secure and that should remain secure if customizations are made within the provided guidelines

    Provably Secure Authenticated Encryption

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    Authenticated Encryption (AE) is a symmetric key cryptographic primitive that ensures confidentiality and authenticity of processed messages at the same time. The research of AE as a primitive in its own right started in 2000. The security goals of AE were captured in formal definitions in the tradition in the tradition of provable security (such as NAE, MRAE, OAE, RAE or the RUP), where the security of a scheme is formally proven assuming the security of an underlying building block. The prevailing syntax moved to nonce-based AE with associated data (which is an additional input that gets authenticated, but not encrypted). Other types of AE schemes appeared as well, e.g. ones that supported stateful sessions. Numerous AE schemes were designed; in the early years, these were almost exclusively blockcipher modes of operation, most notably OCB in 2001, CCM in 2003 and GCM in 2004. At the same time, issues were discovered both with the security and applicability of the most popular AE schemes, and other applications of symmetric key cryptography. As a response, the Competition for Authenticated Encryption: Security, Applicability, and Robustness (CAESAR) was started in 2013. Its goals were to identify a portfolio of new, secure and reliable AE schemes that would satisfy the needs of practical applications, and also to boost the research in the area of AE. Prompted by CAESAR, 57 new schemes were designed, new types of constructions that gained popularity appeared (such as the Sponge-based AE schemes), and new notions of security were proposed (such as RAE). The final portfolio of the CAESAR competition should be announced in 2018. In this thesis, we push the state of the art in the field of AE in several directions. All of them are related to provable security, in one way, or another. We propose OMD, the first provably secure dedicated AE scheme that is based on a compression function. We further modify OMD to achieve nonce misuse-resistant security (MRAE). We also propose another provably secure variant of OMD called pure OMD, which enjoys a great improvement of performance over OMD. Inspired by the modifications that gave rise to pure OMD, we turn to the popular Sponge-based AE schemes and prove that similar measures can also be applied to the keyed Sponge and keyed Duplex (a variant of the Sponge), allowing a substantial increase of performance without an impact on security. We then address definitional aspects of AE. We critically evaluate the security notion of OAE, whose authors claimed that it provides the best possible security for online schemes under nonce reuse. We challenge these claims, and discuss what are the meaningful requirements for online AE schemes. Based on our findings, we formulate a new definition of online AE security under nonce-reuse, and demonstrate its feasibility. We next turn our attention to the security of nonce-based AE schemes under stretch misuse; i.e. when a scheme is used with varying ciphertext expansion under the same key, even though it should not be. We argue that varying the stretch is plausible, and formulate several notions that capture security in presence of variable stretch. We establish their relations to previous notions, and demonstrate the feasibility of security in this setting. We finally depart from provable security, with the intention to complement it. We compose a survey of universal forgeries, decryption attacks and key recovery attacks on 3rd round CAESAR candidates

    Integrity-protecting block cipher modes - Untangling a tangled web

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    This paper re-examines the security of three related block cipher modes of operation designed toprovide authenticated encryption. These modes, known as PES-PCBC, IOBC and EPBC, were all proposed in the mid-1990s. However, analyses of security of the latter two modes were published more recently. In each case one or more papers describing security issues with the schemes were eventually published, although a flaw in one of these analyses (of EPBC) was subsequently discovered - this means that until now EPBC had no known major issues. This paper establishes that, despite this, all three schemes possess defects which should prevent their use - especially as there are a number of efficient alternative schemes possessing proofs of security

    Cryptanalysis of OCB2

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    We present practical attacks against OCB2, an ISO-standard authenticated encryption (AE) scheme. OCB2 is a highly-efficient blockcipher mode of operation. It has been extensively studied and widely believed to be secure thanks to the provable security proofs. Our attacks allow the adversary to create forgeries with single encryption query of almost-known plaintext. This attack can be further extended to powerful almost-universal and universal forgeries using more queries. The source of our attacks is the way OCB2 implements AE using a tweakable blockcipher, called XEX*. We have verified our attacks using a reference code of OCB2. Our attacks do not break the privacy of OCB2, and are not applicable to the others, including OCB1 and OCB3

    Cryptanalysis of OCB<sub>2</sub>:Attacks on Authenticity and Confidentiality

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    We present practical attacks on OCB2. This mode of operation of a blockcipher was designed with the aim to provide particularly efficient and provably-secure authenticated encryption services, and since its proposal about 15 years ago it belongs to the top performers in this realm. OCB2 was included in an ISO standard in 2009. An internal building block of OCB2 is the tweakable blockcipher obtained by operating a regular blockcipher in XEX^\ast mode. The latter provides security only when evaluated in accordance with certain technical restrictions that, as we note, are not always respected by OCB2. This leads to devastating attacks against OCB2\u27s security promises: We develop a range of very practical attacks that, amongst others, demonstrate universal forgeries and full plaintext recovery. We complete our report with proposals for (provably) repairing OCB2. To our understanding, as a direct consequence of our findings, OCB2 is currently in a process of removal from ISO standards. Our attacks do not apply to OCB1 and OCB3, and our privacy attacks on OCB2 require an active adversary

    Breaking Message Integrity of an End-to-End Encryption Scheme of LINE

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    In this paper, we analyze the security of an end-to-end encryption scheme (E2EE) of LINE, a.k.a Letter Sealing. LINE is one of the most widely-deployed instant messaging applications, especially in East Asia. By a close inspection of their protocols, we give several attacks against the message integrity of Letter Sealing. Specifically, we propose forgery and impersonation attacks on the one-to-one message encryption and the group message encryption. All of our attacks are feasible with the help of an end-to-end adversary, who has access to the inside of the LINE server (e.g. service provider LINE themselves). We stress that the main purpose of E2EE is to provide a protection against the end-to-end adversary. In addition, we found some attacks that even do not need the help of E2E adversary, which shows a critical security flaw of the protocol. Our results reveal that the E2EE scheme of LINE do not sufficiently guarantee the integrity of messages compared to the state-of-the-art E2EE schemes such as Signal, which is used by WhatApp and Facebook Messenger. We also provide some countermeasures against our attacks. We have shared our findings with LINE corporation in advance. The LINE corporation has confirmed our attacks are valid as long as the E2E adversary is involved, and officially recognizes our results as a vulnerability of encryption break

    Roadmap on optical security

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    Information security and authentication are important challenges facing society. Recent attacks by hackers on the databases of large commercial and financial companies have demonstrated that more research and development of advanced approaches are necessary to deny unauthorized access to critical data. Free space optical technology has been investigated by many researchers in information security, encryption, and authentication. The main motivation for using optics and photonics for information security is that optical waveforms possess many complex degrees of freedom such as amplitude, phase, polarization, large bandwidth, nonlinear transformations, quantum properties of photons, and multiplexing that can be combined in many ways to make information encryption more secure and more difficult to attack. This roadmap article presents an overview of the potential, recent advances, and challenges of optical security and encryption using free space optics. The roadmap on optical security is comprised of six categories that together include 16 short sections written by authors who have made relevant contributions in this field. The first category of this roadmap describes novel encryption approaches, including secure optical sensing which summarizes double random phase encryption applications and flaws [Yamaguchi], the digital holographic encryption in free space optical technique which describes encryption using multidimensional digital holography [Nomura], simultaneous encryption of multiple signals [Pérez-Cabré], asymmetric methods based on information truncation [Nishchal], and dynamic encryption of video sequences [Torroba]. Asymmetric and one-way cryptosystems are analyzed by Peng. The second category is on compression for encryption. In their respective contributions, Alfalou and Stern propose similar goals involving compressed data and compressive sensing encryption. The very important area of cryptanalysis is the topic of the third category with two sections: Sheridan reviews phase retrieval algorithms to perform different attacks, whereas Situ discusses nonlinear optical encryption techniques and the development of a rigorous optical information security theory. The fourth category with two contributions reports how encryption could be implemented at the nano- or micro-scale. Naruse discusses the use of nanostructures in security applications and Carnicer proposes encoding information in a tightly focused beam. In the fifth category, encryption based on ghost imaging using single-pixel detectors is also considered. In particular, the authors [Chen, Tajahuerce] emphasize the need for more specialized hardware and image processing algorithms. Finally, in the sixth category, Mosk and Javidi analyze in their corresponding papers how quantum imaging can benefit optical encryption systems. Sources that use few photons make encryption systems much more difficult to attack, providing a secure method for authentication.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica